Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #167 - Wisdom and Killer Deals on Turnkey Cash Flow Properties

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

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WOW, this is an exciting week! First, Dean shares a lightning fast lesson on how to turn your past into the fuel that will skyrocket you forward - instead of being the glue that holds you back.


After a year of prep work, Dean’s releasing properties he’s personally bought, totally rehabbed, rented to a qualified tenants, with killer property management in place and each of them are in some of the best areas in the country for positive cash flow and massive future growth. (Yes, they are ALREADY cash flowing!) All you need to do is pick the one(s) you want. So whether you want to buy a killer income property or just get past, “your past” this is a must watch blog! So watch the link below to check out the properties...

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Properties mentioned or purchased from Property Direct are put through an internal screening and held to high standards. But please note that any potential profit or performance discussed is an estimate. This represents unique circumstances. Your results may vary.


This sounds so great!Thankyou again for all you do.Anthony2010


Our past we need to learn what we did wrong and try not the do it again , we do not need to stuck with our past. Never forget your past but focus on future that what i believe I am a risk taker too. I am new and learning I do believe we learn something in our lives no matter what . Thanks all your info Dean.

Dean Great Advice !!! Our Past Powerful Abuse or PowerfulVicto

DebraAnn's picture

Great Advice as always!! When we allow our past to rule our lives we will lose the blessing our future can bring. All though that is so much easier said than done.

The P.A.S.T. can be a very

(P)powerful(A)abuse (S)successful (T)takes
In other words if we chose to live in the past where something really hurt us and we keep reliving it we are only allowing the past to abuse us over and over again. As your P.A.S.T. can successful take your dreams and goals a way, because you are afraid to take the next step for your recovery and freedom from pain.

This is so much easier said than done when someone is stuck in their past. Maybe you can talk about that on one of your blogs. As I was work though my past I was learning how to take the Hand of God as I walked though painful things in my past. My Faith in God is where my greatest strength comes from. Even with my faith in God it takes a lot of hard work to change your mind set.

But when you get to the other of your PAST PAIN you can chose to let it destroy you or allow it to develop a new found Maturity and growth within your spirit.

Your PAST is not always your enemy, as if you look back on the things you have done in the PAST that has made you successful,

your PAST can be a very
(P)powerful (A)anointing (S)successfully

In other words when we look back on our past successes and live in those behaviors or actions we will have the ability to succeed over and over again. But don't stop there keep working on ourselves as growth and knowledge for better ways to succeed, strength and new found maturity is the most powerful gift we can give ourselves. But in my life I can only achieve that with my God's Help!! Life can be tough on so many levels but God is always there to lend a helping hand.

Thank you for this now tool I will use it when I can

DebraAnn's picture

Dean Thanks you so much for everything you do for us as you give us so many Awesome tools to achieve success in this field. I just need to make the money and then follow through the rest of the way when I can.

I am still looking for investment clubs in LA California where I could meet investors not much luck so far, but I am not stopping there. I am still studding your book Real Estate in your own Home town.

For the next two months I am stuck in my home and can not leave do to an injury. I know we can do real estate on line but do not completely understand it yet. In your new book making money in 30 days does that one tell us how we can make money without leaving our homes? Maybe you can answer that question in one of your blogs someday soon.

Maybe Dean you can write a new book and call it, "Making money at home without ever leaving your front door." Thank You for all the education and tools you give us. I just cant wait until I have all the recourse to access them. Then use them to my greatest capability!! Thanks again

Moving Forward

Thanks Dean for the simple brilliance once again! A person gets what they put their attention on. Good way to start the day : ) Guy

Great prices

HomeRoots's picture

Wow, these prices are great! Not quite there yet, but good to know that these properties will keep on coming!



jcwp's picture

Hi Dean,
props. look great! I have been seeing more of these types of props. being offered lately. You definitely got it going on. Just got back from a closing on the purchase of another bank prop. this morning. Will see you at the EDGE!

