IMPORTANT!!! Before you ask a question, please go through the thread's Table of Contents via the link below. Your question may have already been answered!
Topics of regular discussion:
*Finding the Perfect Real Estate Agent
*Building a Buyer's List
*Ghost Ads and Bandit Signs
*Assignments VS Double Closings
*Contracts and Purchase Agreements
*Earnest Money
This will be updated as progress is made
~Michelle Casey
"Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think."~Ephesians 3:20
Don't be affray of this agent. It seems like they are asking the right questions. When they ask about your exit strategy, just tell them I buy/fix/sell houses and my goal is to be out as fast as possible. Just "talk shop" with them.
I would do this however, I would continue to call other agents. You might want to compare other agents to this one to make sure he/she is a perfect fit.
Once you feel that you found the right agent, request the information from them that is in part 1 of of the 30 day QCF. Its pretty important - it does 2 things.
1) It allows you to further screen your agent to make sure they follow up with what they say they are going to do.
2) The information that you ask them to provide you will be step 1 to finding cash buyers and building your list. You are doing both at the same time. Building a relationship with your agent all the while building a buyers list.
Don't worry, just follow the steps and we are here to help you. You'll do great.
Get rich or die tryin!!
I'm a realtor and have a friend that's a pilot and going for his commercial license.
We were just talking the other day & I decided to that I wanted to become a flight attendant. My youngest is a Senior in college & thought this would be a great opportunity to travel. Being a Realtor you can pretty much maintain your business from anywhere if you have a team in place. I'll check out your blog.
I always wanted to become an Investor, so now I'm diving in full force. I need as much help as I can get. The main thing is overcoming the fear. I have had very challenging times.
failure is not an option!
That's awesome!! Like you, full steam ahead with this stuff!
We are here to support you every step of the way! This is going to be awesome!!
Get rich or die tryin!!
One of my agents has been on vacation the past week. She has done an INCREDIBLE job of sending me everything I needed. I am really glad the secretary picked her when I called.
I have noticed some posts that expressed hesitation when talking about your wanting to do deals and how aggressive you want to be. Here is what I did to help ease her into the pace I'd like to do. I sent this email to her, I don't know how it will go over since I haven't heard back yet.
Even though I haven't done my first deal yet, I bluffed a little in my email. I wanted to tell her the system that we are going to use has worked before. That way it re-assured her that we don't have to re-invent the wheel and make this hard. Actually, the goal is to streamline, make it as easy as possible, then turn and burn.
WOW!! You are an awesomely busy lady. That's great. You also have a great attitude too, which is really awesome. I have been thoroughly enjoying your pictures and emails about your trip. My grandmother does that on her trips -she sends them to the entire family - we all enjoy them.
I'm glad you like my system. Being a realtor, I know exactly what you mean about spending time on a new clients task. I have been thinking about some short cuts that we can try to really try and make this as easy as possible for both you and me. I think you'll really like them. Once we get rocking and rolling, we'll dial the process in and try "turn and burn." I have learned to be aggressive with this in Chicago, and I hope to do the same in XXXX. My goal is to do at least 1 transaction a month, and next year do at least 18. They won't all be flips, a little combination of everything.
Like I said, I really appreciate your time and everything you have done so far.
Enjoy the last few days!!!
Get rich or die tryin!!
The House Im putting a offer on..My Agent said that there was Attachments to the house, as Im reading them I will write what it says Hold on.....
1) Pre-Approval Letter must be From a direct Lender Not a Mortage boker it must be dated within the last 30 days
2) Seller Does Not permit assignable contracts
3) if cash offer proof of funds and recent bank statement
4) Seller selects title company
5)All escrow deposit must be held by sellers title company
6)Minimum escrow 2%
7) Escrow deposit is due at contract execution and payable to sellers designated closing agent via bank wire or Cashiers check only.Seller will not execute a contract without either
This First deal Just Turned Very BAd..
It looks like I have to move on
Thank you! I cannot wait to meet you too! All of us will be on the stage with Dean explaining how to rock out this system!
It'll be lots of fun.
