Do you ever look at Dean or others on this site and suddenly start feeling bad about yourself? Do you get stuck in reliving the painful choices of your past? Do you start walking down the mental road where you experience self-doubt and second guess your choices?
Well...if you do, you're in good company. See why in this video and discover a surprising truth that will change all that for you, if, you let it.
I Would Like To Share This
This is a quote that was shared with me."I am thankful for the perseverance to move forward even in the darkest of hours."
Great video!
Tihs was a great video!It did get some questions i was asking myself answered.Once again it was great,thanks!
Thank You Dean
Thanks again Dean for all the wisdom you provide and bring. Plus, and most of all, thanks for being "real". Thanks for sharing YOU with us. It's refreshing to see how you treat everyone in the DG family and it shows in your material. You're an inspiration to so many.
Great job Dean
Hi Dean, I have to say that you inspire so many people and many of us take for granted that you have become so successful we don't realize that you go through some of the same fears that we do.
I have asked myself many time while watching your weekly wisdom and reading through all the information on this site how you were able to overcome everything that is unknown about real estate and find that I have really struggled with getting my feet on the ground doing deals.
Every time I hit a road block I take a step back and look at this site or open one of the 3 books I got from you and just keep reading until I find what helps me get the motivation to push through.
I haven't yet closed on anything but that hasn't stopped me. I hit a really low spot a couple moths ago and stopped everything. I let my fear get the best of me and hit hit hard. I am getting back to looking for deals and trying harder than I ever have before. I know that if I just keep doing and researching I will be successful.
We all can.
Thanks again for your insiration and keep up the good work.
What I learned....
about real estate? Well, during the "boom" I bought a house in Las Vegas, Florida and Brooklyn, NY - all on just my signature alone! You'd think I would of thought how is this possible with just good credit?
6 years later, I lost the one in Las Vegas and the one in Florida and Brooklyn are in foreclosure. Big mistakes? Not really. In real estate I just got the most valuable education I could ever hope for - I learned what NOT to do. So, not only am I going to school to become a Realtor, but also reading all of Dean's books. By this time next year, I will be helping people who are in the same mess I was because I really know how they feel - I mean REALLY KNOW - first, hand, truley by experience. The past is the past - I decided to start thinking about a wonderful future that lies ahead - with that, who's got time to think of the past? Thanks Dean, for all you do. Merry Christmas. Bruno
My funk
Dean, That's what I love so much about you. I can relate to you and you keep it real with the DG family. I go through these funks a lot. Keeping mindset fresh admist the constant negativity that now radiates from 3 people instead of just one is a constant battle I attack every day. And its a conscious effort to get the negative thoughts and criticisms out of my mind.
Recently, I have gotten 7 deals under contract. One of these deals I want to fix and flip myself is an ugly house - FROM THE OUTSIDE. Internally, I see the ROI, hardly ANY work at all, this is the ultimate in fix and flip greatness. And the ARV is CRAZY. 60-70% ROI cash return. Upon looking at the external, it looks scary. There's this dilapidated staircase that's falling apart outside and peeling paint on one side of the house. But, if people got inside, its a diamond in the rough in a small town. And inside is BEAUTIFUL. If people took the time to go in the house they'd see the splendor of it. But, it sits there physically challenged on the outside so people give it no thought.
Its kind of like what I grew up with in my life. I had wonderful parents, but our family was always the ‘black sheep’. Also, on the outside, my father 'looked different' than what people call 'normal'. Most people would look at him and laugh. Some would get those wide eyes and you could read their expression (freak), some would be kind and say hi. But the very few, the 1% of rare people, would get to know my father. I learned very early on in life that real friends are hard to find. The way *I* was treated by other kids growing up was affected because we were the oddball family that had no car that would walk to the grocery store and Kmart with one of those pull carts. We walked everywhere, rode a bus and biked. Occasionally we’d get a taxi. We were the only ones that had an empty parking space in the condo lot with no car, (and ironically, the condos were letters, not numbers, and ours was the letter 'F', so you can just imagine the comments). We got almost every piece of furniture and clothing from Goodwill and Salvation Army. I learned appreciation for things quickly.
