The goal I set on January 1st this year was simple...I only have 1 goal to hit for the year. To do 1000 deals in 2012. Period. It took me 6 years to hit 1000 deals, but I want to test human limitations. I think everyone should test their limits. Thats 84 deals per month. That is individual deals, not bulk deals. I will be honest, I only did 47 in January and in February I only did 60. I'm behind bigtime. But I am not giving up. I run to exhaustion every single day. I sleep 4 hours a night tops. I'm giving it everything I've got. People ask me "WHY?", "Why do that to yourself?" "You have it made, its time to relax and enjoy life".
I always say the same thing, "because I'm going to the top, if better is available then "good" is not enough".
Nobody does 1000 deals a year. It doesn't exist. Thats why I am doing it. I want to prove myself. I'm pushing the upper limits of human capabilities.
Some real estate seminar company called me 2 days ago and asked me if I wanted to come to their seminar to learn how to do 20 deals a month. I told them I did double that last year. I said call your guru and ask him if he did over 450 deals last year and if he did call me back and I will sign up for your seminar, otherwise if I do what he teaches me my business will actually go down. He never called back.
Right now is a very lonely time in my life. I've dissapeared from society, from my friends, and from my family. They don't understand. But this is important. Its one of those times. I call it my "desert days". I'm disconnected.
Imagine the person I would have to become in order to do 1000 deals in one year. I change a little every day.
Dean thinks I can do it. He is mentoring me whenever I need it. I can't be denied.
Although all I can think about is 1000 deals there are side benefits, like a six figure income per month in cash. A big six figure income actually. But who cares. Money comes and goes, but 1000 deals in a year will change your life.
Stop wasting time. Get serious. Set crazy goals. Have "silly" dreams of glory. Most of all just "WIN!"
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
Thats really powerful stuff there Matt for sure, Question where are you finding all these deals at, the numbers are just out of here, I mean how many deals do you have to make offers on to write 84 deals per month, that avg to just less then 3 deals completed per day or 3.70 deals per day to reach your goal. You must be very busy and very focus to get this done for sure. Well be keeping track of your exciting adventure to the next level. Inpressive indeed, you must have a very large team of people helping you along the way also. Please keep us informed...WIN..WIN..WIN..WIN.....
"Action and Mistakes" always-outweigh "Analysis Paralysis"
...Just do It"
Like me bringing him deals!
I am slacking to, I,m not hitting my goals which is holding him back!
I need to step up my game!
Teamwork makes the dream work!
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"In order for me to think outside the box, that would require me to acknowledge that the box actually exists. In my world, there is no box."
~Matt Larson~
Yeah obviously it's a nationwide team to say the least. Correct me if im wrong Cbr. You're already a legendary success in my opinion. A person can do alot of damage to their health in a year if not eating and/or getting enough rest.Take care of your body, that's the top priority. Remember, all the money in the world means nothing if you don't have your health. But with all that being said, i know you're not a quitter.You've set your goal and you're not gonna stop for anything.So I wish you good luck and good health.
Well Dean's not alone.... I think you can do it too!
I believe in you Matt Larson!
"Silly Dreams of Glory" Lol I remember that thread! They are only silly dreams to those that don't understand, don't get it!
You've already proved to the world how great you are. Even though you had nothing you had to prove. You are blessed and you are favored, no weapons formed against you will prosper!
I do truly get why you are doing this. Has nothing to do with anyone else or the money.
Sometimes we just have to prove things / do things for ourselves.
Well 'do you and forget whoever ain't with it!'
1000 deals, HECK got this! It's a done deal! You've ALREADY done it, only difference now is the timeline!
It may be desert days now, but your victory will be oh so sweet!
You move me and made me wake up if you are turning that many offers then I know I can shoot for 25 percent of that. Thank you and maintain you're health really the last person had a very good point. Be well. DJ
David Robinson
You Rock Matt!!!
your determination is a goal for all of us to try to replicate. Be proud MATT and ........Donald Trump better look out!