I am having the same issue as you with one of the areas I am looking at. The county websites have started to charge for information like this. I am trying to figure out a way around this. Your agent might be able to help and look up the information for you. I know we can do that on the MLS in Chicago. That would be pretty time consuming though.
Get rich or die tryin!!
Is this an REO property? If so they are going to be very difficult to assign. They offer these high demands in their contract. One thing you have to watch out for when submitting offers on REO's now is "seasoning." Seasoning basically means that you are promising to use the house as your primary residence and be the owner of it for 60 days or some other time frame.
HUD owned homes / Fanie mae and Freddie are like this and very difficult sometimes. I haven't had any luck with them. I'm not sure they'll be my first deal either.
Keep up the great work though, I am glad to hear you're submitting offers!!!
1) Pre-Approval Letter must be From a direct Lender Not a Mortage boker it must be dated within the last 30 days
2) Seller Does Not permit assignable contracts
3) if cash offer proof of funds and recent bank statement
4) Seller selects title company
5)All escrow deposit must be held by sellers title company
6)Minimum escrow 2%
7) Escrow deposit is due at contract execution and payable to sellers designated closing agent via bank wire or Cashiers check only.Seller will not execute a contract without either
This First deal Just Turned Very BAd..
It looks like I have to move on
Get rich or die tryin!!
This house is on the MLS..Not a REO or anything The Owner I guess just dont want to sale
Hey I just got a great deal for business cards thru They gave me 1,000 business cards for $7.99 with this coupon i have. So now im just waiting for them to come in , so i can start sending them with a letter to my cash buyers. In the Mean time in puting ghost ads on Craigslist and calling for rent ads to build my buyers list. And i found a great Real Estate Investing Club thats 30mins away from me. Membership price is $200 and they got 1,000 members. Can't wait to get my first deal done!!!
Reynold Orozco
about your real estate agent follow up email:
a piece of advice... never compare a woman to your grandmother- I'm sure you mean well and your grandmother is a wonderful, jovial woman, but to someone who doesn't know her, it may not be taken that way... don't be surprised if you don't hear back from your agent
Wishing you continued success,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
I currently live in British Columbia, Canada. I have been interviewing agents the past 2 days and a few more tomorrow to find the perfect agent. So far I have a few prospects in mind and excited to start working with one of them as they are a professional group focused towards investors. So far after talking to 3 local agents and requesting for a cash buyers list, they say it is not possible because our MLS (MLS.CA) system is different from the U.S. One reason is the database is not as sophisticated as yours (MLS.COM) where you can sort and mine the data in all kinds of ways. In addition to this our Canadian privacy law prohibits information on cash transaction information. Is there any other alternative to get that same information? I'm a bit stuck here and I want to move on to the next step of this 30 day program. Your feedback needed.
Let's go investing at the speed of opportunity!
I have e-mailed 20 Agents one responsed to my e-mail ready to show me five property ,he is looking for proof of funds do i make offers first on said property ,listing sale $83.500=offer of $73.500,show proof of funds 20% or do i need hold property ,to show of buyer's list to purchase,HELPPP!!!!KEEP SEACHING FOR THAT DIAMOND IN THE RUFF AGENT????
My name is Juan Rivera,
I live in the State of Michigan, I will like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your valuable advice and words of encouragement to newbies like me, those same words encouraged me to get out of my shell, breaking my mental barriers and allowing me now to communicate with all of you.
I been lurking almost all treads for long time, reading, understanding, and assimilating every thing I could about real estate investing. This is the greatest investors community, and frankly, you all make me feel real comfortable.
I like most of you, purchased the RBBP with the payment plan option last Saturday, why? because after watching Dean's live webcasts, I firmly believe that it is a fail proof formula (recipe) to understand, and if we follow it step by step with no deviations, it will assure success for all of us. Dean exceeded his own expectations this time.
I am behind schedule due to the nature of my work, which is driving a commercial truck in the freight expediting industry division, traveling Nation wide. For a long time I have been using my work as an excuse for not taking any action, but not any more, in stead, I am starting to implement a kind of reverse thinking, considering my work as a positive asset and not a barrier.
