Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #174 - Scarcity VS. Abundance Part Two

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

If you have a scarcity mindset, you will never see what it's like to have an abundant life. In this, part two of "Scarcity vs. Abundance, Dean walks you through the causes of the destructive mindset and the solutions to amend them.

This is a crystal clear, actionable explanation, so sit up and get ready to make some life changing notes. It’s time you got on the path to true abundance!

Get Dean's hot new book 30 Days To Real Estate Cash

Great Stuff

JoshV's picture

I always love to start my week listening to your Weekly Wisedoms. Time to have more gratitude, be creative and cooperate with everyone. Thanks again Dean!!!


AndyS's picture

It's ironic that this weeks wisdom had Gratitude as part of the lesson.
As you may have read in my blog and posts, I just had to remove a longtime friend from my house who was giving me FALSE gratitude. Telling me how grateful she was to me for my help and assistance but undermining my actions behind my back. It truly was a case of FALSE gratitude. Envy of my trying to improve my situation apparently only exposed her lack of desire to improve her life, a life of constant financial trouble and the like. This was just another example of how it's all the little pieces of what we are trying to do here that come into play, ie not listening to Naysayers and not associating with people who are not like minded, etc. It's all part of the bigger picture.

So for all those reading this, if you are grateful for something, be honest with your gratitude. There's an old saying that goes" Words are just words and actions speak louder than words". Show your gratitude with actions and the rest will follow suit.

My mindset has never been more abundant than it is right now. My abundant life is sure to follow.

Thanks Dean for part 2 of this great lesson.

Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC member

Thank You Dean,

Valuni's picture

I was so looking forward to part two!!!

what a great way to start the week!!

Learning and progressing every day,


steve and veronica's picture

thank you for sharing your time with us.



kareng's picture

Such perfect timing!

I have worked for years developing my positive mindset. My three daughters (now grown) always have people telling them they are the most positive people they have ever met. I got lots of eye-rolling from them as they grew up listening to me teaching them to think that way. But it was worth it! Their lives are incredibly successful. Both in their personal relationships and their careers.

In the last few weeks, I have realized that my positive attitude has soured a little. I refuse to let that happen! I am in control of my destiny and my thoughts. I have left my toxic job and am reading all my Law of Attraction books again. And now, here you are! Right on time!

Dean, you're the best! Thanks!


PS I get a number of calls every week from DG people I have never met who find my number on my website and just want to talk. One of my callers a couple of weeks ago told me she had received one of the gift cards from here and was so VERY, VERY grateful. She sounded close to tears. It actually bought her food for that week. She said without it she did not know what she would have done.

We are a wonderful family!

Resentfulness Vs. Resourcefulness

Cocoon's picture

Hello Dean,

I watched your Scarcity Vs. Abundance Part One last week at:

Needed extra encouragement, also was helped by Matt's post on not being denied

I was so looking forward to this Part Two!

Envy vs. Gratitude
Jealousy vs. Creativity
Indignation vs. Cooperation

It's brilliant the way you explained it! As I've processed it in my mind, the Scarcity mindset that brings in the "Resentfulness" items (Envy, Jealousy and Indignation) are brought about by the naysayers, or those that are faultfinders or other negative people that normally surround us (if we choose to still hang out with or listen to them - which I don't anymore Smiling). The "Resourcefulness" items on the opposite side (Gratitude, Creativity and Cooperation) would come from positive people, from those who would contribute to our personal growth and from those who would be genuinely happy for us when we succeed, those who will not be threatened by our dreams or goals. It's difficult and challenging to be doing this alone especially since I have always tried to be on the "grateful, creative, and cooperative" side of things. Some days are good, and some are not - but as I have always believed, it is our own individual responsibility to keep ourselves inspired! The 7 levels deep exercise that you advise us all to do has been helping me this past week go through some of the hiccups newbies go through. (It's like labor pains! It will pass! LOL!)