"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."
You have a very lofty goal. Nothing wrong with that and if anyone can do it, I would say it is you. Dean backing you and mentoring you is good.
Zig Ziglar wrote a book "Better than Good". I have it but have not had time to read it yet. It might be a good one for you to look at in your alone time.
Solitude and alone time is not bad and sometimes it is best to dis-connect to get a handle on who you are. Time to consider options and new directions. You are the person that you are and we all look up to you. I do not know you personally or where you are spiritually, but I recommend spending time in the word of God during your desert days. Just let it speak to you.
If you loose your health that would not be good. The body requires 7-8 hours of good sleep in order to repair itself and you get a whole new body every 7 years. I also recommend that you eat a big salad every day and an apple to keep the doctor away.
Good luck with your goal and I hope to meet you someday soon. Take care of yourself Matt and I will be thinking of you.
If anybody on this site can pull that off it's you Matt. With the backing and support of this group, Dean included, what's to stop you? Why would we want to stop you? We all want to be the next Matt Larson so show us the way.
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC Member
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni
The only numbers I'm worried about are the hours of sleep you're getting. That is one of the worst things you can do is short-change yourself on sleep.
Disconnect the sleep hours from your goal.
If you can find the pieces to put everything together to make your goal a success then you can find the pieces to give you more sleep per day.
I'm not worried about your goal of 1000 as I believe that you'll end up doing over 1100 when all is said and done.
Please, keep an eye on your sleep. We all want you around to tell us about your awesome milestone!
Mark K.
Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.
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Wow matt awesome goal!
You truely are an inspiration to all of us! You are not alone we are all with you in spirit. I wish that i was around you so i could absorb some of your knowledge. I know that you always share your best stuff with us.
If there is anything that i can do to help you; please let me know!
... Verses: 35 "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; They will run and not grow weary, They will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 ...
Everybody is worried about my sleep habits except me. Here is why.
Sleep is just a number. The human body adapts accordingly. At first I would be tired only getting 4 hours a night. Now I'm tired if I get more than that.
A soldier in the military, especially during war, only gets 4 hours a night.
A mother with a new born only gets 4 hours a night or less.
My body has learned to condense 8 hours of sleep into 4 hours.
My mind is sharp, I can think clearly, and I'm not taking anything to stay awake.
Don't worry about my health.
Sleep is boring and wasteful.
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
Since I started working full time at age 18. I'm 25 now and still only sleep 4-5 hours.
8 hours of sleep is 3 hours of work wasted!
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"In order for me to think outside the box, that would require me to acknowledge that the box actually exists. In my world, there is no box."
~Matt Larson~
I think its awesome that you're THINKING BIG. I say go for it and don't worry about the sleep. If you sleep for 4 hrs, wake up and feel great then go start your day! Its not time to sleep, life is too precious.
Think like a champion, you are a champion.
Gabriel Do Carmo
"You deserve to be successful"
Gabriel Do Carmo
I believe you have reached the top.
I would be concerned about your health. All the money in the world is NO good when you're dead.
Theres alot of things in life more important than completing 1000 deals a year. I do think you can do it.
How much is enough?
Enjoy life...before its gone
Mike Free tools
If you think you can do it , you can.
good luck Matt.
Its not about the 1000 Deals a year either, that's just a number too.
Its about leaving a legacy now, a true champion will always push his limits just to prove to himself he can do it.
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"In order for me to think outside the box, that would require me to acknowledge that the box actually exists. In my world, there is no box."
~Matt Larson~
You are something else !
Need some pie ?
Peace,Love and $$$
I just want to say thanks. You help to keep me motivated and a little sad every time I read your posts. I agree with you and countless others. Whatever you (I/we/whoever) can conceive and believe we can achieve. You go get them bud. I will keep pluggin away at my goals. I want to go your speed just not sure how to get it there. I WILL get there someday. Keep it up and forget about the rest. Those people will be there in a few years still doing what they're doing now. You won't have missed much. If only I could get the wife to believe that.
