The Only enhancement drug you need is already inside of you. Watch this weekly wisdom and discover what breaking the 4 minute mile has to do with your real estate success. It will blow your mind!!!
Watch the replay of the killer live cast with Gena and Andrea two of Dean's top students as they reveal up to date secrets and share how you can attend this years EDGE event..
This week find out:
- How to master your ideal destination
- The simple step to find insane deals in your backyard through Hard Money lenders.
- Get the Secrets of Andrea and Gena, two rocks star students kicking the S#%T out of today’s real estate market.
- And that’s just the start of it.
And if you would like to watch Dean on iTunes:
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Great Weekly Wisdom Dean: Changing my mindset really has worked for me and I have 2 flips that I will be rehabbng and selling soon, I am really taking off. Your weekly wisdom really has brought a song done by Dianna Ross to my mind and how very very true it is and following are the words:
Do you know where you're going to?
Do you like the things that life is showing you?
Where are you going to? do you know?
Do you get what you're hoping for?
When you look behind you there's no open door
What are you hoping for?
Do you know?
Once we were standing still in time
Chasing the fantasies that filled our minds
You knew i loved you, but my spirit was free
Laughing at the question that you once ask me
Do you know where you're going to?
Do you like the things that life is showing you?
Where are you going to? do you know?
Now, looking back in all we pass
We've let so many dreams just slip through our hands
Why must we wait so long before we see
How sad the answers to those questions can be?
Do you know where you're going to?
Do you like the things that life is showing you?
Where are you going to? do you know?
Do you get what you're hoping for?
When you look behind you there's no open door
What are you hoping for? do you know?
In essence, You are what you think...!!! Thanks Dean and DG Fam....Living Today Like there will be no tomorrow!!! Have an awesome life!!!
Tuesday evening is our REIA meeting, should I miss this to watch your webcast ???
I am curious of the content that will be available,, and if it's worth missing this months meeting ?????
I want to get the greater value in education, and not sure which I should skip ??
Any info on the live cast certainly would be appreciated !!!
John B.
Kent, Ohio
thanks Dean!
This is really a great massage, and I personally had proven it , and proofs it, every single day and I thjnk thats the only reason and way ,that a blessing helps you beacause you really start believing.
lots of luck:)
Weekly Wisdom
Thank you, You help more than you know, we all have a tendency to get bogged down and need a lift thanks for the lift, as always it is a great piece of wisdom
Thank you, Dean
Thank you, Dean. This is a great message. I appreciate it. It is coming together for me.Thanks again.
If it is to be, it is truly up to me.
With Gratitude,
Thanks for another
Thanks for another motivating weekly wisdom ! LoVe the 4 min. mile analogy--thanks for the reminder! We just closed a remote wholesale deal and helped prevent one owner from paying for a foreclosure and the seller finance buyer from being foreclosed on and put a happy family in the house! Oh, and 4k in our pocket too ! Love this !!!!
Hi Dean
This is another great weekly wisdom. This one brought tears to my eyes. Its like you are talking to me personally. I'm so full of fear that I feel like I'm walking in quicksand. I know that I have great education through your programs. I still keep trying to change those beliefs and finally breakthrough. I haven't given up yet. Thanks for the reminder.
Weekly Wisdom #274 : RE Enhancement Drug Get's U In First Deal ?
BS= Beliefs System (the enhancer)
Wow Dean, you've blown us away again! Owning our BS takes humility. We are what we think. Personally, I believe I can do anything I make up my mind to do. The possibilities are endless, unless I stop them. I can make it or break it, depending on what I believe. What I am discovering about myself is that I must master one thing at a time. I have a mind for so many things but I have to focus on one project at a time and pace myself. Afterall, I'm not in a rat race. Lol. Being consistent is more important than speed. I've found that being a Jack of all trades and a Master of none is a recipe for disaster. Scattering my energy has been a major problem, leaving me drained and lots of times, unfulfilled. God knows I'm doing better! Wisdom is the principle thing, but in all my getting I'm striving for more of an understanding : to know myself & to mine own self be true (words adopted from an imperfect , but wise scholar). It's not over for me, thanks Dean for reminding me of that!!! I shall endure and I shall succeed!
