Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #100 - 100th Blog and $100 Bucks 4 U!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

The Rolling Stones sang "Ti-i-i-ime is on my side. Yes it is!" Well, is it? Is time on your side? Last week Dean challenged you to document, (i.e. keep track of your time), what you do how much time you spend doing it.

This week he talks about why he suggested it.
Gives you some smart tips for living life realistically and what to do if you missed out on this challenge all together.

Watch and take notes...this one's a keeper.
Oh, and in honor of this being the 100th blog he's giving away $100 Dean Dollars...Jeez, I hope this doesn't become a pattern.

The details on using the $100 Off can be found on the certificate. Download it now!

File Attachments
100blog_cert.pdf (487.9 KB)


NatureBoy's picture

Congrats Dean on your 100th blog! As the previous 99 have been enjoyable & helpful to us all the next 100 are going to be as well & Thank You for your continuing support & encouragement!! God Bless! Paulie

Great Blog

All States Investments's picture

Wow was this challenge hard. I think it made me more conscious of the time I wasted cause I got a lot more done this week. Thanks for the challenge.


Congratulations on your 100th blog!!
Great assignment. It is amazing how those wasted minutes add up in a weeks time. Thank you for the eye-opener.
Thanks again Dean for all you do to help us succeed!

I Know When I'm Goofing Off ...

Hi, Dean and Thanks for Blog #100. I made a journal of my days for only 2 days. Oops. I work 9 to 5 but when I get home, I don't have any excuse for not taking action with my real estate training. I have joined your Real Estate Academy TWICE, bought the SFL program, bought the Edge 2010 DVDs, read your books, and I still have not done my first deal yet. But don't give up on me. I'm close to pulling the trigger. I have knowledge now and it gives me confidence in real estate investing. I now have a better coach from Success Academy that holds me accountable for my time and training. I have 504 cash buyers but I have to notify them and find out their criteria for what they want to buy. I'm on my way.

Sharon from Trenton, New Jersey

No Real Estate Investments Clubs in my area

Hi Dean. There are no real estate investment clubs here in Flagstaff. I am trying to start one but am new to the field and don't know how much acceptance I am going to find in this town. I have been met with some opposition in the past. Have any suggestions? I know there are clubs in Tuscan, Phoenix, and Prescott but I no longer own a vehicle. If I take the shuttle from Flagstaff it will get me the the Sky Harbor airport but then where do I go to get to a Real Estate Investment Club? I would like to go to a few to bring back ideas to the table.
Thanks Dean.
Diane Prigge

100 and many more!

Congratulations on blog number 100- and a
great message. Time is a precious thing and
your making time to help motivate me and all of
your students is so wonderful.
You are so totally awesome!

Congratulation to Blog #100

Hi Dean

Thanks for sharing youre insight and wisdom with all of us.

Regards Petra

Thank You Dean for your truthful wisdom...

I know I have time in the day I should spend more productful...we all do! Thanks for reminding us. Love your blogs...I repeat what you say in the Edge video..."You can make money or you can make excuses!" I say it to myself over and over...


super,super,super info!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

suggestion for blog, comment

Dean, I know your doing well, bless you. Something for you to consider, may be discuss what and how a person can keep from getting over-loaded with info and desire for success and then when you put it all on the line and loose it because you did not focus on making the money, making the business, making the life being, no, having the full fillment. Where do you go to do the passion you fell.? I may the only one that has had these things confront them. How do you regain the trust. I appoligise for this dialog. but I believe you have not lost the passion, the will and the conviction of your disire. You great!!
See Ya!

Document my Time

Well this last week I spent 65% of my free time in studing the information on the simple purchase agreement, terms,conditions,contingenc-
ies,addendums,etc,etc, but the part that I am having troble is how to find the good deals and analize the properties, becouse there's a lot of properties that seem to be good deals but not sure wich want to pick up.
Thanks again for the motivation and keep us inform of everything that involves REI, I know that if we are persistent, all the time that we invest, one day we will get compensated.

Thanks for another inspiring

Rawshaun's picture

Thanks for another inspiring blog Dean.I will admit I didn't write down the things that I did, but i did document them in my head. But this week I will do i the way you asked.Matter or fact my first entry is going to be watched Deans 100th blog.


Ha there, Dean, your inspirational. your showing giving does not hurt. How can I help you!

Another Milestone

ttjudge's picture


Ancient Rome was built one brick at a time. Its iters were built a layer at a time and the progress was marked with a milestone. Cities are built a milestone at a time. You’re on the way to building a DG City of Blogs on the internet. I'll be right there with you.

Congratulation Dean, on reaching another milestone.


Congratulations and Thank you!

aym's picture

Congratulations on your 100th blog! And thank you for the 100 bucks and another inspiring message.

