I am starting with Zer0 $ of my own money to invest. I will be focusing on assignments and lease options to begin my investing career.
Two main reasons I am starting this journal -
1)- To be more accountable.
2)- To TAKE (more) ACTION.
Prior to yesterday - Last Wednesday, Thursday Friday and Saturday I read the entire Profit from Real Estate Right Now (I have not read many books in my life and I am not a big reader but I had some time and could not put it down). Also, I have had the 2 books for ? 1/2 a year or so.
Yesterday -
- I put out 1 flyer at a local grocery store.
- Called back a caller from a bandit sign that I put out Thanksgiving day.
- Called back a buyer (from a previous bandit sign)that is going through credit repair. She should be able to get pre-approval within 30 days? So I have her on my IEE buyer list.
- Started a email folder for my IEE buyers ( 2 ).
- I read 20 pages of Be a Real Estate Millionaire.
- Posted 1 postive reply/comment on this site.
Biggest eye opening sentence read last night =
You can never eliminate fear, but you can use your fear and turn it into your strength.
TAKE ACTION - Be kind and loving to all.
Dan, 3,4,5 calls and no return phone calls. It appears it is time to move on. No worries though, there will be plenty more cooming your way. Could be it is time to sit back and think through the process with her. Did I do this right, should I have said this. Take a few moments, reflect and then go on. It happens all the time Heck, we have lost more deals than I can count, but we are still out there everyday. Hang tough and stay the course...Jan
John, yep got to revise and move forward. As when we talked on the phone this time there is no turning back just moving forward.
Jan, you are correct. Who knows maybe she will call me back? The way I am going to look at it is there are 6 billion people on the plant so I will help find the ones that want and need my help. I will think back and mold and improve what I say to the next one. It is a numbers game and that just means I am that much closer to a deal.
* FYI, DG'ers here is the link that John mentioned. http://www.GreatGuruGiveaway.com/doubleclose.mp3
Thank you, Best Wishes!
- Dan
- Yesterday
- Read more journals and posts (checkout Bill O'Rafferty's post/blog on this site WOW).
- Watched a webinar on how put Ads on craigslist again.
- Set up my craigslist templates and saved it to my deask top.
- Downloaded pictures of HUD homes to put in my craigslist ads.
- Ran several craigslist ads for buyers.
- Went back through my cash buyers list to market the foreclosure I looked at yesterday.
- Was told to find a vacant house and try to help the seller. So I thought about it and decided to drive to a house that has been for sale,now for rent and is vacant to get the address and phone number so I can contact them (Thank you Jay).
Favorite Quote yesterday - "The average man who does not know what to do with his life, wants another one which shall last forever." - Anatole France
Goal - I will have 1 house under contract by Jan 31st 2011 (17).
See you are still hard at it! Way to go!
One word of caution-it is illegal to put things in someone's mailbox. When I used to have my RE license here and would go put out fliers, my broker advised me of that.
Thanks for coming by and posting on my journal, too.
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
Thank you, also glad to hear about your LO progress. I will be careful about the mailbox notes. Thanks again.
Best Wishes!
- Yesterday
- Read a good bit of Randy's Journal - Inspiring to say the least.
- Read alot of other posts and some journals.
- Put together my first proposal to a cash investor. Forwarded him a property, comps, tax info. He said he was interested and he would call me this weekend.
- Emailed to a REI back and forth trying to put together a deal with him. Combining our skills and resoures to make a deal happen for both of us.
- Started searching expired listings looking for a home that I can LO.
- Put in writing for the first time exactly what I am doing.
* I saw a post from a DG'er who is in the success acadamey. She was asking some vague type questions and giving some vague type answers to what she was trying to do. **Please note I am not being negative here about her or what she was saying the reson I mention this is she helped me to further realize that I too have beeen doing several different things. trying a little of this a a little of that. Reading her post helped me to realize that it was time for me to focus (
Jay, I hear you telling me this too! and thank you). So I put in writing what exactly I am doing (Also, thank you to Orando your emailed inspired me as well).
- I am locating properties that I can sell quickly to cash buyers.
- I am looking for partners to get REO's under contract.
- I will use the 10 day due diligence period to line up a buyer to do a double closing.
- I am building a cash buyers list (I currently have 7, but at this time only 3 are active, others have to sell before they buy next property).
- I am putting together a LO program. I do not have a system in place yet.
Favorite Quote yesterday - "Be still, and know that I am GOD" -Psalms 46:10 - While reading There is a Spiritual Answer to Every Problem. - Dr. Wayne Dyre
Goal - I will have 1 house under contract by Jan 31st 2011 (15).
can you please explain to me how to see the webinar "adds on craiglist" I have a hard time posting in Craiglist.
thanks for your help.