Traveling thru many of our States coast to coast,will provide me with the opportunity to establish personal contact with real estate agents, brokers, and to read for sale local ads on each of the States of my destinations, perhaps I will start establishing power teams hopefully in most States/Cities I go ( God and time and permitting ). I do speak Spanish ( My native language ) and going to Texas,and California gives me the opportunity to practice it with real estate agents and investors, I meet some of them in Laredo, TX.
I think that all I need is to reaffirm my goals and recondition my mind to accept success by breaking the old mold and my way of thinking. I am sorry for the lengthy post, once again, I thank you all for your wise advise and contributions to success, I hope that in the near future I will be able to reciprocate in the same way, special thanks to Alex, that is taking us to new territory with is words of encouragement and advice along with his never ending positive attitude.
To your success,
God bless you all and bless our Country.
Juan Rivera.
Hello Awaterloo, can you please help me with finding an agent. Because I know that I can't just tell them upfront that I'll be reassigning the properties, I had bad luck with that. I tell them that I'm a cash buyer and will be doing buy/flip/sale. How would I tell them and when that I will be reassigning the property? Do I need to tell him/her that when submitting an offer? Also i was talking to an agent today, and I told him that I'll buy/fix/sale within 30 days and he just told me that I can't do that because there is a law or something that prevents from doing that. I have to keep the property for atleast 60 days. Does it apply to REO's only or to all properties?
Thanks for your help.
Hi everyone, I want to know is there any Connecticut or Rhode Island investors around here . I would like to get a team together out in these 2 states and get something going together. Any takers just private message me.
I am tired of just getting by and working for someone else, so this is my new lifestyle and thats the bottom line because I said so!!
What role does the real estate agent play in the deal between you and the seller and you and the buyer you assign the property to??
Please can you tell me what the agents role will be in the final deal when you assign the locked house over to the cash buyer?
And even when you lock up the house with the seller do you use a real estate agent?
Thanks for the info on the ghost ads. I was quite unsure how to come up with them or even for sure what went into them. Thanks again.
If it's to be, it's up to me! Believe in YOURSELF!
You are very right. Thanks for catching that!!
The good news, she sent me an email back saying thank you, and everything sounds like a good plan.
Very good tip though.
a piece of advice... never compare a woman to your grandmother- I'm sure you mean well and your grandmother is a wonderful, jovial woman, but to someone who doesn't know her, it may not be taken that way... don't be surprised if you don't hear back from your agent
Wishing you continued success,
Get rich or die tryin!!
Hello everyone. This is a long post but I think it would be in everyone's best interest to read what I have discovered and heed warning.
I ran into a frustrating stumbling block last night. I have a pretty long list of properties that were bought with cash that my REA provided me.
I went to the local Department of Assessments & Taxation website for the county and state I want to work in. I started looking up addresses as suggested by Dean. I was able to find the owner's name and mailing address listed on the Taxation site. I got excited and started to print each page out to have for reference when I put together my letters to mail to them. Now here comes the road block.
I have access to a few different real estate databases through my work. For example LexisNexis and DataQuick. Alex, Awaterloo, you may have heard of these resources being a REA. These resources are not free and from what I have heard from my employer can actually be quite expensive to subscribe to, so I am not suggesting anyone to go out there and buy these.
Since I have access to these, I went to double check the owner of the property I found through the Department of Assessments & Taxation website. These owners we are finding through the Taxation website we ASSUME are the "cash buyers" that we want to send our letters to.
Well, when I looked one of these owners up listed on the Taxation website through Dataquick, I found out that the owner listed on the Taxation site was actually the person who recently sold the home. The county Taxation website was still reflecting the old owner and not the new owner that just bought in cash. (As always the government takes forever to do things, and therefore didn't have the most up to date records yet.) I could see on DataQuick the new cash buyer's name but I don't have the address that their tax bill is being sent to. It may be the property they just bought or it may not if they are an investor that buys lots of property in cash. So I am stuck on how to find the address I would want to send my letter to. I have the current cash buyer's name but not an address that I am sure they are going to get my letter at.