But I am SO thankful for those days and those experiences. I learned early on that there are a few good people in the world worth calling 'friend'. I was directly affected by the mean ways friend's parents wouldn't let their kids play with 'me' because I was the 'weirdo'. PARENTS who knew nothing about me or my family, influencing their children that I was a bad person! I had to grow up fast . I grew up with constant rejection, belittlement and criticism. To top it off, my parents were 'Jehovah's witnesses' for the first 10 years of my life and I had to sit in the library during every 'fun' event in school, and could hear the kids whispering about me and see them laugh.
That's probably why I am the warrior I am today, and I wouldn't be who I am today without that life experience. It shaped who I am more than anything else. It also taught me to be STUBBORN and persist, and that people will look for reasons to dismiss you that have nothing to do with reality, but with mere perception.
As a little girl in kindergarten, I had this ‘good friend’ I played with all the time. One day, my good friend would no longer play with me because her parents told her that I was 'not the type of person she should be playing with'. This person, who I once thought was a great friend, turned and started gossiping around the neighborhood about whatever horrid things her parents had said about my parents and me that weren't true. I doubted myself. I loved my parents so much, but I began to think as a child 'WHY?- why are they doing this?'. My parents were my world and were the most wonderful people I knew. (And I still believe that today
) I began to doubt myself, and even my own parents. I asked myself what is wrong with me. And then I talked to my parents about it, and they were wise, especially my dad, and he gave me a great lesson about why we were looked upon differently.
In the past weeks I’ve began to question myself and my abilities and felt that doubt I had as a child creep back into my life. I re-checked my numbers literally over 20 times. I even questioned my rental numbers which I have down pat. I doubted everything I know I’m excellent at. But the doubt I had way back then resurfaced because of a rejection that has nothing to do with me. I still daily take the thoughts that clutter my mind and shove them to the side because THEY ARE NOT ME. Thanks Dean for helping me refine who *I* am. You are a person to whom I hope to call 'FRIEND' one day.
Dear Dean,
Thanks for the message. I needed to hear your message right now. I am trying to get ready for my three day one-on-one training and I am afraid I am going to waist it because I am not where I want to be.
I enjoined meeting you at the Nov. Buying Summit.
Dean, I too have a difficult time looking at pictures. I live that everyday. I even packed my pictures in boxes. But what I would want to be able to say one day, like you I am blessed for whatever reason business, life... I can't say that right now,
Thank you for sharing and caring !!
You sure put it out there that you are human life the rest !! Thank you for your inspiration you give every week. Everyone stumbles and falls and makes mistakes. It is what we learn from them and take from the experiences.
You said be GRATEFUL you are here to even tell your story.
Thanks again as always !!
Always someone to learn from
Hello Dean,
Thank you for your weekly wisdom videos. Everyone has said it already, and I seem to always have an idea of what will get us through the next steps in this endeavor, but mostly in our lives. I know many of us still have the villains that continue pulling us back, But is seems like you always have that rope there that we can atleast hang on to then continue pulling ourselves out of the rut we sometimes tend to slide into. I admire the way you still relate to everyone at their levels and help us realize our own powers. Thanks.
Today's Weekly Wisdom #213
Thank you for your sincere weekly wisdom video. Because it hit a personal nerve, I found myself nodding in agreement. You are and have been my inspiration for a long time. Soon, I will be in a position to harnass the knowledge that I have obtained from your books. I am now and will be forever grateful to have someone like you in my business life. Many years ago, I found this quote: "The more things a man is ashamed of, the more honorable he is". Dear honorable Dean-we need so many more people like you in our world. Besides who else shares business wisdom AND his Grandmother's sauce recipe? The DG family is very blessed. Be well and happy!
It's a Wonderful Life!
Ever really imagine what the world would be like without any of us, all of us?
Dean, I thank you for sharing your business sense with those who would like to follow in your footsteps. You have and will continue to touch the lives of many many people. You've made their lives richer, stronger and more resilient. I am grateful to you and your team for thinking enough of your fellow man to create a site to help people realize their dreams.
To Dean, his dream team and all the DG family, may your holidays be filled with God's grace, mercy and goodness.
Dean you are so........Right!
I just wanted to let you know that I believe living in the now is what we're meant to do. Sure, be thankful for all of the things that shaped you from your past. But, more important, be thankful for all the things you have now.
Thankfulness is an important key to happiness. (Sometimes I think it's more important than wealth).