I am not sure you watched the same webinar as I did. Gena and Andrea gave MULTIPLE ideas on where to find private money. Even how to find AND approach lenders. WE have to take the action to learn how to do this. Dean can't do it FOR us!!
Also remember, nothing that is really good is free. If you have ever owned and operated a business or tried to start one up than you know what Dean offers is really inexpensive!!
4 minute mile
Thank you for another inspiring weekly wisdom. As you were talking I kept saying to myself he's right, he's right. As a side note, I am disappointed I could not listen to the live event on Feb 4th. I still have my 40 hour/week job I need to keep at least for the moment. The time of the event I was a that job. Taking the day off was not an option. I am committed to making money in real estate investing in 2014. How much, who knows. My goal is to make it happen, the dollar amount is a bonus. I have to say I have never been involved with or heard of any other organization that is so committed to helping people succeed. Thanks again.
Weekly wisdom 274
Thanks for another inspiring weekly wisdom. As you were talking I kept saying to myself, he's , he's right.
Thanks for all the support you offer.
Absolutely Right Dean
You are Dean and I have known about self fulfilling destiny for years. I just never thought my own fears were ever going to stop me from succeeding. I thought I had over come them and I find at this point in my life that I haven't. I have been out there trying to find and make deals but in my head I have been thinking "I am like a person preying on someone's misfortune. I am like a thief if I try to get this house from this family at a discount." I had to change my mindset and I am as I type this to you. I am in need of something's myself and I will use this knowledge to help me to gain them. Everyone has the same opportunities and I have to take the action to get what I am supposed to have.
Thanks Dean
John Hervan
Believe it and it will happen
Thank you Dean for sharing this. I love listening to your weekly wisdom mostly because you honestly know how to make it happen! You believe and you make it happen. I have many things going on with our life in our family, kids, and real estate, but I keep on going. I refuse to let a set back get me down and keep me there, I consider those learning experiences. Thank you for sharing!
Dean, you are so right when you talk about your beliefs being self fulfilling. I was brought up being told that I was "Everything I believed I was." As I look back over my life, I see how that thought, that belief, drove me even when I wasn't hearing it every day or all the time. I achieved a lot because I believed I could, so I did.
But your message this week brought back to mind something we used to tell people at one of the stores I used to work at. Whenever a customer came and told us their story and the word BELIEVE was in their comment, we always replied " It's time to get your believer fixed."
So if anyone reading this doesn't believe they can do Real Estate, "It's time to get your believer fixed!"
Thanks for another great weekly wisdom, Dean. I'll see you again at EDGE 2014.
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
EDGE2013 attendee
Belief and action!
It's safe to say that if a person does not see themselves as worthy and deserving to succeed and does not believe it possible then they will never get started in investing.
Wisdom #274 - Real Estate Enhancement Drugs
Thanks Dean, ain't no other way to put it. Belief and taking action is the key. I don't have a deal under my belt yet but I believe. I know I said,"I am about to read 30 Days To Real Estate Cash". But I thought about the e-mails I been receiving from you so I decided to read them first. And as a result, I'm giving this comment and thanks again Dean man you are the best.
WE are catching up on older ones but still getting charged up and more knowledge. Thanks, Dean
Prepare for your Sucess
Limiting Belief's stop you. I don't think I can do that (so I wont try). Hold on...maybe I can do that. If you think there's a cliff in front of you you will not step forward, no matter what is really there. Better write down some of your beliefs so you can see what they are and change them. Give them some possibility's ."I cant" is changed to "Maybe I can do some of this" which becomes "I can do this and anything I want to do.."
Ships Sail East and Ships Sail West by the very same Wind that Blows. Its the Set of the Sails and not the Gales the Determines the Way they Go..
Dan in Seattle