Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #102 -

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

This week you're going to see something completely NEW from Dean.

Now, you're probably thinking, 'yeah sure you tell us that all the time.' well, yes I do, but have I ever lied?

No, and I ain't starting now. So if you want to get really excited about your future, then watch this. And LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS SO DEAN knows his effort is worth it. Eye-wink

Sounds exciting!

smasuda25's picture

Hey Dean,

This sounds quite exciting! Looking forward to hearing more.

Hi Dean, looks like you,

Artem's picture

Hi Dean,
looks like you, Matt and the rest of your team upon something really big for us. You have been a wonderful transformational leader, and whatever you are bringing to the table is going to help more people to succeed and become great leaders as well! and thanks again from all of us newbies in this bis for providing us more tools and opportunities to make this happen.
can't wait to see whats coming next Smiling

Thinking outside the box...

Amazing what brainstorming with like minded people can produce! If there is a will there is a way...By reading all of your books there is one thing we know for sure, you turn obstacles into opportunities! Thank you for your caring, sharing attitude!

Hey Dean

Jan Malek's picture

Jeremy and I are ALL EARS. Can't wait to hear what the group is coming up with...Jan

Can' t Wait to Join You Guys!

Captain777's picture

I am so looking forward to joining a group like that one. I am eagerly awaiting the outcome of your new efforts. When you come up with the strategy, I am sure you will let us know. Thanks


can you help help hawaii

It sounds like a very good tool to use. Although I am wounderinf if this game plan that you and your students are creating, can it help with hawaii as well? I young and want to get on the right track. So if you can hear me out and help me out. Thank you


This sounds so exciting. We have been waiting for a Private Lending network from your team. Can't wait. That still is our block holding us back from doing more rehab deals.

can these tips help me here

can these tips help me here in hawaii. Please DEAN I need HELP HERE IN HAWAII..
You can count me IN

Great New Assistance

emobrien99's picture


This is extremely timely . Your blog addresses the exact problem I am encountering - finding capital nowadays to finance great deals. The deals are there, but in our new economy the money isn't always. An easier system to fund us quickly, let alone actually locating the deals, definitely helps us start out.

Finding the deals for us is great too, but don't make this too easy on us!



kimanismith's picture

Hey Dean,

Thanks for another great vdieo, i am intested in the meeting and als0p about the houses to invest in.

Thanks once again and have a great day.

An Important piece of the puzzle

The PML would be huge. The deals I can find, it's the funding that is hard to come by. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us.

God Bless,

The best assistance yet...

emobrien99's picture


This is extremely timely . Your blog addresses the exact problem I am encountering - finding capital nowadays to finance great deals. The deals are there, but in our new economy the money isn't always. An easier system to fund us quickly, let alone actually locating the deals, definitely helps us start out. All of the other stuff is great - the assistance on this site, forms, books with exact instructions that work, and the Academy, but all of that leads to a dead end many times if the financing isn't available. Thanks for stepping in where our banks are failing us (again).

Finding the deals for us is great too, but don't make this too easy on us!


Very Exciting!

donna47's picture

I live right outside of Kansas City, in Independence, MO. Would love to meet with you guys! Remember me when you get those deals in the pipeline. I have buyers in the area.


Still eager . . .

It's been a long time dream to get involved with real estate ownership. The fulfillment will soon come.

No sale yet but moving forward !
Thanks Dean !

Power if Positive thinking!

Kansas City

investorinmissouri's picture

wooo hooo your in Kansas city that just makes me even more pumped to take this even further. I cant wait for the info when you have it dean:) I am super excited and pumped.

Truly Awesome !

mteragram's picture

I am truly touched by the true compassion for helping us that Dean exhibits. It is scary trying to take these first steps. There is so much to learn and so much guidance needed and to see Dean take EVERYTHING to the next level is awesome. I look forward to everything he offers. Keep it up Dean.

Feeling free already,

A New Approach

I would love to be included in learning a new strategy to create wealth in Real Estate. Count me in!!!

Deans latest "Hand Up" (not hand out) idea.

I cannot think of anything you and your team have come up with that is not worth your efforts.
At the very least, every idea that comes fourth from you and the gang gives one a renewed motivation to "Get off the fence" and make it happen. And in many cases provides new ways to do so. (This one in particular, funding, has been one of my "excuses". Thank you for all you do Dean.
Phoenix, AZ

I'm Extremly Interested

bill2658's picture

Iv'e been banging my head against the wall wondering what I'm doing were to go.


Laird Property's picture

I'm excited to find out what you and Matt and the team come up with. Certainly interested in taking my business to the next level in the Florida market place.
Thankyou for all you do !!!


Those interested in KC area

investorinmissouri's picture

oooo I just wanted to make a quick comment. In deans video he said they were out in Kansas City, MO.

For those of you interested in the Kansas City and surrounding areas Let me be your bird dog:) I would love to find the right homes for you.

You can pm me for my contact information lets get working together and get some deals going.

Again I cant wait to see the information dean has on the lenders. WOO HOO!!!

Blog #102

Advocate's picture

Sounds great, would like to hear more.


giaragroup's picture


I want to thank you and the mastermind team for brain storming and coming up with innovative ideas, especially in helping finding killer deals. I am interested in Arizona and Private Lending from you and Matt. God Bless and Keep You,GD

Blog #102

Advocate's picture

Sounds great, would like to hear more.

2-Day Conference & Investing Opportunity

Dean, Just when I think you can't possibly top your last training idea and coupled with your continued generocity of you time and knowledge, now to reach out and give us an opportunity to invest with the best in the industry!!! All I can say is, I would be delighted and honored to have ya'll come out to H-Town to lock up some great deals. Sign me up, sign me up!!!


I'm excited!!

jctmi421's picture

Every Monday morning I look forward to watching your blog. This is the most exciting one yet. I can't wait to have this opportunity. The first book I read of yours was actually Totally Fulfilled, it was a great book. Years later I saw you on TV and new I had to get Be A Real Estate Millionaire.

My motivation isn't due to being broke, but due to wanting to enjoy life. I'm lucky enough to have a decent paying job right now but I hate every minute of it. So I have set a goal of being able to quite by the end of next year. Although I know this is ambitious, I think it's the only way to go.


Hi Dean, Thanks so much for

Hi Dean,

Thanks so much for your passion and teaching! Over the years the LORD has allowed me to flip several vacant properties and it's helped us out greatly. I'm venturing into new territory and have such mixed emotions (I'm sure which is normal; excited, yet nervous, fired-up, skeptical, etc., etc yet something keeps pushing forward. Over the years I've done 1031 exchanges, put signs up to sell property, but it's always been vacant property. I've been to tax deed sales, auctions, am familiar with tax appraiser sites, zillow, etc., but have never dealt with houses. I absolutely love your weekly videos and encouragement!!! I just finished your book last night and am planning on going through it again. Please keep the videos coming with the great teaching and the encouragement! Have a great week!



kimfal's picture

I still havent done my first deal yet but I hope I can get out of my own way and get it going asap!!

I love the way you're always sharing your information and finding ways to help!

Sounds Good


This information you just revealed to us sounds awesome. I look foward to see what you guys come up with.

Joe Simmons


I am very intrigued and anxious to see what
you and your team have cooked up.This is just what the doctor ordered.You are like a mad scientist
(I mean that in a good way!).Working on new inventions to leave your competition,what am I saying? what competition? they're the rest and you're the best. Keep it up Dr. Deanenstein!


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