I am still taking action, going full throttle on this and doing the best I can with what I have been learning from your books, video blogs, and this website. I can never thank you enough for blazing this path for so many people like me who want a better future through REI! I think that I have grown so much and have learned a whole lot since end of January 2012! But "if it is going to be it will be up to me" to do whatever it takes to get the results that would bring me closer to my REI goals. I will get there (hopefully in my lifetime!). So at 5:30 am I want to thank you for providing all of us with the "Recipe"! Smiling

God bless you and your family always! See you at the Edge 2012!


Regarding S vs. A (part two)

M. S.'s picture

Thanks for another great post.
Everyone have a wonderful and prosperous week.


PaulYoung4ever's picture

AH HA...
This is it. I have always had an abundance mindset, I have just been absorbed with certain personal problems and haven't applied creativity to your real estate plan. I haven't even tried to build a buyers list. I need to get up and shake it off and move forward. Thanks for caring and sharing.


PaulYoung4ever's picture

AH HA...
This is it. I have always had an abundant mindset, I have just been absorbed with certain personal problems and haven't applied creativity to your real estate plan. I haven't even tried to build a buyers list. I need to get up, shake it off and move forward. Thanks for caring and sharing.

Great Information

Captain777's picture

Dean, thank you for sharing that valuable information. Thinking abundance first and expecting the positive outcome to come next and very soon. I appreciate you sharing directly from your "cheat sheet". Great stuff!


Another great video. Dean you are the BOMB!! I love starting my work week with your video. How do you sllep at night with all that GREAT knowledge running around in your head lol. All the best to everyone.

Diverse Realestate Solution LLC

Always inspiring words

Mathedragon's picture

I learned a lot from this video and i now working my way to the abundance side soon i'm going to keep being creative and have a better mind set and dean's right.A scarcity mindset will always keep you thinking negative,down, and wanting more,but you just won't follow through with it but i always have a lot of question and yes sometimes i get nervous about asking them and talking to others.I have problems and in debt i don't think about it always try to deal with it and be positive and try new things that would help me have a better life and this is it!


yedinak's picture

Thanks again for the blog with that and Success Academy things are staring to fall into place. Getting my buyers list together and looking at deals.

Thanks for the Eye-opener!

Dean, You are inspiring as always!! I didn't realize how much I've been dwelling in the scarcity mindset. I'm hearing you read off that chart going "check, check, check...." WOW. How depressing! BUT you've also given me tools to beat it. Beat envy/jealousy with gratitude, anger/anxiety with creativity, unfairness with cooperations. Between last week and this week together...has really put it all in one place and I've had an "AH-HA" moment. So Thanks. I gotta go. Have an appt. with my agent to put in 3 offers today and a monthly REI meeting tonite. Smiling

p.s. anywhere I can get that chart??

The Road to Success

The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, red lights called Enemies, caution lights called Family. You will have flats called Jobs.

But, if you have a spare called Determination, an engine called Perseverance, insurance called Faith, a driver called Almighty God, you will make it to a place called Success!!!


randy428's picture

As always you outdo yourself.


Thanks for sharing

TomAndJeri's picture

Dean, thanks for sharing this information and applying it to real estate. I know this might be a lot to ask, but wonder if this sheet could be available to us in the DG resources section. Thanks, Tom


femailceo's picture

thank you for recognizing us. I thank for the message as well. I was happy that this week I could see myself as having some of the abundance mindset. I know I've work to do still, but you helped me see that I don't just have scarcity as a mindset but abundance despite things in my life! I feel empowered!

Gratitude and boundless supply

steinway024's picture

It just goes together like red sauce and pasta!
Thanks for an abundance of insight every week.
I love "creativity + math = $"

Weekly Wisdom

pioneerints's picture

Thank you again. You are always very helpful and altruistic. I look forward to every week.



This was another great Wisdom Week.So great to hear these thoughts organized in such a way.The Wisdom has been tested on a smaller scale by all who have accomplished any goal.The confusion for me and maybe others is seeing certain unworthy people succeed were in fact in the abundant mindset briefly,succeeded,and went back to the scarcity mindset giving the illusion of an unworthy person.Dean I am so grateful you remain in the abundant mindset long enough for me to see learn and perceive.Thanks again Anthony2010

Sounds like we Truly need to live in the "Fruit of the Spirit"

Today,s blog reminds me things Sandy and I read this morning, enjoy.

Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Ultimate way to kill Passion (a cute story)

I heard about a man who visited one of those old dead, dry churches where they never said “Amen!” or “Hallelujah!” As he sat down on about the second row, the minister began reading his sermon from a piece of paper. And right in the middle of that sermon, he said something that made that man yell out, “Amen!”

That was the first time anybody had ever heard anything like that in this church. It angered everyone. So an usher came all the way from the back, tapped that man on the shoulder, and said, “Sir, you’re disturbing our congregation. You’ve got to cut that out!” The visitor replied, “But I’ve got Jesus!”
And that usher said, “Well, you didn’t get Him here… be quiet!”

God bless
Nathan & Sandy

Thank you Dean

Excellent, and it only takes a decision to make and start acting on it. It is easy and proven. Anybody can think of something to be gratefull for, we all have something to be grateful for. All it takes to focus in the right direction and keep coming back to that. Sooner or later you are there without even thinking about it..It is much more fun than to sit and cry over spilled milk, I know because I have been there and now I am more where I want to be despite a very bad and harsh circumstances. Just decide and go for it!!
Thank you Dean, you are a great help to everyone that wants to listen and learn.

Nice way to start the week!

BobDProperties's picture

Nice way to start the week! Keep them coming, Dean!

Deals, Cash and attitude

skytrolly's picture

Well today was a good day to hear this message. Have made about 7 offers in last 7days. Many failed, a few waiting to hear back on. No way around it, if I had the cash to make some of these fly, I would have gotten them. Perhaps I am writting them up w/too many contingencys. Fin, Insp, approval of partners, earnest money after partner approval.If I had money, I could get the deal on Auction,from the bank. Now I need to brain storm. Read a few more blogs,attempt to change my attitude, Thanks for being here today


HomeRoots's picture

Thanks for sharing your weekly wisdoms. Kudo's to Dan Sullivan for putting together such a sheet.

BTW I was wondering who that gentleman is on the picture behind you (on the shelf). One of your ancestors?

thanks Dean

theprofessional's picture

Speaking of being resourceful if anyone wants to partner up with someone in California just send me a reply. Eye-wink

Copy of Scarcity VS. Abundance

johnk's picture

Will Scarcity VS. Abundance be available to download? I'm a very visual person with limited memory. As alway very good stuff Dean, Thank you.


Hi Dean.

Dean, this is one of your best videos. I have been watching these for over 3 years. And it is exactly how you saying. These videos just stick with you and slowly they get to your head and you cannot stop thinking about the opportunities that are out there. It is exactly like that snow ball thing Eye-wink

OK Dean

Today is a very good day so far and I have been very productive. I have made a new buyer contact lead sheet, also made a contact sheet for networking. I have added 3 cash buyers to my list. One was a response to a craigslist ad, another from REI club meeting that I had a business card for and the third one was from the Sunday newspaper. I am building a business and have established business hours for the home office of 9 - 5. I also made and enhanced a letter to send to homeowners to buy homes for cash and if not their home I will pay for referrals when a deal closes. I will need to go to UPS tomorrow to make copies and then prepare to send the letters via mail.
I have a strategic lifestyle and bus. coach via internet and attend live calls on Sunday and Monday. Also on Sunday via internet I have a Pastor who feeds my spirit and equips me for the week.
I am always very grateful for what I have and for my life each day and would not have made it this far otherwise. Life is queer with all its twists and turns but would be boring without the challenges. I have my problems like everyone else does but I refuse to let them get me down.
I would love to get my hands on a copy of the ten times matrix for scarcity and abundance. I would frame it and put it next to desiderata. I am also reading "Totally Fulfilled". That book is along side of the Holy Bible.
Thank you for this weeks weekly wisdom. You begin with "its between your ears"


-----------------c r o s s o v e r--------------- To Abundance

of money

of security

of comfort