Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #122 - World News, Graziosi Style

This week Dean has a brand new trick for us all.

We actually have a new way to share the things that YOU think are worth sharing from this site. Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog
Access The Application

He also has an announcement about a very cool project that you can be a part of shaping.

So for some exciting new stuff to start your week, take a moment and watch now.

Awsome Idea!!!

Dean, I think this is an awsome idea and who better than you to teach someone to fish. I truly hope you can get a network to see your vision, I'm sure people would love it! You could be the next Oprah!! With your knowlage and your true love for helping people, the masses will love you, as we all do. You are truly a great man with a heart of gold. Best of luck to you on this new venture, and more so to the millions of peoples lives you could change through this venture!!

May the heavens bless you and your familly always!!


PaulYoung4ever's picture

Dean, this is awesome. I couldn't get the application to work for me, I will keep working on it. I have spent my life helping others through their problems, but I have found myself in a bind due to many recent circumstances. I could use help making it through. However, I'm afraid to apply, I'm afraid I couldn't live up to your expectations. God can do anything, and He has ressources we do not even begin to understand. This is a great thing you are doing, and I know someone will be blessed through you.

Physical help

D-HI's picture

This is awesome Dean... I've been wishing someone would do this for me for YEARS...come to my home town and actually DO a deal with me and SHOW me the a-z steps...doing it with me, not just telling, or going over concepts.

This is huge...I wish it success. and can't wait to watch..

Help a Family

Hi Dean:

Great idea about teaching a deserving family your techniques. I listened to a Webinar by James Malinchak this week. He was on ABC's Secret Millionaire last week. He talked about three keys to wealth.
1) Mindset
2) Skill Set
3) Take Action

Hope that everyone has a successful week .


Magarahan's picture

Congratulations, Dean. I think this is going to be the best thing you've ever done.

Looking forward to the show!

MWhite2's picture

This is an awesome thing you're putting together Dean. Not only are you helping a family, but actually going through and showing US DGers (the ones who havent done a deal) how to with visualization. Me myself, I like to actually see things happen. So this will be a great teaching tool for me. Great stuff!


haven't ever posted here in my almost 3 years being a DG "NUT" but just had to say what a great idea you have come up with. wish i could nominate myself %^) for no other reason but just to have a chance to talk one on one with ya but that would be selfish on my part and I'm sure I'd have to take a number - LOL - you have again as some have already said stepped outside the box. You are truely a good person, even though I haven't ventured out to put your wisdom you share with us to work I know it's possible but it's up to me. you continue to motivate, and share every week and I thank-you for your continous time you put in to help us all.


I Like the concept

ttjudge's picture

Hey Dean,

I really think this is a great idea. Helping a person/family learn how to invest in real estate, rather than giving them a house or some money. I beleive that is what the savior truely had in mine from the beginning. The world becomes a better place when we all teach each other how to become better.



Great Post Dean

Brad Thomsen's picture

I really like your post.

It reminds me why I like being around people who give of themselves to help others.

There are so many who are down, but with just a little help, or a little inspiration, or to just be able to see that someone else can rise up from hard times, then they too begin the process of getting back on their feet.

Thank-you for the inspiration.

This is HUGE!

BobDProperties's picture

My first reaction to this video and your reality tv show is WOW! This is HUGE! What a great idea! I don't think you realize how big this is going to be ! If there is anything we can do as the DG Family let us know !

Great Idea as Usual!


New show app

Trying to open the application, but can't do it! I get a window that tells me the file is "damaged" Help! Smiling

What a Blessing

sooklall_ladies's picture

Thanks for the blog this week. I love the idea, and its a wonderful thing you are doing. This will give back to those in need.

Blog #122

Dean what more can I say...This is the ultimate of all blogs. This is really going to be awesome to really help a family that needs help. It's a huge blessing to see people helping people and to know that ur truly making a difference in people's lives.

Awesome and God Bless

What a wonderful opportunity!!!!

What a compassinate person you are Dean.....I will be submitting my application soon, as I have faced such a difficult challenge in my life due to a car accident that took place a year ago. With a income of $ 845.00 a month from SSI I purchased your books and feel for the first time since the accident I have something to look forward too.

Look forward to achieving my goals
Agent99-La Quinta, Ca.

Big Hearted

Hi Dean
I have watched this video and do watch extreme homes but what show i like better is secret millionaire.Great Show.
The reason i ordered this book is to make more money,I have spent a lifetime helping people and now my finances have been extremely drained for a lot of reasons.I would love to say that i would be a great canidate for this but i know there are people out there in worse shape than me.And i would rather see them get the help they need.As for me somehow i always manage .I have always looked at this from the point of view no matter how bad you think you have it there are a lot of people worse off.So i will continue to help people the best i can and will take my hat off to another person fighting the good fight,The fight to help each other.

whats important to you?

i see whats important to you. you take giving to a whole new level. you have a big heart,blessings to you and yours. see you from the top.

