In this week's blog Dean shares a great book and a great philosophy on how to make the changes that you need to do to achieve the results you desire.
Also in this blog, Dean has some important updates to tell you about for Gain the EDGE 2010. This is the biggest single thing we organize all year and it is really important to us that we keep you in the loop every step of the way. Not only is the big reveal about the details coming really soon, but before you know it the actual event itself will be upon us with the way times flies!
With that in mind be sure to keep tabs on the emails and info about the event that will be hitting your inbox (email and PM) really soon. Even if you are someone who isn't sure what it is all about or wondering how it will benefit you, now is the time to thinking about it and asking the people who were there last year. Since we couldn't find a spot with capacity we really need to make sure everyone who will want to go has a seat you need to pull the trigger right away to make sure your seat is secure.
Right On
As always, a great blog. You mention about people helping and holding you accountable. That is exactly what Jeremy and I do. Although it seems that I am the one lately that blows up and gets off course, my young partner always listens, lets me sound off, and then we go on to what we do best, make deals happen. Everyone needs someone to help. Jeremy and I have each other....Jan
Thanks again Dean!
I know that I've been falling back into some old habits and not keeping myself accountable for my goals. Lately, I've been getting back to my work with my Real Estate business and am starting to make some progress again. I'm a member of your success academy but i haven't been using the coaches like I should. I need to call them and get the help I need to acheive my first deal. Thanks for reminding me that I have this mentoring resource.
Rick Merritt
Trident Realty, LLC
Thanks Dean,
The EDGE 2009 helped change my life. I hope that everyone has a chance to experience this. I know that the seats are limited so make sure if you want to go, like Dean said- keep an eye on those emails. I can't wait to hear all the great things that are going to take place at this years EDGE event.
Last years was amazing, I am not sure if words could even explain the energy and knowledge that you received from this event. Dean was there the whole time and answered any and all questions that came his way. If you got the EDGE home addition imagine what it will be like to be there. Hope everyone gets tickets and has a great time.
Keep on reaching for those stars.
Carpe Diem :0) Stacey
The Edge Event 2010
Hi Dean,
Just want to say I'm so excited about The Edge Event this year. May is my month ya know....I got your books the first of May last year(sadly,I did not go online till July. BIG MISTAKE!!!), I'm a mom and it's my birthday. It would be fabulous to have that experience and gain such a wonderful wealth of information and to see and meet everyone. You and your team just keep on giving. EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE; has empowered me to move forward with my life and I'm glad I can say, I have. I am so Blessed to have picked up that phone in the middle of the night. Can never thank you all enough; and I know Dean you hear it all the time; and it's so true. Looking forward to The Edge Event 2010. Thanks So Much.
Karin Galgano
"Here's to the Edge,
Where we Pledge,
To Meet,
The DG Elite".
Thanks for sharing another weekly video blog with us. We can't wait for the Gain the EDGE 2010 Event! I am sure it will sell out quickly! I know last year there were so many people that were unable to attend. Thanks for keeping the DG Members #1 and we can't wait to hear all the live event details. We are on the "edge" of our seats! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
dates? the video isn't showing!
For some reason, there is no video in the box! Did Dean announce the dates for Edge 2010???
Dean, I really love how you share things with the DG family. I'm going to order the book you mentioned. 2010 is my year to CHANGE..and make a difference. Thank you! Sara
Gain The Edge 2010
The more I hear about the Live Edge Event, the more I am surprised at what was and will be given at the event. All the wonderful exposure to those that are doing it and especially to meet the author of DG. I pray that I can pay for a ticket to go this year. I believe that God has a plan for me to prosper me and great things will happen this year. I am believing that Gain The Edge 2010 is one of those things. I am eagerly awaiting that email announcement that tickets are ready and on sale.
Blog 62
Great blog and excitement for the next live event.
Hope to see everyone again this year as well as meet all the new members.
Great to know..
thank you Dean this live event has been on my mind every since you first mentioned it back in 09, I have been checking my e-mails every since, it is great to know that us who purchased your Empowering Conversations are getting a good deal also, thank you for your time and efforts to encourage us to make a change in our lives!
by the way it was nice chatting with you on sunday. thanks for the support Dean.
Luiz Silva
I'm Interested In Going
I agree with the "mentor" situation, because Lord knows I need one. But I missed the last event in Arizona, and I hope my schedule is open for this one because it's something that I would like to attend.
Can't view the the thang! ;-)
I can't get past the first 16 seconds and it stops and goes back to the beginning. Help!
something wrong with the video
I can't get it to work either.
All Smiles in MI
WOW, This blog put a big o'smile on my face. Thanks Dean for pointing out that it is a group of like-minded people. We are not alone! What a great family!!
Cannot View the Blog
Like my fellow DG family, I cannot view the Blog. Maybe a glitch in the system. Well I will check again later today.
Still no video
Techies help please. No video showing up. Love to see it. Also - won't someone answer - Did Dean announce the Edge dates??? I'm guessing not, or it be all over the blog!
Glad The Video Is Up And Running Now
Thanks for ensuring that the video is functional. As always, thanks Dean for an exciting and factual video blog. You hit the nail on the head about human personalities and habits. Many times we get stuck in our old ways and avoid change or doing things differently. Change is what makes success.
You cannot know what is on the horizon, if you do not chance going over the hill. Very inspirational. God Bless.
Hallelujah...This is definitely what we all needed to hear!!!!
Dean, I've said it before and I'll say it again: You're THE MAN!! Wow...after hearing everything you talked about, from the live 2010 Edge Event, to simple matters of life and changes, its pretty clear that your vision of success for this year is so wide and so motivating to all of us that we can't even second guess this window of opportunity! And its so true though, when we do follow a pattern of discipline, without the right source or person to be there for you, it can get easy to get off course and fall into the same trend of failure and misery. Thanks for the continued inspirations to get us out there and make a difference for ourselves and our lives. Take care and God Bless!