Peggy Poole
Dean, thank you for sharing
It just so happens (?) that at the same time that I signed up with DG I entered one of the most personally challenging years of my life. Those circumstances left me emotionally disabled for a time from taking real estate action. Lots of life regrets surfaced in the last year and I am learning to meet them with a kinder inner voice. But it has not stopped me from setting up the business infrastructure and all its details, putting together a power team in Buffalo, learning, and connecting through DGIE. I did not lose hope that I would get to the place where I could move forward because I feel it's my only way toward to a better life. I am now poised to take action, and I feel ready to do the real estate. But I do walk through a wall of fear every time I cross the border from Toronto to Buffalo because I'm always afraid I'll get caught doing something wrong even though I have taken every step recommended to be "legal". I understand the phrase Carol Stinson used "Real estate investors do it afraid." I surround myself with light at border crossings and try to be in the Now. Your site and your programs give me the lift to do that.
Dumping the Past
This is the first time I have ever posted a comment in respose the one of your Weekly Wisdom videos though I watch them consistently. I have struggled with my past which seems like forever. I have been dealing with all of these internal road blocks that have created fear and depression which has stopped me in my tracks far too many times with becoming a RE Investor which is my dream. By watching this weeks W.W. video, I've learned that these feeling never go away. However, we owe it to ourselves to MANAGE these feelings and run towards them and not away thus conquering and overcoming what we fear most, our own success.
If we just got out of our own way, we would all be living our dreams! I vow to dump my past and live in the NOW and know that around each corner in another adventure to a life that is intended for me to live to its fullest. Thank you once again for your insight and barrier-breaking wisdom.
God Blessed you as well as all of us. Let's show Him we are making the most of our lives everyday!
That's my life story
Dean, I go through what you went through on a daily basis. One day I'll be pumped and productive then the next I don't feel like doing anything. Even worse, part of the day I will feel full of positive energy and the other part I feel full of negative energy. What does it for me is when I'm talking to old friends or checking facebook posts. I see so many friends accomplishing things everyday. Attending college and working at the same time, participating in community events, receiving honors, etc.. Then there's me. A college drop-out with constant obstacles and bad luck. I work at a part-time job that has little meaning only to make those working above me richer. Then I get home to do house chores, only to see my family members disregared the work I do at home and mess up what I just cleaned up. Then I spending time thinking about what it is I am meant to do. Believe me, I've spent hundreds of hours and dollars trying to find my passion and to build confidence, but I still am confused on what my purpose is. Sometimes I think to myself that some people instantly know what they are born to do. Then there's me, I change my mind on a daily basis. The only thing that brings me up from this negativity is relizing the little things I do. If it wasn't for me taking care of the house,helping my grandparents out when they need it, etc., many people around me would be stuck with problems of all sorts. In addition, I realize I am in control of my life, and it is up to me and ONLY me to change it. So I can either sit on my a$% and watch others succeed or get up and do something. I'll continue to learn new things about myself and work towards my goals everyday and I know that one day I will find what it is I was born to do and dedicate my life to it.
Oh yes
you are right, everything I do I do it all for my family and let's do this.
P.S just watch your Video I think I can stay home for Sunday church. Mr. Dean you are very positive people, and I am too. yay let's have wonderful life enjoy every moment of live. Thank you very much
Hit The Spot
Thanks again today really hit Home for me !!!!
Photos - what a trigger
It's kind of like the bounce in the real estate market. What goes up must come down only to bounce back up again. I myself uncovered/retrieved a missing photo album a few weeks ago and found photos there in of my step-mother who had passed away this past April. My siblings decided to keep it from me and so I learned of the passing in late September. I too was in a bit of a funk for awhile but quickly got past it. Years ago now, back in 1984 I went thru my 2nd divorce and was devastated. I went to divorce recovery workshop and counseling thru the church and saw a psychiatrist. I was in the book store self help section and found a little book called "How to Survive the Loss of a Love". It belongs in every home library. In it it explains loss whether it be a missed phone call or a loved one and it covered the difference between losing one to death or divorce. It enabled me to make better choices. Now with regard to photos, I am not one to cut them up or destroy them or throw them out. They are mine and they are memories. In that little book it explains that we are numb at first but with time the pain comes and goes and gets less and less. I kept all the photos and put them away. I can look at them when I want to. I did not put any family photos up on the walls after that divorce and just a couple of years ago I was able to put framed photos of my parents and grandparents up on the wall.
