Expired listings work!

Expired listings work!

Hey everyone.

Just started marketing to expired listings sent to me from my realtor. I have gotten the best response rate by far from this than any other type of marketing I've been doing. (Thanks Carol for the tip!!)

I just get the property address, see where the owner lives and send them one of my special letters and the calls start coming in.

Now not all these properties turn out to be good deals, because these sellers still think their houses are worth what they were a few years ago.

When they call I always ask them how come you think the house didn't sell when it was listed. They always tell me some type of excuse. Its never that the property was listed way to high. Which is the real reason why it didn't sell.

How come they just don't get it?? Come on sellers wake up.

Anyways today my partner and I just locked up a pretty decent property from the expired listings for $13k and are going to wholesale it for $17500.

Note: For anyone interested in venturing into wholesaling. Its kinda easy to do, but takes action, action, action. Just remember its a numbers game when it comes to this and closing deals. You may look at many houses before you get one on contract. You may also get many houses on contract before you actually find an end buyer whom is interested. So just hang in there and go through the numbers!!


You Can Have and Be Anything you Want!!
Jason Bly (The RE_Situation)

Visit Me at http://www.facebook.com/JasonBly23
Blog- http://wholesalesuperstar.blogspot.com/
Push Button Yellow Letter Software- http://www.yellowlettergenerator.com
My how to take Discount Vacations Blog- http://www.advisorytravel.net

Hey, keep it up. I wish you

Hey, keep it up. I wish you the best of success.

Jason, What type of letter


What type of letter are you using?


Jay C

Glad to hear it !!

Congratulations and may you continue on the path of success ...

Randy S.
Elkton , MD

May we see...

The letter?
What contract do you use?
One from this site I'm guessing?
Wholesaling is going to be my first step so I need details!


" The only difference between me and successful people is they started before me."
by Shane

Same Here

Jason, I totally agree with you. I am getting a great response from the letter I send out. And like you said, it's a numbers game. I haven't locked up a deal yet but realize it is only a matter of time. So I WILL hang in there and keep sending them out. Sooner or later I will find the deal and the buyer who wants it. Keep swingin, pal!



"Only those who can see the invisible can accomplish the impossible"
Patrick Snow
"Instead of using your words to describe your situation, use your words to change your situation" Joel Osteen


Way To Go!! That's a great idea expired listing's..Please we are curious what letter did you use? Can you share it with the DG family. May You Have Great Success On Your Journey!! Cecelia



Great going. Question for you. Where did you find your property? What type of property was it? Just wondering on the details for 13K. That is awesome. Happy Investing!


Chesloe Properties, LLC
Middlesex County, CT


I found Carol's letter on the bonus material Dean gave us in the set for life videos. Check it out!! Dean is hooking us up all the time with great stuff.

Expired Listing Letter

Cecelia, I am using the letter that Carol Stinson uses ( she is my "Shero") to contact expired listings. It came with one of the videoes Dean has been sending out to us. There's a link that gives you Carol's letter and the fliers that Greg Murphy uses to attract buyer's and sellers. I'm working on my third batch of letters as I write this to you. Happy Hunting!!



"Only those who can see the invisible can accomplish the impossible"
Patrick Snow
"Instead of using your words to describe your situation, use your words to change your situation" Joel Osteen

People keep talking about...

bonus materials with the Set for Life videos.
What am I missing?
I watch the videos that come in the emails. Is there more to it?


" The only difference between me and successful people is they started before me."
by Shane

A question answered plus an amazing tip for some of you.

DanandAnna wrote:

Great going. Question for you. Where did you find your property? What type of property was it? Just wondering on the details for 13K. That is awesome. Happy Investing!

Property was an expired listing sent to me by my real estate agent. 3 bedroom property that was listed for 6 months on the MLS. Has some smoke damage in kitchen due to a fire. Not bad at all just needs cleaning and to be repainted.

Here is a link with info on the property so you can see how we market them with pics and details. http://sbaran189.vflyer.com/home/flyer/home/3519506

Please do not contact my partner about it. He is super busy right now. Any questions. Direct them here to me.

Tip: This flyer format uploads to 20 plus sites automatically. Very easy to use to make professional looking flyer plus its free.