Hungry for assistance

This blog is just the type of motivation I would need if only I could get such a break also. I would love to see how it all works out for that family.


Your giving to people is amazing, very inspiring. This is so true, the more you give, the more bless you become. Thank you Dean for another great blog.
Have a great week. Halina

This is what it's all about: GIVING BACK!

SynysterAndre's picture

As usual Dean, you never cease to amaze. And with this week's blog, I'm not just amazed....I'm AWE STRUCK LIKE NEVER BEFORE! Smiling This is truly one huge step in the efforts of expanding great success. And I love the way Carol Stinson put it regarding this family out reach...."TRUE success comes from helping others!" I've actually seen a few episodes of Extreme Home Makeover and seeing the smiles, tears and lit up faces is so heart-warming that it encourages and pushes me even more to go out and do things for others.

I'm not sure just yet who I wanna help nominate for this family out reach, but I know there are plenty of great people and families that could definitely use this to help propel them to the next level in their lives. I can definitely see that a lot is still in store to come for everyone in the DG family, which is totally awesome. We all know of course that in life, things can get stressful and we may get off track. But once we pick ourselves up and realize who we are and the reasons why we wanna live out all our goals and dreams, the journey is totally worth it and is all the more reason to keep pressing forward. Thanks so much again for another awesome and amazing blog Dean and I look forward to hearing from you soon!


The New Show

imagonna's picture

How bout you call the new show "Changing the World one life at a time" that is after all what you are doing! The DG family tree started with a tiny seed that you planted many year's ago and have nurtured and cared for and every day it continues to grow bigger and stronger. With your dream and visions and deadication as its base. With each new person making that first sale a new branch is formed and no matter how many branches it grow's the base can and will support it! You dont even know me but I know you want me to be successful not to put a feather in your cap but to make the world a better place for ALL of us. Thank You Dean and your family as well your amazing staff.

sincearly Barbara

Blog #122 Graziosi Style

Shellsell's picture

Hi Dean,

Your way of helping is never ending. You help others in so many ways, this will just be another one of your creative ideas of reaching out and teaching real estate. Hope this show becomes a reality for all to see.

Believe it or not we actually have a family in our town that is waiting to qualify for the extreme makeover.

Blessings upon all your endeavors

Help a family

Great idea!! I will get my address book out. Thanks.

Nice one.

Dana Leigh's picture

There you grow again. I love the concept. And, I look forward to finding you a Michigan family. Goodness knows we have some folk in dire need of a blessing like this one. Peace,

What an awesome blog!

louisajhc's picture

I'm so lucky that I am continually inspired by you, your team, by your Success Academy, and so grateful to be a part of this giving community.

All the best to the DG team in accomplishing this great feat!

Video Blog #122

What an awesome idea!!
Before I was introduced to your system I watched Extreme Home Makeover every week. I wanted to volunteer to go and help with one of their projects, I would even pay all my own expenses. I never called to ask if I could help. Then I was introduced to your site and system; then no time for such things. NOW her is an opportunity for me to help others in such a huge way, and to help show millions of others that there are still alot of caring people out there, if they would only open their eyes.
Thank you for all you do to show us the ways in which we can share our time, knowledge and attitude with others.
Dean, please let me know, in what way I might help you make this your greatest achievement so far.


sonny's picture

Dear Dean,

I`m on this site over a 2 years. Being a immigrant in this country , I hit a lot of obstacles but just you and DG family members made me think that I can make changes about my life and others.

This is a HUGE step for everybody.

Congrats and WELL DONE.


help please

RevCampbell's picture

Can someone tell me how to do the video and attach it to the application for the current contest? I don't know how to do this or attach the pictures, either. Please?

Can't open "Apply Now" link

Hey Dean, I couldn't open the link, it said the file is damaged and cannot be repaired. Am I the only one who has problem? I do have Adobe Reader version 9.4 and Window 7. Would love to recommend a family. Please help. Thanks.

Hi Dean!

Rick888's picture

Once again you have shown why you are the best at what you do.
As far as nominating someone for this amazing gift, I would only be able to nominate myself since I am the only person I know who is into real estate investing. However I'm sure there are a lot of people who are far more deserving of it, so I would like to wish whoever wins the best. I hope you take full advantage of this incredible opportunity.
Thanks again Dean for all you do for all of us.



Good morning Dean,I am so greatful that you are doing this I hope thta you have gotten my other comments thta I had made today have a great day.

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