You may be asking yourself why does all this matter? It means that the county Taxation website had not updated their information to show the new owner (cash buyer) of the property yet. The cash buyer that we are all looking to send our letters to isn't the person listed on the county Taxation website if it was a recent transaction; because the county Taxation site had not updated their records yet to reflect the recent cash sale. I am actually see the old owner who no longer owns the property but sold it for cash.
DataQuick did show the person/owner listed on the Taxation site, but it showed them as the seller to the new cash buyer. I could see the new buyers name and that they paid cash for the property through DatQuick and the transaction amount (the cash paid for the property) associated to the new owner matched up with the close price on the listing. So I know I am right about the Taxation site's records not being current.
Once I found that this one particular property had the old owner listed on the Taxation site, I went back and checked all the properties I had already looked up and double checked them with DataQuick. What I found was that most the the "owners" listed on the Taxation site where actually the old owners that recently sold their property to the new cash buyer. Unless the property I was looking up was sold about 3 months ago, I was getting the wrong owner (aka "cash buyer") and what I was really getting through the county Taxation site was the previous owner that just sold their property for cash. So it looks like in my county and state, it takes them about 3 months to update the records and to list the new owner (aka cash buyer).
Why is this so important? I almost sent out all my letters to people that just sold their house for cash and not to the real cash buyers that I am looking for. I would have contacted the wrong people. I heed warning on sending our your letters to recently sold properties you are getting from you REA to the individual you are finding as the owner on the county Taxation site, because you don't know if the county has updated the records to reflect the new owner, who just bought the house in cash. Like I said previously, if the sale was about 3 months ago, then the person listed on the county Taxation site was correct and only then was it showing the "cash buyer" that I am looking for to send my letter. Had I not done some double checking, I would have wasted money sending out letters to people that recenlty sold their homes and not to people that recently bought in cash.
All that said, any suggestions on how to find the current address (the address the tax bill is being sent to) for the new buyers that I did find through DataQuick, but are not yet listed as the owner on the county Taxation sit yet? I would hate to have to wait 3 months for my county to get their act together and update their records to reflect the new owners (aka cash buyers) mailing address (the address the tax bill is sent to).
Sorry to be so long winded, but I wanted to be as clear as possible and yet heed warning to others that may have county Taxation websites that have not updated their records to correctly reflect the new owners that paid in cash for the properties. I hope this makes sense and was helpful to you all.
Any suggestions on how to find my real cash buyer's address (tax bill address) from just having their name and the address of the property they just bought?
Thanks everyone, you are the best and I too feel like this has become a family. I wanted to share this to look out for my family and not have anyone waste their time sending letters to the wrong people like I almost did. Take care!
Thanks for your help.
If you are uncomfortable with your agent, just keep calling and find a new one. One of the things I believe, I am guilty too, we say too much or want to say too much. You don't need to worry about telling your agent about assigning contracts over to others. You don't even need to tell them when you are buying the property. All you need to say when writing the contract is: The buyers name shall be written as "Your Name and/or assigns:" That's all you need to do. When you do secure a deal and want to transfer it over to one of your buyers on your list just tell your agent "Everything is on track on our end for this deal and moving forward. Just as an FYI, for tax purposes (or another reason you may think of) We are going to deed the property in my business partner's name." Its really as simple as that.
Good luck!!
Get rich or die tryin!!
Good reminder about "seasoning"! Just to piggyback on your post, consider using double closings for REOs. Some banks don't have such stringent requirements, and allow you to submit an offer with proof of funds OR pre-approval letter, and a deposit (e.g. $500-$1000). Just make sure the offers are put in with contingencies upon inspection (or other items depending on your circumstances).
Anyway conquesttsi89, your first deal is yet to come! There are plenty other properties out there, don't be afraid to just move on
I'm going to submit some offers next week, hope we can share our experience and insights!
Real Estate Investor, if you would like the chance to work with me in the US East Coast, send me a PM (Private Message) anytime to see if we are a good fit for each other.
Wishing you abundance,
Ken Siew
Just something to add, I'm being quite honest with my real estate agents about what I'm going to do. After all, all of these are legal! And she's familiar with it so she's okay with that. Now going forward, she can wholeheartedly help me with locating great deals and make a lot of commissions. This reminds me of this letter that Matt Larson used to send out to real estate offices to find agents (it's in the book "Profit from Real Estate Right Now!").