You Can Have and Be Anything you Want!!
Jason Bly (The RE_Situation)

Visit Me at http://www.facebook.com/JasonBly23
Blog- http://wholesalesuperstar.blogspot.com/
Push Button Yellow Letter Software- http://www.yellowlettergenerator.com
My how to take Discount Vacations Blog- http://www.advisorytravel.net

The Letter I use

I don't know the letter Carol Stinson uses?

Mine is the mysterious yellow letter that is simple and 30% effective.

I will post it up here if I get enough responses for it.

I gave it away to one gentleman already yesterday via conversation on the phone.

It might be even better than 30% effective. I sent 17 of them out 2 weeks ago and got 14 phone calls back. Out of those 14 calls. Only one was a potential deal. You do the math.

Remember its a numbers game.

Jason B


You Can Have and Be Anything you Want!!
Jason Bly (The RE_Situation)

Visit Me at http://www.facebook.com/JasonBly23
Blog- http://wholesalesuperstar.blogspot.com/
Push Button Yellow Letter Software- http://www.yellowlettergenerator.com
My how to take Discount Vacations Blog- http://www.advisorytravel.net

Carol's Letter

Will someone be so kind as to post the link where you found Carol's letter? Thanks in advance.

Karen Griffin


"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"


"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"

Carol's Letter, I hope she dosen't mind

«Owner_First» «Owner_Last»
«Owner_city»,«Owner_State» «Owner_zip»
Dear «Owner_First» «Owner_Last»,
Let me introduce myself. My name is Carol Stinson, and I am a Private Real Estate
Investor. I have been looking at properties in your area, and I came across your
property at: «Prop_Street» in «Prop_City» .
If you’re interested in selling, I’d like to talk to you about buying your property.
I’m a cash buyer and can close quickly.
Please call me at (phone number) any time to discuss the sale of your property.
Thank you for your time,
P.S. I am a Private Investor not a Real Estate Agent. I am not interested in listing
your property.


Just do it,don't be afraid to fail,failure is just a stepping Stone to success

Used carol's letter

I used Carol's letter, i sent out 4 letters so far, it has only been a few days.I plan on sending more out by this weekend.
I got the exp. listing from a realtor/invester, she was more then happy to help me.


Just do it,don't be afraid to fail,failure is just a stepping Stone to success

I'm in!

I want to know how to figure out what price I can get for a property.



We state that we are a cash buyer...

Hi, I'm new to wholesaling and had a concern I would love answered. We state that we are a cash buyer, when it comes to wholesaling, but really we are assigning the Purchase agreement with assignment clause to a cash buyer. Are we pretending to have cash to buy their property or being up front and informing the seller that we intend to hook the seller up with a cash buyer when I reassign the contract over to the cash buyer.
Also, my real estate agent said that most sellers ask to see proof of cash in your bank account first. I'm really pumped about wholesaling out here in San Diego, CA so I am very curious about how we let the seller know about our intentions. Also, everyone is asking me this: How is a wholesaler physically paid for a finder's fee? Does the cash buyer give us the money right then and there for the Purchase agreement, or Paypal, or what? Thanks, guys, I can't wait to hear what you all have to say!


Daniel S Babcock

We state that we are a cash buyer

Hi Daniel - we are never looking to mislead anyone. I also use the term "we" because it refers to me and my associates. I just explain that I represent a group of investors that pay cash for houses etc. I initially had the same concern you do but find this explanation takes away any concern.
Many sellers and their real estate agents want to see "proof of funds", not an actual copy of your bank cash balance. You can get free proof of funds letters from transactional lenders. I've been using Tempo Funding. http://www.tempofunding.com/pof_gen.html
The wholesaler is paid by the cash investor. Once you assign the contract to them, they should hand you a check.

I hope this helps

Dave Visco
Davara Real Estate Solutions

Thanks, Dave!

Yeah that helped a lot actually. Ahhhhh, I see now, you are representing that you are part of an investor group, which is true, to the seller from the beginning. My confidence level just skyrocketed lol I was very worried on how to present my intentions and my image.
I'm very anxious to get started, but I don't know if I should attempt to lock up a property before or after I talk to a serious cash buyer. I guess its a preferance thing? It sounds so awesome and fun to do wholesaling for finder's fees, I'm very excited but physically on my own out here. Thanks for your help, I hope this helps everyone else wondering the same thing you and I wondered in the beginning.


