We've been bombarding you with emails, videos, tips and other information as part of the Set For Life System over the last few weeks. All of this has been leading up to a big reveal that is taking place in just days. The conference call taking place on Tuesday is one of the most important we have ever had and it is critical you are part of it! Use the link above to reserve your spot and get the call details.
We can not thank you enough
All of your efforts and hard work do not go unnoticed. You are an amazing individual. Looking forward to the conference call. We would not miss it for the world. Taking action daily to make our way to accomplish great things. You are the best. Thanks for always being there for us. Most of all, thanks for all your tremendous knowledge in REI.
Thinks again. I always luv to here about all your great new Ideals. Looking forward to call on Tue. Hope all is going well.
All excited and can hardly wait!
I just viewed your weekly blog and I can hardly wait for the Set for Life System. I don't know what has happened, but I have not received any of the emails you mentioned. I WILL be on that conference call Tuesday night. Thank you very much for all the hard work you are doing for all of us.
Blog #90
Looking forward to the call Tuesday and the Set For Life System information.
Blog #90
Hi Dean, Thank you again for the blog. I posted call for Tuesday. This week i have a meeting to go to for the reiclub first one. Im told that You work your butt off it pay off at the end. And that what im doing. Sarah
Thanks Dean
Thanks for the blog. We can not wait till Tuesdays call.
Thanks Dean for your effort in helping others.
Totalviewrealestate.com Is the BEST tool I have seen and used. There is nothing like it.
God bless you.
Thanks for doing another video blog for us. We can't wait to hear all the details for your new Set for Life System. Tuesday night can't come fast enough. Thanks for providing us with the latest tips, tools and techniques. We wish you continued success in all you do! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe and Stacey
I'll be there!
Thanks Dean for working so hard for all of us. Your efforts are always appreiciated.
Best wishes!
I really want to join, but...
I have to work that day and I can't skip out for the duration...are you guys going to record this and post it online as usual? Please, please, please say yes! Thanks and I'm looking forward to hear from you guys! Can't wait till the conference! Thanks for putting everything together...
Now Giving is Good but Resting is also Important
Thanks Dean as always. Now take a few days off after the Conference Call to rest.
Looks like pizza!
Looks like pizza for tues' night. Making it a patio picnic style - All paper plates, cups and napkins - no dishes! Free from dinner on, so bring it! Dean! I'm ready. And Thanks Again my friend.
Excited to hear the call.
You really have given me a good push to get something done! Thanks!
But don't understand the "Set for Life System" when you said we have rec'd several emails from you. But I also haven't rec'd anything in my emails from you for a long time, and until recently have started seeing your weekly blogs, or wouldn't have known about the Set for Life System.
Thanks again for all you do for us!!
Can't Wait!
Can't wait for the teleconference and the Set For Life System! Thanks for all you support!
Ready 2 Rock N Roll!
Ahh man, this is it!! Thanks so much Dean for everything and for totally getting my engine fired up....I'm so ready for this! This week is gonna be an important and busy one for me, and it's also pretty much "Do or Die time". There is NO time for me to waste just sitting back and waiting for opportunity to come get me, and there is definitely NO time for me to continue wishing for the best and seeing myself do this without taking ACTION! Dean, I know you're offering the keys to your house, car, and everything else included, and as much as I am so delighted and honored to be apart of this for a chance to win....honestly Dean, I really feel like the true prize and the true reward I can take from this is to FINALLY BE SUCCESSFUL IN REAL ESTATE! And I know with your Set For Life system, I know this will definitely help me to propel to new heights and definitely get me where I need to be. Thanks so much Dean and God Bless!
For those of you who feel defeated
To all readers of this blog who feel defeated,
It's time for each of us to stop making excuses and begin to take action. I have been right there with you and have allowed many things to stop me from taking action. I want to leave you with a quote that has really helped me.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small doesn't serve the world."
~ Marianne Williamson
Kindest Regards,
Looking forward to tonight and I want all to Know..........
Every morning when I wake up and every afternoon when I'm getting ready to go to work, at THE JOB I CANT STAND,I go through Deans video blogs and listen to them, for inspration....and they work!I dont listen in any order,as a matter a fact I listen to them randomly and I allways end up picking "what I need to hear"to keep me excited and posative.Thanks so much Dean and our huge DG family.And remember focas on the outcome,the posative energy will work for all of us .Thats why I changed my e-mail address to UPE realty,
Universal Postative Energy.
Set For Life Videos
For any of you who have not received the emails for the Set For Life system, feel free to go to http://www.sflsystem.com/emb1/05/
There are 5 videos you are more than welcome to watch them.Thank you and looking forward to the conference call tonight!!
Very Excited About Conference Call.
I have been on pins and needles waiting to hear what else you are offer in your Set For Life System. The Totalview up grades are great. Thanks Dean for being the person you are and lending a hand to other so that they can do well in there investment. I am ready to hear tonights conference call. Thanks