Our days here on earth are ordained for us and a plan for each of us before we were ever thought of. Now the past is gone and we can do nothing about it. Tomorrow may never come and the troubles and or good times of today are enough to handle. It is good to make and take time to reflect on memories good and bad as it helps us to continue on our way and do what we need to do and are meant to do.
You know Dean, I have learned so much from you and I can see how I have grown just being a part of all your weekly wisdoms and doing the exercises and assignments that you give us. Your purpose in my opinion is so much more than teaching us how to be real estate investors. I thank God for the plan HE has for your life.
We have choices and I feel like I am a kid in a candy store. What do I want? So many goodies! I set priorities on the music I listen to, the books I read, the food I eat, what I put into my mind and so much more. When things are tough and down and dirty I just count my blessings. Gratitude keeps my mind on track. So when we have a complaint, before we can voice it we need to sit down and write down 10 good things that we are grateful for. When we get done doing that the complaint should no longer matter. God love ya Dean and I do so appreciate you. Merry Christmas!
OH my! This answer below had
OH my! This answer below had disappeared earlier this morning, tonight, I found it on my FB timeline!! I didn't like that but here goes...
Thank you for sharing this Dean, Yes, I was in a similar state last week, overwhelmed with trying to do our next steps which was to put up our bandit signs, they blue away with heavy wind or tore apart excpet one. We had one call, do not know where that will lead. I have rental home which now I am trying to rent out, it was a surprise to find out my tenants are moving end of this month, job lost. The economy here is heavy, spiraling downward. People will not put their prices down,so it seems. I do not like having debts neither, I want to recoup what we have invested in here and I have to have faith that we will, but when? I have done some horrible investment in the past so, that fear of lossing big as I did thyen, it is still there, I am almost overcautious. However, I have a great life partner that brings me back up. Look, we had put some money aside to go to Mexico, I was ready to cancel that trip, etc..cancel another European trip I have committed to for next July. But no, we're getting ready to go away Friday, for a week and we are both so excited about it. The MONEY WILL come, it will. I am so very grateful with what we already have, our families, 2 houses, etc...SO, YES, KEEP the faith, LOVE & share with others and most of all, LIVE the LIFE NOW, not in the past. Have a fantastic Christmas all from the East Coast, CANADA. B Laura & Maurice
In my own funk too..:-)
Thank you for sharing this Dean, Yes, I was in a similar state last week, overwhelmed with trying to do our next steps which was to put up our bandit signs, they blue away with heavy wind or tore apart excpet one. We had one call, do not know where that will lead. I have rental home which now I am trying to rent out, it was a surprise to find out my tenants are moving end of this month, job lost. The economy here is heavy, spiraling downward. People will not put their prices down,so it seems. I do not like having debts neither, I want to recoup what we have invested in here and I have to have faith that we will, but when? I have done some horrible investment in the past so, that fear of lossing big as I did thyen, it is still there, I am almost overcautious. However, I have a great life partner that brings me back up. Look, we had put some money aside to go to Mexico, I was ready to cancel that trip, etc..cancel another European trip I have committed to for next July. But no, we're getting ready to go away Friday, for a week and we are both so excited about it. The MONEY WILL come, it will. I am so very grateful with what we already have, our families, 2 houses, etc...SO, YES, KEEP the faith, LOVE & share with others and most of all, LIVE the LIFE NOW, not in the past. Have a fantastic Christmas all from the East Coast, CANADA. B Laura & Maurice
PS I found the above on my FB timeline this evening,Oh..I did not want to post that there. How did I do that?!
Your blessings today were born of your past
Thanks so much, Dean - your weekly wisdom was truly wise! I look forward to hearing what you have to say each week because you always have a positive message. Without you and Joel Osteen to pick me up, I don't know where I would be. I'm determined to be a huge success in this business. I can see it happening and know that hard work and determination will get me there.
I have some pretty important "whys" to help motivate me. My mom is fighting cancer for the 3rd time, and I want to help her with her bills. My son's college tuition is overdue, and I have to worry about keeping a roof over my head next month. But beyond that, I know that I'm on this earth to help others have better places to live - places where they are proud to raise their families and they feel safe.