Daniel S Babcock

Expired Listings

Wow, I completely forgot about these people! I'm going to email my agent for this list.


Peace and Blessings,


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.”

- Nelson Mandela

New Problem or Maybe Question

Well it's not really a problem. While doing my research for my expireds mailings, I came across two properties I don't know how to write to. One is a Fannie Mae house and the other belongs to HUD. If there is a way to make money off of these and you are aware of the strategy needed, please respond. I don't want to miss ANY opportunity that could get me SET FOR LIFE! Smiling



"Only those who can see the invisible can accomplish the impossible"
Patrick Snow
"Instead of using your words to describe your situation, use your words to change your situation" Joel Osteen

Hi I was wondering wich

Hi I was wondering wich flyer and where do you get it at? any help is appreciated.

Love the info, Jason! This

Love the info, Jason! This is what we want and need to hear -- that it DOES work!! Do it! Scrape the money together for the stamps, the paper, the ink and the envelopes! Get those letters out!



"He who is mighty has done great things for me...He has...exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with good things..." Matt. 1:49-53

Is there any investors in

Is there any investors in the Bakersfield CA. area that can help me out in my new venture.

Which Flyer?

If you had looked at the videos for Set For Life, Dean gave us a link for the fliers and the expired letter which you could download.



"Only those who can see the invisible can accomplish the impossible"
Patrick Snow
"Instead of using your words to describe your situation, use your words to change your situation" Joel Osteen

How to find the owner's name?

I got a list of expired listings from my realtor and I'm ready to send Carol's letter but how can I find the owner's name? I've tried to go to the Tax Assessor's website but it say that they won't share personal information on government website.

Thanks for your help,


Thanks for Carol's letter!


Thanks for posting Carol's letter!



"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"


"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"


Most Tax Assessor's website do give you the owners name. I have a program from the Success Academy call Property Trend that has tax information with owners names.

What part of the country are you from.


How to find the owner's name.....


Re: your concern, "but how can I find the owner's name? I've tried to go to the Tax Assessor's website but it say that they won't share personal information on government website."
Each state is different; here in CT, I can walk in to the Town Clerk's office, they have a 3-ring binder there for public use. It is a listing of all addresses in the town; alphabetically listed by Street Name first, preceeded by the Numerical Number (ex. 1 Oak St., 3 Oak St., 4 Oak St., etc.) for each Street in the town. On each line is the Name, Address, etc. of the owner of the property, also the book/page number where you can go look at all the supporting documents of the recordings of the Purchase/Sale/Liens of the subject property. If I want additional info. I can go across the hall to the Assessor's Office where I can go onto one of their terminals and look up (they will do it for you if they're not too busy, if it's slow, if there's a nice person on duty and IF you're NICE & Patient) you can look up additional info including print out a Field Card, there's a very minimal fee for this AND you'll have all kinds of info about the subject property. Some States/Towns are set up so you can access this info on line, others, you have to be in their building in order to get onto their internal network but one way or the other you can get this info....just be persistent, determined and patient; remember, the first few times you rode a bike it was a little scary and with a little practice after a while I'm sure you thought it was a "cake-walk." Part of the challenge is in using the right words, being in the right office, getting the right person for assistance and it's OK to tell them up front that you're just learning and you'd really appreciate their assistance and show you are willing (because you are) to learn how to do this so you will soon be able to do this on your own. If that's not enough for you, you can go to the Zoning Office and look at a Map of the subject area/property so you can see how the subject property is situated with regard to the surrounding properties....you can also have them make copies of maps or portions of maps for a very minimal fee. (of course all of the offices I've mentioned here offer several "other" services, get to know the folks over there, they are your friends and they can be very helpful to you.) (NO, I don't nor have I ever worked there....I'm simply passing on my experience to you in hopes that YOU and others here will benefit from my post.
Good Luck, I hope this helps. Now GO GET FILTHY $TINKING RICH!!!



Attract Private Investors to fund your deals so you can do more deals while using Other People's Money (OPM). For more info go to:

John <>< Future DG & DL REI Billionaire

Property Trend website?


Thank you for the information. I'm from San Francisco, CA. Maybe I couldn't get the owner's information in specific county. PropertyShark.com is also a great resource to find this information.

Could you please provide the website address for Property Trend?

Thanks again for the information.