Now, I wouldn't just call and tell her everything upfront, but in the long run I'd be quite transparent with my agent. It's not a one-time deal, so you wouldn't want to surprise your agent at closing. After all, if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear!
Real Estate Investor, if you would like the chance to work with me in the US East Coast, send me a PM (Private Message) anytime to see if we are a good fit for each other.
Wishing you abundance,
Ken Siew
When you click on a name it will provide (when available):
phone number
and job position (principle, owner XYZ enterprises, etc)
I don't know how current they are though.
One thought, if you have names, look for multiples of the same name, then look them up in whitepages. They probably own their own business and it should say so.
That's all I have for now.
Mark K.
Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.
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I Talked to REA yesterday that I think is going to work with me but she has not sent me list of cash sale yet. In my email to her I ask for the same search to be done in a couple countys. ALEX you may know this are those searches done by county or town . Also in you post about how to do that search it said "fiance code" . I assumed that was finance so thats what I told her . Is finance correct?
Getting There One Step At A Time !!
Hi awaterloo,
Just starting with all this great material(RBBP)and forum listings so havent started looking for an agent yet.
I really appreciate the support environment and cant wait to work with you all!
Here's to our future!
Thanks dodgemr7 for the reminder! In my case, my local county govt seems to be doing their job pretty well, and the sales were recorded timely on the site (I checked the sales date).
If someone has already mailed the letters out there, don't sweat it. Who knows the people who sold the properties are also looking to buy new properties? Although it might be awkward because in the letter you said that they're 'buyers' in the area. It pays to check your work
Here's the solution to your woes: you should be able to locate the REAL cash buyer's current address through Lexis Nexis. You might find people with the same name, so just use your best judgment based on geographic location and name variations (most of them are probably local buyers). Hope that helps!
Real Estate Investor, if you would like the chance to work with me in the US East Coast, send me a PM (Private Message) anytime to see if we are a good fit for each other.
Wishing you abundance,
Ken Siew
Hi Everyone,
I hope everyone is excited about the 30 days to quick cash. I personally helped Dean put it together and my input was based on my personal success in doing hundreds of deals in the last 5 years. All of this information is leading edge!
Stay disciplined and stay on track! Don't let one day go by without applying some of the information in the 30 days to quick cash program.
Once you get your first deal done every single deal you do after that gets easier.
If one way to find cash buyers in your area is working as well as others then focus on the other ways! You only need 1 cash buyer to get started!! Then build more as you go!
I did 12 deals my first year and I have some exciting news for you guys. I CLOSE 17 WHOLESALE DEALS TODAY! YES TODAY! Thats the point you can get to. But I always worked hard, stayed focused, and pushed through any obstacle that got in my way.
Go give this thing everything you've got! Prove all those people out there who think you can't do this wrong!
Get it done!
Matt Larson
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
There are so many different ways that you can search properties in the MLS. You can search by anything you can possibly think of:
- towns
-which real estate agent sold the property
-anything you can think of
So, you can search either by town or county, which ever you prefer.
The finance code just of the name of the added search field in the MLS in Chicago. There you can search all closed properties that are closed and how they were paid for. Some of the options are "Cash, Conventional Loan, FHA loan, VA loan...." There are a lot of options. You want to search cash.
Because the search field is named "finance code" it doesn't mean the property was financed with a loan. Something can be financed with all cash - it just simply means how it was paid for.
Get rich or die tryin!!
Hello everyone!
On page 4 of RBBP, Matt mentions placing a website url on bandit signs.
Any feedback on the details of "creating" a website with the content (questions to ask seller, etc) will be greatly appreciated.
Ron and Ingrid
"I'm discovering the best way to predict our future is to create it!"
Thanks Chip and Andrea for suggestions on how to use wholesalers. I still need some advice on how I will work with a team long distance and if I need to be in the city I am working in. I don't have real reliable transportation and I want to do this about 150 miles away in a bigger city. Does anyone have any suggestions? Will a team do the work for me until I can get there? By the way who all do I need on my team? I don't have the RBBP and need more info. Thanks for all of your help.