This is the website for Real Estate Co. I work with. The Owner will not mind he is of the same mind set as I am. Help others and you will recieve help. So here it is, Also, there are a few other webinars on here that is helpful to REI not just agents.
- www.maximumonerealty.com
- Click - Traning Calendar (Bottom Left).
- Click - MaximumOne Traing.com (top).
- Click - Recorded Sessions then - How To Post a Free Ad to Craigslist.
Isabel, It is a helpful webinar and after watching it once (or twice for me) you can easily post ad's.
Let me know how helpful it was to you.
*Anyone else that reads this is welcome as well.
Best Wishes all!
- Yesterday
- Read Randy's 1st post again and read some other posts and journals.
- Search the Atlanta Journal, newspaer for homes for rent to call to see if they would sell.
- Got 1 buyer lead and called her back to tell her about a home.
- Put 3 different types of ad's on cragislist.
Favoriate Quote yesterday - "Experience is the thing of supreme value in life" - Henery Ford
End of Month Goal - I will have 1 house under contract by Jan. 14th 2011 (14).
Thanks Dan for your reply. Definitely I will look at it today and will let you know. You are such a hard worker, you are my inspiration. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed between my job, my kids,homeworks and their after school activities and then at night finally work with my REI stuff. But I am still positive and still can't wait for my first deal, I WILL DO IT!!
Either way would work, and there's nothing illegal about it. i wish you could do a talking house.
Thank you Isabel,
I figured out one secret to success, here it is = You can do it if you never ever quit. So that is the secret. As you could see I did not reach the last goal I posted on this site. Revise and Reset. I have not done a deal this time / since I started this journal. I have bought three homes with less than $1,000 dollars down in my lifetime. The first home I bought 8 days after I read Nothing Down by Robert Allen (early 80's). I messed that up and broke even, I bought another home lived in it, then turned it into a rental, held it for 15 years and walked with 35k equity. I bought another home walked with 17k at closing (just like on TV) BUT, the house was only 60% complete. The rehab / cash out money went to a builder/partner. He wound up going bankrupt, turned to drugs and alcohol and moved to Alabama prior to finishing the job. I sold for less than owed and took the hit financially (Probably broke about even?????). Hard to tell money came in and went out. I learned a ton on that deal.
You hang in there, use your rescorces (your 3 day with DG'ers camp), know that there will be ups and down. If yu need help post or PM me if I can I will help or tell you were to go get it.
Your are so kind and I am grateful that you took the time to post your last post to me, it helps me too. I too have hecktic days. I sell real estate part time I have a part time job, I get the kids off the bus at 2:25 most days. My wife and I both work out of the homes / take appointments. She is not in Real Estate (Thank you lord).
Thank you thishousebuyer for your post.
alright,way to keep digging in !! I too have done a few deals awhile back that did not even break even!! these are called lessons and as matt larson calls it the school of hard knocks !! in 1998 i built a house from the ground up,excavation,concrete,plumbing,electrical,framing,insulation, interior finish,roofing,windows,siding,driveway ...oh boy and ....all for 55000..and guess what ???? i sold it for just mnthly payments cause i needed out lets just say that...on a 5 yr balloon.now the buyer payed for 3 or 4 yrs and sold this for over 90,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!! want to talk about a lesson.Well that was one i will never make again.As long as i can ,i will stop take a long look at where i am and seek a new way or direction before i give away a potential profit like that sooooooooo you are backing up re acessing your situation and giving it a new direction and more focus and drive !! you havent lost anything you only gained insight.ITS the way you look at things that determine how high you will climb when you get back on the ladder !!
go get um dan !!
Click Here For homepage www.jaysthilaire.com
need to sell ? http://www.jayhousebuyers.com
Need me to FINANCE a home ? http://www.jaysrenttoown.com
CHECK OUT MY JOURNAL http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/20063/...
WOW, I have been on edge toady. Bellsouth server out so I am 12 hours late with todays post. It is true after 30 days you do start to have a habbit. Thought about were I could get online after the kids were in bed to post this. Was feeling like I was going to let myself down not keeping my word to myself. My computer is still not connecting. Just tried my wifes out of frustration and it connected (weird since hers connects to my modeum). Maybe it is because ultimatly I am connected
- Yesterday
- Printed out Randy's Day 1 journal so I can read it as needed/ when I am reading at night etc.
- Read Matt Larsons 5 year anniversery post. His story blows (seriously mind blowingly {is that a word, lol} blows me away) me away on various levels. I am so happy for his success.