I have my 2nd and 3rd wholesale deals just under contract, and am desperately searching for buyers. I need to find buyers (and not tire kickers) NOW. I know I will pull this off, in spite of the negative noise around me. Whenever I start to question what I'm doing, I know I can watch a weekly wisdom and be centered and calm again. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with us!!
Weekly Wisdom
Thanks Dean for the insight into your life. I quess that just shows that your human just like the rest of us. But we all need to be gratful for what we do have in life. It takes a good man to admit he fights the villen to.
Great video post Dean
I really appreciate your weekly wisdoms.
Dean I can understand
Dean I can understand exactly how you felt. I go through that daily. I want so much to start with real estate but am afraid. My wife does not think that this is true. She says that this is just another scam in the many that I have tried. I know in my heart that I could succeed in real estate but can not take the first step because of the many times I have tried and failed. I hope that I get the courage to start, so I can show her that this is not a scam. I watch real estate every day and have seen the 20% increase in just the last few months and wish that I would have started already. Thanks for the blog, I learn a lot from that and the books and dvd's that I already have.
Flagstaff AZ
Dean, you're growing up before our eyes!!! :*)
Dean these are things I realized as I hit my 50s. I had to look at all the past mistakes and choices I've made, even the current ones and realize that each one has made me the person I am today. At only 40 years old you've already realized it and are so open and willing to show everyone that even with financial security, our past still has to be dealt with at some point in our lives.
Have NO regrets because you were always at the right place at the right time to make Dean Graziosi the person he is today.
I'm a quick study, but slow learner at these lessons in life, but God always has a way of bringing it to your attention one way or another. You can avoid it, run from it, deny it, but sooner or later you have to face it and realize, these things happened for a reason and I am grateful they did, because I wouldn't be who I am today had things been different.
As always, your weekly wisdoms give the right message at the right time!
Thank you for always sharing what you learn so openly with us!
Thanks for the Truth
I would have to say that if you didn't talk to us about the demons inside, I would never know how to recognize or deal with it. My move into real estate is taking longer than I had planned but I feel better now cause at least I can identify what is holding me back and at least try to manage it. I also have a problem with asking for help and always feel that I have to do this on my own just to prove that I can. With as much help as I need, I don't know why I just can't ask, I'm trying but It is not easy. My first daughter will be here next Mon. and that pressure is not easy to deal with and is making my mind go crazy. There is always a lot of pressure from wanting to helping my mom to my family and friends. Sometimes it is very tough to deal with. Sometimes there are so many things to do I don't know where to start and nothing gets done. But without your help I would never been able to see these things so you have already changed my life for the better. I just want to really thank you for always sharing your real life with me and all of us, it really helps in our everyday life. I hope to have some success stories soon.
" I know in my heart that I could succeed in real estate but can not take the first step because of the many times I have tried and failed. I hope that I get the courage to start, so I can show her that this is not a scam"
JDoss thanks for sharing. I hope you read this. NEVER be afraid of failure, for it is only through repeated failures that you will be a success. My new philosophy since beginning this never ending journey I'm on is something dean reiterates a lot. When was the last time you failed? If it wasn't today, why not? If you aren't failing then you aren't doing enough. Never let a fear of failure stand in the way of achieving your dreams. Instead fear not doing enough. Chin up and just break into it and do it. Follow your gut feeling... You KNOW in your heart you can succeed at this, are you ready to give it your all and fail forward? Go for it!
Fighting the "FEAR" inside
Hi Dean,
It's not hard to fall into a slump and start feeling negativity. It's twice as hard to continue to stay positive when things aren't exactly going your way. But like you've said so many times in your weekly wisdom's (Thank you for that
)you have to keep pushing ahead, don't let the negative overwhelm the positive in our lives. Keep pushing forward, and most importantly, keep believing in our selves and that things will get better for us.
Attending the Buying Summit last week opened our eyes to what this is really all about and how you don't have to go at it alone. Knowing that there are so many good people behind us every step of the way is probably the most reassuring thing that we got from all this. I couldn't say it enough times that following your words and instructions is critical to continued success in Real Estate.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
Minnie & Ray
Sorry, disregard,
Sorry, duplicate