Dean and the Team wishes you all a Happy New Year! We hope 2010 is a great year for each of you and that you continue to fulfill your goals and dreams.
If you haven't done so already, now is a perfect time to make your resolutions for 2010; and not just come up with the "what", but the "how" for you to meet those goals. If you haven't watched this week's blog, Dean shares some of his insight on resolutions so be sure to check it out.
We hope everyone has a wonderful night tonight, and above all celebrate safely!
Lastly, we'd like to thank all of you for making this site such a special and unique place. Without you all there would be nothing special about it. We look forward to 2010 being the best year yet and we can only hope it is for you as well!
Happy New Year,
Dean and the Team
Dean and your entire team. Have a safe and healthy New Year. Achieve and succeed all of your goals for 2010. I know you guys will make it a great year, and so will all of your students. Thanks for giving the the tools I needed to make 2009 good, I know 2010 will be amazing!
Jeremy Zelkowitz
Happy new Year.....
Happy New Year to Dean, his family and the entire GD admin... Being involved with the DG family has been a positive experience for me. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for all of the support that you have provided by sharing your life experiences ( through your books, courses,blogs etc.)and a networking central where anyone with a desire to improve themselves are invited to join and take control of their destiny, from the beginner to the advanced REI. I look forward to an amazing 2010 calender year with this kind of support and leadership at my finger tips. Everyone have a safe and happy new year.
Dean and the Team,
Thank you for all you do! Through your determination, hard work, focus and efforts, you made 2009 special for us and I am sure many other DG members as well. I reflect back on 2009 and it was a year I had found hope again and had a burning desire that was reignited when I picked up a book entitled "Profit from Real Estate Right Now!" and attended Dean's Live Gain the EDGE Event 2009!
For us, the year was filled with joy and some sorrow. Through the DG team's efforts, it has made this year a very special year to remember! We made some new friends during 2009 and good friends are truly a treasure! I am blessed and thankful for all the opportunities that I had in 2009 and I look so forward to 2010! Thanks for the great adventure of 2009 and we look forward to many wonderful years with the DG family! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe and Stacey
"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results." - Andrew Carnegie
"The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual." - Vincent Lombardi
"You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality." - Walt Disney
happy new year
thank you Dean and all the DG family I will make 2010 better than 2009 by reading and goal setting and making a buyers list and finding
motatived sellers and doing my first deal and second and so on. thank to all Steve G.
Happy New Year
Happy new year to one and all. 2010 is a new beginning for all of us to take it up a notch, to set new goals and push ourselves to achieve them.
Good luck to all.
Thank you Dean and Team!! You guys are awesome!!!
2009 has been a year I will NEVER forget because of you! 2010 is the start of a new decade and a new era for me. This week has been very significant in life-changing endings and beginnings for me and I am determined to start 2010 and the first day of rest of my life with a new mindset and goals beyond my wildest dreams. I know they can be fulfilled because I have seen so many of them come true already!!
Thank you again Dean, for opening our eyes to what reality can be. I feel like the whole DG Family, new and old, together will be like a tidal wave this coming year, pushing into the REI world and affecting MANY lives through positive investing and sharing what you teach. We will enjoy helping you reach the million or more with the message that all things are possible. Thank you, Dean, for giving so much of yourself to make others' dreams come true!!
God bless you and your family!!
Thank you Dean and Company!! It has been 2 short months since I first saw Deans Infomercial and there have already been some live changing events in my life! The knowledge that I have gained in the last 2 months will impact my life more than anything I have learned in the 43 years of my existance! Can't wait to get out of the RAT RACE! I am on my way!!!! Try to catch me!!
Thank you Dean and to your staff and a Happy new year to all. Hope everyone had a fun and safe new years. Looking forward to this new year to meet my goals and dreams and also all of you out there.
John Lewis
I will first like to thank God for my very existence (life); food; shelter and a place to lay head. Sincere thanks to Dean and his team for giving us the opportunity to acquire knowledge and gain the wisdom necessary to become real estate investors. They say "build it and they will come," and this teaching venue (DG website) has made this possible. Like the song says, "How could we say thanks." I will also like to thank the seasoned real estate investors who did not think it selfish to share their deals and processes with us. We are indeed grateful and thankful.
The year 2009 was great, but 2010 will be greater. We are ready "with bells and whistles." Dean the contractor is here, the builders (DG students) have the tools, now is the time to build that real estate portfolio. I will like to extend to all and also to myself all the best for 2010. We have what it takes to realize our goals and dreams. God Bless.
Happy Happy 2010 to All
OMG - how cute is Breana!!!! Dean I wish you, your family, the fabulous team and all my DG family a wonderful 2010 filled with much joy and prosperity on all levels! I have been MIA for a while but working the real estate and thinking of everyone all the time! I cant wait to see the 2010 contest entries, and YES Dean, having you share, post and pass on any awesome deals you may find is something I would definitely be interested in! Looking forward to reaching amazing new levels this year!
Happy New Year!!
Good luck to everybody in 2010!! I know that there will be many more success stories to come this year and I plan on mine being among them! Have a safe and healthy new year and I'll see you at the top!
Thank you Dean for all that you do for all of us!
Happy New Year
Hi everyone.
Im new to the team , and just wanted to take this time to wish everyone of the DG team a fantastic 2010
....Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and propserous New Year 2011! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe