Dean's Weekly Blog

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #175 - Help Dean Pick Who to Partner With...

This blog is a timely follow-up to the last two weeks. If you've been following these blogs, you know Dean talked about mindset and how it affects your ability to prosper.

Well, this week you get to help decide which students will get the chance to partner (and prosper) on deals with Dean in 2012.

The students in the running are finalists in the 2011 "Send Me Away" contest. The winner receives an all-expense paid vacation and the chance to partner with Dean on a real estate deal.

If you are familiar with the contest, awesome...if not, don't worry. Below you will see 3 links. The first one will let you vote for the contestant you feel deserves to win.

The second link is for YOU to enter the contest for 2012.

The third link is where we will announce the winner, live from the stage. So, click that first link, watch the videos and cast your vote. Then, come back here and click the other links to further your own personal abundance.

See the 7 Finalists and Cast Your Vote Here

Then, See How to Enter the 2012 Contest

Finally, Come See the Winners Announced Live at the EDGE 2012

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #174 - Scarcity VS. Abundance Part Two

If you have a scarcity mindset, you will never see what it's like to have an abundant life. In this, part two of "Scarcity vs. Abundance, Dean walks you through the causes of the destructive mindset and the solutions to amend them.

This is a crystal clear, actionable explanation, so sit up and get ready to make some life changing notes. It’s time you got on the path to true abundance!

Get Dean's hot new book 30 Days To Real Estate Cash

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #173 - Scarcity VS. Abundance Part One

What if the solution to you having the success you want in ANY area of your life was as simple as flipping a switch?

Would you flip it? Well, this week Dean shares that it is a switch and shows you what it takes to flip it. This is so powerful he's going to cover it in two parts. Pay close attention to this one...

Check out the properties Dean mentioned ASAP!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #172 - 22 Years of wisdom in 10 Minutes?

This week Dean talks you through the step-by-step strategy for finding killer deals below rock bottom prices. This just might be the best 10 minutes you've spent in a long time. Grab something to take note and get ready to profit!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #171 - Lurking Lies and Frustrating Fibs?

No matter how honest we are outwardly, there are times when we can fib to ourselves. Sometimes we do it on purpose. It makes us feel better for the moment. It’s not always intentional though. Sometimes we fib to ourselves out of confusion or because we misunderstand the facts. These destructive little internal "untruths" – be they intentional or not – are like thieves that rob us. Find out how ridding yourself of these lurking lies will make all the difference in your success… in not only real estate - but life!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #170 - How to Find Free Time, Guaranteed!

This week, Dean has another simple and effective solution for taking back time that is either being stolen from you or straight up given away foolishly. If you frequently feel time bankrupt, at a loss for squeezing in the things you want to do, then this is a must watch video for you.

Finding the time you need to make the money you deserve is easy if you use this technique. It's guaranteed to work and guess what - it's FREE!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdon #169 - A 3 Step Method to Fixing Problems

If everything in your life is working perfectly, if you’re doing deal after deal, have great health, awesome relationships and all the money you need...feel free to ignore this Week's blog.

However, if you have anything in your life that isn't working...if you are unhappy, have less satisfaction or money than you want and need, then spend 7 exciting minutes as Dean takes to the whiteboard and walks you through a simple exercise you can duplicate…on a single sheet of notebook paper.

You’ll see how to identify what is working and what isn't, find solutions –AND - EVEN make what works well, even better.
Big promise? You bet it is and Dean delivers. Grab something to write with and get ready to rock.

Click Here To Check Out Dean's Properties

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdon #168 - Identify Your Reason, Season & Lifetime People

A recent trip inspired this Weekly Wisdom episode. Dean encourages you to take time to be intentional, even thankful for everyone in your life.

Now if you're thinking, "Dean, you want me to be thankful for the jerk that cut me off on the freeway?!" ..don't miss the point.

There's a poem that suggests people come into your life for a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime and you fill the same role for others as well.

As you watch this video, think about your family, friends, colleagues, real estate agents and other business or personal acquaintances. Ask yourself,
“What am I best equipped to help this person with?...What are they best equipped to help me with?” You'll walk away with a renewed perspective
of your place in the world and theirs. Enjoy!

Click Here To Check Out Dean's Properties

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #167 - Wisdom and Killer Deals on Turnkey Cash Flow Properties

Click Here To Check Out Properties

WOW, this is an exciting week! First, Dean shares a lightning fast lesson on how to turn your past into the fuel that will skyrocket you forward - instead of being the glue that holds you back.


After a year of prep work, Dean’s releasing properties he’s personally bought, totally rehabbed, rented to a qualified tenants, with killer property management in place and each of them are in some of the best areas in the country for positive cash flow and massive future growth. (Yes, they are ALREADY cash flowing!) All you need to do is pick the one(s) you want. So whether you want to buy a killer income property or just get past, “your past” this is a must watch blog! So watch the link below to check out the properties...

Click Here To Check Out Properties

Properties mentioned or purchased from Property Direct are put through an internal screening and held to high standards. But please note that any potential profit or performance discussed is an estimate. This represents unique circumstances. Your results may vary.

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #166 - How to Get Rid of the Villain Within

This week, Dean goes deeper on the topic of ridding yourself of the villain inside. Watch and discover a proven, 7 question strategy to propel yourself to success. Then Dean has a second video for you with a last chance early-bird offer to come meet and learn from him and a select group of our most successful student - in person - this April...

Find Out Whether You Should Attend This Year’s EDGE Event
Click Here NOW!

  • Hear the truth about this event and why it only happens once a year.
  • Watch actual uncensored comments from people who attended last year.
  • Discover EXACTLY what capabilities you’ll be given over the weekend.
  • Why meeting and learning from people who were where you are now is important.
  • Understand why this is a life changing place to network and expand your opportunities.

Click Here To Watch Dean’s EXTRA Video Message NOW!

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