I was sitting here getting prepared for tomorrow and really thinking why do some succeed and some don't. I have seen people like myself, with no money are credit, some with fair credit, and some with money that has done well. I have also seen people in the same three categories that have done nothing. Everyone that I have met that has succeed chose to change their live and decided to follower a few directions. And for this I think Dean the coaches and PMI.And yes I did have fear when I started, And yes today as I grow when I trying to put deals together on 100 acre parks and 100 units apartment complexes, I have a new fear. Because everyone around me told me I couldn't buy a house and make money, Now as I grow with a great team They tell me I can't buy big stuff, That's for people that has money are a education or a millionaire, Guess what wrong. If I can do this anyone can. But you have to change everything about you and face fear dead on. And in closing thinks Dean. You taught me how to follower directions and run with the winners.




Faith & Fear....

don't go hand in hand

Personally I was raised to believe that hard work and determination got to the point of success you want, but as I got older, sometimes I began to think that its more about fate than anything else.

As much as anyone, be it myself, Randy, Dean, Michael, etc can help someone or tell them what or how to do something exactly to the letter does not always garner the same exact result. I've seen it and its obvious most on here have seen the same, and there is no concrete reason for it other than it might not have been meant to be.

Next year marks 20 years since I bought my first property and in between the 19 houses i've owned i've been in foreclosure 6 times, gotten five out of foreclosure, seen my credit go from a high of 785 to a low of 550, been screwed out of deals, my biggest with a potential commission of $100K+, but through it all, i've kept going.

It hasn't been without many countless times of high stress, uncontrolled tears, screaming, yelling and outright panic. I've never been the ra-ra, big letters type, but I will say do the best you can and leave no stone unturned when doing this; never have a regret.

Not everyone is going to have the same level of success that Dean will, but if you can at the least be happy with what you've accomplished, that is what matters most.

Best to all on here.

Elix that is a perfect

Elix that is a perfect post, as I was reading it I thought you were talking about me. I tell the new investors all the time different things happen, because of timing,their location and their attitude. No two people will have the same out come in the same area,or will one person have the same out come in two different areas.

I agree with Jim

Elix that was well said. We have not done a lot of deals but what we have done is success to us.

Thanks for sharing Elix.



Thanks man that is just what I needed. I was just realy struggling with this short sales.
Best regards


Get A Cash Offer Now on your deal's any state any condition within 24 hours.


James Kendrick wrote:
Elix that is a perfect post, as I was reading it I thought you were talking about me. I tell the new investors all the time different things happen, because of timing,their location and their attitude. No two people will have the same out come in the same area,or will one person have the same out come in two different areas.

I'll estimate i've spoken with about 12 DGer's on here on a regular that were "Elix i'm hungry I want to do this, I am ready, let's do this..."

I think that number is down to 5 now. One young man from the Left Coast called me nearly in tears a few weeks ago at 3:30am "Elix did I wake you??? I'm sorry just stressed out I posted all these bandit signs and when buyers wanted to see them, I had to tell the truth and now none want to deal, etc" Keep in mind this is 3:30am.....EST

I told him like I tell everyone have a plan. When you go in head first, you land head first. At that point the sleepy's were gone so we spoke until about 5:15am. Once i'm a roll, I sometimes dont know how to shut up. I'm sure many on here will attest to that.

Tried to go back to sleep, but went downstairs and played NCAA Football 2011 until my kid woke up.

why some are more successful...

than others. I think that a big reason is the "WE" vs. "I" . People with a partner are by far way more successful. They have the encouragement, the accountability, the support, and comfort of doing it together every step, so that there is no overwhelming felling or road blocks....


Don't Wish the Past, Create the Future! - DH

Totally disagree

Hazco Investments wrote:
than others. I think that a big reason is the "WE" vs. "I" . People with a partner are by far way more successful. They have the encouragement, the accountability, the support, and comfort of doing it together every step

I know many people who do this dolo and seriously doing extremely much more than people who partner.

If that is your experience, so be it, but I believe people that are successful are so because of fate, timing and luck.

In no exact order.



Glad to here from you. I am go along with timing and maybe fate But not luck. It takes a lot of hard work and a bunch of nos to succeed. If I had been lucky I would have a lot more yes or a rich uncle that died. Well that didn't happen. So I took the tools put in front of me and after 12 to 14 hours a day 7 days a week it is now fun and easy. I guess if i had treated it like a hobby I would have probably got hobby results.