Keep leading by example hard charger..
You can never fail if you keep trying.
If you do something everyday that puts you closer to your goals it will never be a wasted day.
Hey Matt, You have to know by now, "Your my Hero", I get so much inspiration from you.You are for sure one of a kind !!
Do you remember that time I e-mailed you about something that was suppose to be impossible to do (I couldnt do it ) , it was some thing like sit in a chair put both legs out and rotate both feet at the same time in opposite directions, or something like that ! About 5 minutes later you e-mailed me back and said it took 2 times but you did it. I knew then you had a very different mindset .
Your truly amazing Matt. Thanks for all your advice over the last few years , you have changed many lives, and I thank you for that.
Take care,
Curtis Fillers
o.k. I'm gonna say two more thing then hush. lol
SLEEP is overrated people. Not everyone has to get 8 hrs of sleep. Our bodies will adjust to the 'strain' we put it through to most extents. Similar to how a lean, muscular body is sculpted under the stress and resistance of weight. We each know our bodies best, it does give us warning signals. But most everyone CAN do anything for a period of time. The mind is a powerful thing. IT's what we tell ourselves that propel or limit us. If you say you can't function unless you get 8 hrs. well guess what, you want.
You will get a renewed sense of energy when you are focused, determined and excited.
Second thing is, I believe that when something (dreams/desires, etc.) are put on our heart, that God has already given us the ability to accomplish them. It is up to us to step out of the boat, to put our foot in the water (so to speak) to BELIEVE. God isn't moved by wants or needs. He's moved by faith and obedience. You must believe then act!
It's already been prearranged. For every setback, God has prearrange a comeback. For every failure, God has prearranged victory. For every disappointment, God has prearranged restoration. For every unfair thing, God has prearranged vindication.
I'm sure the doubters said to David, "David don't do it. It's to scary, it's to dangerous, don't take a chance. Goliath, he's just to big."
I believe David said, "I don't think so! He's too big to miss!!"
So Matt, 1000 big to miss my friend!
New to the site Matt. Reading your header- that's quite a 'Hello.'
You are clearly one to model. Congratulations.
Go get em Champ :0)
I am slacking to, I,m not hitting my goals which is holding him back!
I need to step up my game!
Teamwork makes the dream work!
I'm definitely slacking as well. Perhaps we can gather the troops and help Matt reach his goal?
The more thorough the question, the more thorough the answer.
Please fill out your profile with as much info as you're comfortable with.
I know you can do it! you have set goals for yourself in the past, and you have achieved them or exceeded them!
I'll be rooting for you all the way! Go Matt! Go Matt! Wooohoo!!!
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
I'd love to help you too!
"; not greedy for money....but eager to serve"
1 Peter 5:2
Let me know what your criteria is and I will be more than happy to help you reach your goal.
I am slacking to, I,m not hitting my goals which is holding him back!
I need to step up my game!
Teamwork makes the dream work!
I'm definitely slacking as well. Perhaps we can gather the troops and help Matt reach his goal?
Matt just give us your criteria and we'll ALL send you more than enough deals to reach your 1000 in a matter of months, not a year!
Mike Free tools
I wish you all the luck to get 1k in one year. I know you can do it. As far as sleep goes enjoy it while you can. Going on 4 hrs a day that is. When I was young I could work 12hrs from 3am to 3pm. Then fish a Bass tournament from 5:30pm to 8:30pm get home by 11pm then back to work by 3am. Now that I am over 50 and working 12hr shifts plus REI it is killing me man. So do it now Matt.
Take care buddy I know you will do it in one year.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
Could you use a helping hand in locating deals in Wisconsin I would be happ y to assist.
Let us all know your criteria! We can help each other out.(:
yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present."
"Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still"