John Wakefield

ww #167

Dean, trying so hard to make it in life..
Your a real inspiration.Weekly Wisdom #167(properties)-Very interested!!!!Whole sale buying too!
I would also like to make it to the edge program in april but currently cannot even put in on a charge card Sad (I have only a $300 dollar limit)- because I am recently divorced and ''My'' credit was demolished because of another individual walked away from her responsibilities..So I am stuck.. but anyways I have 5 children 2 grandkids as well,- I take care of my 3 younger children the other 2 are now moved out and of age. So I am trying to make a better life for them and myself..I would like properties in Warren or any where. Real estate will be my life just need a break or someone to give a lift(will Pay it forward) to get going..I now have my LLC set up and have my EIN etc,etc... now trying to get Credit cards under the LLC name-- so I can make a fresh start...I am interested in so so much in real estate..

Tony C. Nashua NH

Blog 167

Owning property in Windsor Canada.across the detroit river makes me a little hesitant about Warren Michigan: I have witnessed such deterioration of that side of the river.I would only be interested in property as far out as Ann Arbour..Even Ypsilanti makes me nervous.jusayin:

Turn Key = No Distance Restrictions

cbrpower's picture

What I love about turn key properties is being able to own the investment without having to live close to the investment. Thats what the management team is there for.

That way if you live in california, but the best cash flowing deals are in Michigan, you can still profit from them!

You don't have to invest in the same town you live in if you have the RIGHT turn key investment!

Selling HOmes

Great Job, Dean! I received a call from a company in Georgia who does this type of selling and was wondering "Hey, why didnt Dean think of this?" So happy that you are now involved because I feel safer buying something from you and Matt knowing that you two would not steer us wrong.

Thanks again to you and Matt!!!
I myself need this little push as I have been with you for almost one year and just can't get ahead..I know what to do but then feel like I get stuck along the way..

Hoping to make a better life for family in 2012
Thanks again
Cosmas (DONNA)

Weekly Wisdom #167 has me thinking about the past..

Hello, this weeks wisdom has bridged a gap from what is holding me back! Yes i have said those things about oh I read that book and did not make money or watch a DVD? same results. you can learn alot from your own personal history! I am reviewing those errors now. I still have not done my first deal yet. Just cant get the cash flow to where i can get the advertising to create my buyers list. Cant afford to buy Bandit signs. But i can make my own! Thanks Dean for a great Weekly Wisdom! has me fired up! Also when is that EDGE weekend?

Fantastic Opportunity!

annettebates's picture

Thanks Dean for the fantastic opportunity. I'm still trying to come up with the money for my first deal. I hope they are around when I get the money. It is a very good incintive to get that first deal if you haven't already.

new properties

Great Blog Dean: That is so unique, I will continue to listen, too these blogs and videos, I have set new goals for 2012. I want to do some wholesailing, but, I need too get busy,and take action.Carol in texas

new properties

Great Blog Dean: That is so unique, I will continue to listen, too these blogs and videos, I have set new goals for 2012. I want to do some wholesailing, but, I need too get busy,and take action.Carol in texas


armendariz5's picture

Q: Dean how do i go about getting one of these property's, I WOULD LIKE TO USE MY 401K PLAN THAT'S not making me any money, and i want to be part of the Down Market, so i don't look back and say " I should have".

Thank U, again.

P.s.i went to a event you have in town, was able to see that you offer, so much more form's of Real Estate, i can't wait to try other avenues.

Armendariz5 God Bless


great blog .I hope I can buy one of your properties soon.

Awesome! Thanks for all

bahney's picture

Awesome! Thanks for all that you do for your students. Thanks again for reminding us to let go of the past and think of it as research and development. Great way to think of it.

interested in properties

bandit1's picture

hey im interested in any of the properties thats left?...hit me up with whats left?...ive got a buyer i know of that may buy them off me for a fee??? just thought of something

Dean & Matt

TomAndJeri's picture

Great properties guys! This is an awesome opportunity for someone who wants to be in the cash flow business in this area. I remember Matt's one of his future target markets is in Oklahoma, have you guys thought about doing this same thing around here?