Hi Everyone, I've been

Hi Everyone, I've been reading here for awhile but this is my first post. I have spent my working life in residential construction & became a Realtor just in the nick of time to watch the bubble blow. It seemed with that background investing would be a good fit, after several years & several grad worth of books & guru advice, everytime I started to take action I bought another book because all my other experience said this can't work like I've read it should. Michael's post kinda did it for me, you know what you know, just do it. Time to pull the triger, signs are going out Friday, set up as much as I need to be will let ya know how it goes. Thanks for the info.





Great to here from you. Now that you have posted stay in touch and let us know how it goes.





Follow directions and run with the winners! !!!!!! Yes I agree, we need to listen more than talk and MODEL the winners. Do what they do to get what they got. It is a no brained when we stop to think about it.IF we want a certain outcome then look to see who achieved this and do the same things they are doing to get the same results.you are an amazing example of this and you are achieving your stepping stones to great results.thanks for this post! ! Can't wait to talk rei with you at the edge! !


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Randy......you bad Mutha#$%#@ you

Great to here you're getting the passport stamped and bring home some foreign currency.

When I say luck, I mean in the sense of good timing.

When I first met the man who would be the reason why I am today, I was actually thinking about missing that class, but my roommate was using my car and I would have had to walk to campus to get it back so I went....which turned out to be fate.

Trust me, I know about late nights, disappointment and as i've mentioned before, not having money after paying my mortgage, living on water and bread because I didn't want to ask my friends for dough or to get me into the cafeteria. I've been through alot, so that might be the reason why I come off as not too sympathetic or short of patience when people complain and moan about not getting a deal or asking the same question for the garillionth time.\

Not luck as in winning the lottery


This statement I agree with 100%. If it was that easy I would just go and stand by the mailbox and wait for a check. Sad to say this is what some people except, And this is still why they have not got no were and never will unless the choose to change. Great hearing from you.




This is why I love this site!

Thank you all for sharing your experiences. It helps reinforce why I'm doing this. I'm struggling to get to where you all are, and it's nice to be reminded that many of yo were once where am now. Tank You!


Life is full of choices, and these choices become your reality... YOU are in control of your future! YOU decide the direction your life will take. YOU have to make things happen, no one will do it for you!

When opportunity knocks, will you answer?

Sorry guys for no reply

I sorry I haven't answer everyone that has responded. It has been crazy around here. The storms have kick ass. but I did get my step daughter and her husband moved from mo to tn. But i did drive for 65 miles that look like a ocean. You would have to see it to believe it. But thinks to Dean I have survived everything that was throw in front of me.




Cold Calling Bues

I have been working on the lease option (default homeowner option) for months.
I have everything in place but cold calling owners in default or showing up at thier doorstep is a HUGE hurdle for me. Anybody with answers? I feel I have the wrong personality for this!

Why some succeed and some don't

Randy and everyone

It's a real simple answer.

They didn't WANT it or NEED it bad enough.

Drug addicts find a way to get their drugs.

Drunks/alcoholics find a way to get drunk.

So WHY (if drug addicts/drunks)can get what they want--why can't YOU get what you want????

ANYONE can do just about ANYTHING they WANT/NEED to do.



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Hey Randy, nice post. This really motivates people to keep doing and doing more real estate, as well as overcome their fears. We look forward to seeing you in Arizona next month. Tom & Jeri!


Tom and Jeri

Tom and Jeri

Great to here from you guys. I must say both of you are awesome. Even the little one to.





What you said makes a lot of since. Like I said early, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. So if you really want to succeed, Step out of your comfort zone and move foward. the only thing stopping anybody in today's market is themselves.





You hit the nail on the head for me. I have been really fearful too, but like you said, I'm more fearful of the financial situation I'm in so I too have just decided to do it afraid!!!


Everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, it's not the end.

You have not lived a perfect day, unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you. Ruth Smeltzer

It is what it is 'til you change it.


I took that same course and coaching available from PMI and had just the opposite result. Was it easy? No. Did over 5 deals the first year and got a full refund. That was a very satisfying way to get my money back! However, I did just what was taught and now I am doing several deals a month. Did they do it for me? No!

Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins

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I've done a lot of cold calling in my time and I know how you feel. I used to be that way, but as time went by, I realized the people I'm talking too put their pants on one leg at a time just like I do. Try putting yourself in their shoes, so to speak, and pretend it is you that someone is trying to help. How would you respond? Most people are polite even if they don't want to buy what you're selling. Practice in the mirror if you have to and be genuine and sincere when you talk to them.. not like you're reading from a script. Once they hear what you have to say, either they're interested or they're not. The worse thing that can happen is they hang up on you.. they can't shoot you Smiling Go for it!


Everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, it's not the end.

You have not lived a perfect day, unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you. Ruth Smeltzer

It is what it is 'til you change it.


Great posts, guys. You keep me motivated! I'll get there one day soon!!!!


Everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, it's not the end.

You have not lived a perfect day, unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you. Ruth Smeltzer

It is what it is 'til you change it.


Really sorry things didn't go well. Just curious to what you were excepting. I also got my money back for doing the 5 deals. NO they did not do no deals for me. But they gave me the tools to use. And I used them to get ahead. And yes it did take a lot of work. But in no way could I be were I am at today if I hadn't done it. So before bashing PMI take a good look in the mirror and see who is really at fault. I know for me when I got started it was easy to blame everyone else. But once I looked in the mirror to see who was really at fault, It was me. I was letting fear take over. Hope things go well, And remember you only get out of it what you put into it.





Very well said, I think that is the diffeeance between the ones that hit the ground running, And the ones that set at home waiting on a check. They are still waiting and the rest of us are doing deals. So if you want to do deals , Get of the couch use the hot-line at pmi. Start your day off with saying I am going to do what ever it takes to succeed.





WOW, you can't blame DG for this. DG and his program and the folks here rock and are there for you and anyone else that WANTS the help. Will this be easy? HA sometimes the folks here make it seem that way, but the answer for most is no, it takes time, patience, determination to make something better for yourself and family. We bought into the Success Academy last year and lost the money due to not working the business due to also just buying a travel business franchise, WE BLEW IT, not DG. We are back at it now and hope to be very successful because we know it can be. Pull your BBB out and relax! Do the classes, read the books and forums and post your questions, fears, and whatever else and watch it work for you. Will it be easy? Nope. Will you want to go back to what you know? YEUP. Can you do this? YES!! Have you ever watched Top Gun? Google one of the last scenes where Maverick(Tom Cruise) bails on his wingman while in the dog fight but gets back in it and they end up taking care of business.




What action have you taken and how far did you get in the training? If the REIC has helped you so much, what deals have you done by learning from them? I DARE you to do ALL the action plans and steps taught to you in the academy. Maybe skip the websites and LLC and all that for now and get some properties under contract and start advertising on CL, backpage, driving through neighborhoods, talking to FSBOs, taking a look at auctions, building your buyer's list; or just go out and start bird dogging for another investor.

For surely if you didn't learn anything from the SA, then with all that knowledge you gained at your REIC, you will be able to do your 5 deals and get your refund. I'm waiting on mine right now; but it WASN'T easy and I had to SACRIFICE a lot AND fail A LOT first.

Please don't say the stuff doesn't work when you haven't attempted to try it; because you will find that if something doesn't work, and you tweak it a bit, oh, it will work! Embrace the struggle and instead of complaining, ask questions, call the coaches and get out there and take action. IT WORKS, but ....ONLY.... if you take the information and UTILIZE it. Its easy to say things don't work when you haven't tried them...

PS: BTW, Dean himself is working on 50 RE deals right now. But I digress, he must be making ALL his money on SA students that take little to no action and then give up.

Edited to add, yes, some of this post is facetious. Sticking out tongue

shegeek72 wrote:
I haven't had the success and good fortune that others claim. I got sucked into Dean's mentoring, because it was presented as free then got talked into getting a loan to pay for it. I found the instruction and mentoring both lacking in content and in what works in the the real world. I've asked for a refund, but so far PMI is refusing, so I'm working with the BBB. Most every company will give a customer a refund if he or she is dissatisfied, yet that's not the case with PMI. So they have over $3000 of my money while I'm living on social security (I'm disabled).

If anyone is thinking about paying thousands for mentoring, a course or bootcamp let me tell you from experience these people make more money from selling information on real estate then actually doing deals! Save your money and join your local REA group. You'll learn a lot more with a lot less money! Most REA groups bring in gurus, the same ones you see charging thousands, for $30 - $40 for an all-day seminar! This whole internet real estate thing is a way to get you to spend ten of thousands of dollars, not teach you about real estate!


Great to hear all the positive feedback. I do know that the success acamandy has helped a lot more people than me. Its so neat how people on this site tries to help out even when someone only has negative comments. So maybe they will change their mind and run with the winners. I know their is a lot of use and for that Think you Dean PmI and success acamandy, and all the people on this site that helps out.




Cold Calling

THANKS Shiley P. for your ideas on cold calling. Inew someone on this site might have a new idea for me to try to get over this cold calling block!