Time Money Budget Success Wow

Ros-ker 1010's picture

Wow - time - and money. We have often heard it said that: "Time is Money" and if we find it necessary to budget money to be responsible and successful well it is therefore, also true that we should carefully consider how we use or budget our time. You have helped so many of us and that is pivotal to our success. You certainly have an amazing way of pointing out how each of us can improve ourselves in such a very easily understood and encouraging way!

Thank you

100 and Counting!

Dean, thank you very much for your continuing dedication to your dg family! I have only heard your blogs in recent days -- sorry I have not heard all of them, but they just seem to be getting better and better! Am a member of the Success Academy (who are most encouraging, by the way!); also have taken your three challenges, including the one to document my time. Informative. Revealing, and a worthwhile effort. I CAN be a successful real estate investor, and then help my family and friends in really substantial ways. Thank you again, Dean, and God bless you.


Congratulations on Blog# 100

and thank you for the $100 coupon - just the right time to use it is coming soon.


#100 Time is on your side, yes it is...

LDCOOK55's picture

Hi Dean,

What an appropriate song to go along with our challenge of writing down where our time goes. Like everything else in life if we don't control it we can lose track of our time. I know that has been happening to me ever since I made the leap of faith to take advantage of the Set For Life system. Now at least I know where I need to be watchful of my time. Even phone calls with good friends can go on much too long talking about the kids, the dog, the job, the husband....whatever. So, now I allow myself the time to say hello and then cut if off.

Thank you for helping me stay on track.
I appreciate your guidance.
Lisa Eye-wink


congratulations on your 100th video blog. i have been

helped,encouraged,inspired,uplifted,and motivated.

thank you-thank you-thank you. i am making better use of my time

Weekly Blog

That's funny. I do not remember a song by the "Rolling Stones" that has anything to do with "time on my side". I do remember a song by the "Animals" that starts out with: "Time is on my side, oh yes it is". Are you sure you are correct with your answer?

Thank you Dean

I reviewed what I spent my time on and found many things that I will change. I was surprized to see how much time can be used to accomplish my goals. Thank you Dean. It is amazing how a person can settle for less when they are not aware of how they spend their resources. Thanks for opening my eyes.

Weekly Blog

I stand corected: It was the "Rolling Stones" that sang this song. My apologies. I guess I must be getting older than I feel and my memory is finally fading fast.

Thanks Dean!

cbrindamour's picture

Thanks for doing this every week...I know I sound like a broken record. It's funny, a year ago I didn't know who Dean Graziosi was. It is hard to believe how much I have learned in the last year and to think I have bought 3 houses, with many more to come!!! I am grateful for you crossing my path and I love forward to becoming friends and enjoying many more successes!

100th Blog

Hi Dean,

First, congrats on # 100th. Thanks for your commitment to us. It means a lot to us, I'm sure, that you will continue to try to keep us motivated and inspired to do real estate. Thanks also for these assignments, they really cause me to see where I need to make adjustments. By writing down what we do during the day really magnifies it. Thanks for continuing to keep us focused.



thanks Dean,
i'm looking forward to working with DG family in starting my real estate investment path, i bought all your books and invest in classroom education, i 'm going through workbook hopefully i can get list of buyers thank you very much!!!!you are the difference maker for people like me kam

Thank YOU

Shellsell's picture

P.S. Thanks for the 100 Dean Dollars. Have a great week. You're so gracious.

Thanks Dean, I have bought a

acabrera57's picture

Thanks Dean,

I have bought a lot of products on line and at seminars,but they seemed like they were missing something. They all were trying to up sell me use the product maker as a coach. Dean you are the only one who as kept in touch through your website or facebook and motivate me to succeed.

Thank you very much

Arnold C.

Happy 100th Blog

Well Let me confess here in the open to my DG family. I am guilty of not documenting my daily activities. I was even encouraged to do so concerning my activities at work, but it is very difficult. My job is high demand, very active and at times could be very stressful. Therefore, when I get home it is just to relax and do nothing. I do visit the DG site, when my son is off the computer, which is usually late at nights. I have been taking care of some business that would push me further to another of my proposed goals. When this is realized, after God, you will be the first to know. Thanks Dean for another interesting and edifying blog.


Wow! 100 Blogs!

Rick888's picture

Thanks again Dean for another great challenge. Since the News Diet Challenge, I've have noticed that my perception of the world around me has taken on a more positive light and I feel so much relief from all the negativity in the world arena.
I can't change all the negative people around me, but at least now I can take an objective step back and see the people and the conversations for what they are....mostly belly-aching and whining.
I wasn't able to start the new challenge last week, but I'll be starting it as soon as I wake up tomorrow. I already know where some of my time is wasted, but I think actually writing it down and having it stare back at me, will help me to change the negatives into positives.
As I recently read in a book about NLP (neuro-linguistic programming - for changing the way your mind perceives positive and negative life events), there is a quote that I've actually had on my desk for several years now that says,
"Do what you always did, get what you always got."
I think this is exactly what this challenge is about - changing your daily routine to make better use of the time you have.
Thanks again and best wishes to all.


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