Weekly Wisdom #167

Hi Dean,

That’s good stuff you’re doing in MI and a great opportunity for the people who live there. I personally like to see the properties I’m involved with; therefore, by being in the Raleigh NC area, a property near Detroit does not work for me. Do you have similar properties or have you ever considered looking at properties in Durham NC. I had considerable success bird-dogging properties in Atlanta GA ranging from Subject-to deals too purchasing REO properties and everything in between.

Upon moving to Raleigh NC I read a newspaper article about the “Vacant home list” in Durham NC. As a result, I tracked down the owners of some of the properties and made offers. I and my investors in Atlanta picked up five 2800 sq ft plus homes with the least expensive home purchased for $3000 and the most expensive for $28,500. We flipped two AS IS with an 8k & 10k profit. We renovated the other three and sold two of them, one as an owner/occupant and the second as an occupied rental with a five year lease. I am holding the fifth property, a 3000 sq ft Queen Anne Victorian in a historic district of Durham. It currently rents for $2000 per month against an $1150 PITI mortgage payment. Our tenant has signed a five year lease and has Government subsidized (Not Sec Cool funds and is currently looking for additional properties to rent. I said all of that to say this: Durham NC presents an excellent rental opportunity being that it is 5 miles from the Research Triangle Business Park and all other areas in Raleigh, Cary, Apex and Chapel Hill that surround the business park have already taken off and doing quite well. Durham is still virgin territory with an excellent inventory of $150k properties that can be acquired for $50k which is similar to you’re situation in Detroit.

I would love the opportunity to work with you guys if you’re interested in this area.


usproperty's picture

I loved that you said there is no monument out here about our screw ups! This is so true. Just ONE thought can make or break you. It's our responsibility to keep our thought life in check. THANKS SO MUCH!!!

turning that key

Hey Dean can you get them for the 3.5% down fha?
if so iam ready to buy NOW!

Hey Dean -

SouthsideJohnny's picture

The R & D analogy is on the money! After all the "research" that's been done to date, I should be fully "developed" by now! LOL!! Sorry...couldn't resist!

Although not in position to take advantage of your offers; I'm aggressively preparing myself to "catch the wave"! I'll be an board before you know it!!

Thanks once again for the wisdom and inspiration. Your timing is do you do it??

Till next time -


evolkers's picture

I like your style brother I just got checked by my wife about my R&D yesterday and boy I gotta good jolt of motivation. God Bless

Eric V


Hi Dean:

I am new here --- and it sure is refreshing to find a man who seems to be totally sincere with everything he says.

I have been through some really tough times for over the past 3 years... with lots of medical issues. Finally recovering from major surgery that I hope will be my last.

I look forward to more properties becoming available... hoping to see some in the northeastern states. Hopefully, our finances will get straightened out and we can possibly invest in an income property to get started.



Good to see you today !

dglloyd's picture

Hey Dean -- Thanks for popping in on the group today ! What a GREAT surprise ! Thanks again for your weekly encouragement and inspiration ! You gave us great stuff this morning and the day continued to be awesome with Matt and Nathan !!! What a great group to be involved with--we LoVe the DG family !

We were also hesitant..... But

TomAndJeri's picture

Del Angel, we also attended this free seminars in the past. It was similar to what you've said, but we joined this 3 days seminar in OKC, then we joined the success academy. All we invested, it has paid off. We learned a lot and not only that, we met a lot of great real estate investors.


bonitaj777's picture

Thank you Dean! And Thanks for the R & D! -- Research & Development. -I have tons of that. -I spent the past 20++ years breaking down those monuments. Thanks again for the reminder! -We all need that.

Thank you!

bonitaj777's picture

Thanks Again Dean! -I really need to position myself so that I can take advantage of this GREAT offer!