- Created another Craigslist templet.
- Called 2 renter / buyers signs.
- Made 5 calls to past buyer leads.
- Searched online for a 50 to 100 unit (not listed) apartmant complex for a DG'er.
Favorite Quote from yesterday - "My imperfections and my failures are as much a blessing from God as my successes and my talents, and I lay them both at his feet". - Mahatma Gandhi
Monthly Goal - I will have one house under contract by Jan. 14th 2011 (14)
** Isabel or anyone else, I encourage you to market, talk to, work with and use other DG'er to help yourself and to help them. I have spoken to several Dg'ers by phone over the last month and it is helpful in many ways. If anyone wants to market or discuss REI techniques or stratgies with me PM and I will give you my email then my phone number. I would love to hear from anyone that I can help or that can help me.
Thank you Jay!
As always I appreciate your time and thoughts. Have my fingers crossed for Justins deal. Post when you know, as I know you will. Just FYI Jay, one of the renters I spoke of was inspired by you. When you said find a vacant house and see if you can help the owner. I thought about it and recalled a house that I continue to drive past at work. It was listed now it is vacant with a for rent sign in the yard. I spoke to the owner. He wants about market rent and wants approximately what it is worth. I will be speaking with him again in a day or two about a LO.
Best Wishes!
- Dan
- Yesterday
- I read several Posts and Journals.
- Sat through a 3 hour class with a Attorney on Real Estate Contracts, Seller Disclosure Statements, Protect Yourself When Buying a Home (Ga. pamplet), Listing Agreements and Buyer Brokerage Forms.
- Wrote 3 Craigslist Templetes.
- Had a long discussing with my #1 cash buyer concerning a property we looked at over the weekend.
- Made progress with a REI and fellow DG'er on working together / combining efforts to get a REO under contract.
- For REO"S I put in writing the numbers / ratio's that I am targeting to sell to cash buyers.
- Spoke to 1 loan officer about his company doing credit repair (Still First Option Mtg. has the best I have found and it is free to thier clients).
Favorite Quote Yesterday - "Georgia has just added a Option to Purchase form for tenants" - Peter Babcock - Attorney (Previously Ga. only had standard Lease Purchase Forms on the GREC / MLS forms site).
Monthly Goal - I will have one house under contract by Jan. 31st 2011 (13).
- Yesterday
- Went to a 3 hour class on lead management, contact managment system and how to effectivly working a data base.
- Read many journals and a few posts on this site.
- Reread Randy's first post in his journal. I printed it out the outher night so I could read it with my nightly reading by my bed. I highlighted the ACTIONS that he took.
- Called back 1 LO seller.
- Called back 3 IEE buyers.
- Had a call from a cash buyer from approximatly 2 years ago. He said he had just sold his commercial property and he was ready to buy a residentil property 60-90k. *Divine timing in several ways - One being I had just taken a contact management system class.
- Researched properties for cash buyer (on FMLS).
Favorite Quote from yesterday - "Nothing happens until something moves".
- Albert Einstein
Monthly Goal - I will have 1 house under contract by Jan 31st. 2011 (12).
- Yesterday
- Went to a 3 hour class on putting together CMA's, locating, sifting and sorting properties for buyers. This was a class for new software for FMLS in Ga.
- Meet with my newest cash buyer. We went to look at 5 forclosures.
- 2 could be good deals.
- Had a returned call from a gentalman selling a vacant home. Got his wants list.
- * NUGGET Alert - Got a new IEE buyer today. This is a IEE type buyer that was turned down for a home loan. She has the downpayment. She has some medical bills to pay off and her husband needs about 12 months with one more open trade. Here is the NUGGET - Call your loan officer and ask them for buyers that they are turning down due to credit issues and that have downpayments. Loan officers are pre-approving buyers all the time (good ones are anyway). That is what they do, have them give you the turn downs. Tell them you will LO them a home and then give them back when they can buy that home.
Favorite Quote(s) yesterday - "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking which we created them" - Albert Einstein Reading in - There is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem - Page 40.
I would have never thought to call a bank for people that they reject for whatever reason. That is some good thinking pilgrim. I like the idea...Jan
It's been a few so, thought I'd stop in to say hello.
Your NUGGET is ingeniuos! I would say that is more than a potential source for IEE buyers.
I'll give you a call sometime this weekend.
Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!
"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/88171/...
Jan, It came to me when my buyer called me back and said the loan officer had turned her down. I referred her to him! (Over the years I always have gotten a uncomfortable/sad/helpless feeling when loan officers would call me a tell me my buyers would not qualify. I am changing that now.) I told her I would find her a home and that is how the thought was born. I have been trying to get this loan officer to refer me business on and off for years. Now he has no excusses lol.
John, Take it and run with it. As you know anything I can do to help I am glad to do. John, when you call ask me about how to have a home to market instead of a ghost Ad. I have almost finished a thought on that as well (my thoughts are not as fast as they use to be) but seriously I have some ideas on that we can discuss.
Best Wishes!
- Yesterday
- Went to a 1 hours class on writing Lease Purchases.
- Went to a 1 hour class on Grant Money in Ga. We have a program here "The Georgia Dream" they will give up to 5k for downpayment to qualified buyers.
- Read journals and posts.
- Searched for properties for my newest buyer.
- Called on properties for my newest buyer.
- Called and spoke to 2 of my cash buyers.
- Signed up for a property management class next Mon.
Favorite yesterday - "Proved everyone wrong that said this would'nt work" - Randy on his first entry of his Journal.
*I currently do not have this problem. I use to when I talked about what I was going to do with others (the last time I was trying to be a REI). Since my last last day 1 of becoming a REI and this journal I do not say I am going to do XYZ. I only communicate after I have done the ACTION. I also do not speak to others about what I am doing until I have done it. Helps Me Hope t Helps You!
Monthly Goal - I will have 1 house under contract by Jan 31st 2011 (11).
- Yesterday
- Read more Jouranls and some posts.
- Searched CL and FMLS for home for by csah buyers and most recent IEE buyer.
- Called on some homes for sale.
- Set an oppointment with a seller for Sunday (today).
Favorite yesterday - "Every time you find yourself labeling others or yourself, you are setting up for a potiential problem". - Dr. Wayne Dyer
Monthly Goal - I will have 1 house under contract by Jan 31st. 2011 (10).
- Are you a agent? No
- Is the home a bank owned home? By Agent
- If not bank owned, is there a loan on the home or is it owned free & clear buy the seller? Today is Sunday and will find out Monday Morning
- Is the home vacant? No
- How much is the home listed for? 90k
- How much is the home worth? 135k
- Why is the seller selling? N/A
- Yesterday
- Read some posts and journals on this site.
- Searched for properties on CL.
- Spoke to 1 of my cash buyers.
- Spoke to 1 of my loan officers on seasoning requirement for flips (* Per Brayden Capital in Ga. - Convention loans will allow for investores to buy and sell without seasoning issues).
- Recieved 1 call from a bandit sign caller.
Favorite Quote yesterday - "Next" - Chris (Found in Chris from Rhode Island's journal).
Monthly Goal - I will have 1 house under contract by Jan. 31st 2011 (9).
I think my best answer would be to suggest for you to put this question on this site to all to give you answers and feed back. Go to Real Estate Forums and post the question.
My answer would be - (If you do not have any money in the deal) - Try to Lease Option the home or to get the home under contract and assign the home to another buyer (not sure if you have a end buyer in mind).
Also, you can use this property to run Craigslist ads and put bandit signs near this home to build your buyers list. Hope that helps! For more answeres to this question post it under Real Estate Forums on this site.
- Yesterday
- Went to a 3 hour class on property management.
- Set and appointment with a seller that wants to sell/rent/lease purchase.
- Spoke to one of my buyers to see if she was interested in the the home that I have appt. on today.
- Spoke to one of my cash buyers on making a offer on 2 homes.
- Called a past bandit sign caller.
Favorite Quote yesterday - "You must treat all renters FAIR, CONSISTANT and EQUAL" - Cathy McDaniel -
Instructor, that gave the class on HUD guidlines for renter, lease purcahses and buyers. If you discriminate you are breaking State and Federal Laws. If you discriminate you can have state and federal charges brought against you. If you advertise to rent or LO, LP a home you better answer all questions from potiential buyer or renters the same.
Monthly Goal - I will have 1 house under contract by Jan 31. 2011 (7).
Morning Dan, you are providing some good infor, and in fact, johnwg and I were talking about posting on CL and john told me about this post. Thank you so much and keep on keeping on doing those things to reach your goal.
Steve Guy
We seldom get what we want, but we will always get what we expect.
Dan: This is def thinking outside the box, and I guess that is why there is more than one person in the DG family sharing there brain f#$ts with the rest.
Jan: A while back you said to me "youve got to get your feet wet" and I can say they are now muddy! Steve
We seldom get what we want, but we will always get what we expect.
Yep, that is a easy to understand and helpful step by step webinar.
* If anyone reading this needs CL help read #129 of this journal (3's in top right of each post). Hope it is helpful to you and others. Keep on keeping on that is my desire. Jan is the man!
Until next time Best Wishes!