Hello, everyone in DG family! I dreamt about this day for a long, long time - the day I did my first deal. After one year of a painful "No-Deal" period, the spring has come!
Yes, I consider myself as one of the worst students in DG family. Because I hadn't done a single deal until now. On DG.com, I see a lot of stories of "Star" students of Dean, and so many others who did their first deals within a couple of months. Their stories have really inspired me and taught me a lot. But at the same time, it is true that sometimes I felt disappointed with myself, or even ashamed of myself for not having done any deals. But I kept going. I am glad I did.
So, today, I decided to post my story here to encourage "Not-So-Great" students like myself. I know there are some out there! who have been trying hard, but haven't done a single deal yet for a long time. Please do NOT Give Up! I know how you are feeling now. My story is for you!
I bought Dean's books, way more than 1 year ago. Since then, I have been trying hard implementing many things I learned from his books: I created a buyers-list of 15 investors within the first 2 weeks, and I put up fliers & classified ads, calling "For Rent" signs, going to county clerk office to obtain foreclosure information every week and sending postcards to them, etc.
Because I don't have cash to invest, my strategy is "Assignment of Contract." Last year, I got 20 potential deals that I thought were really great. 10 of them came really close but they fell through. My deals were like 45-50% below ARV but my investors wanted at least 55-60% below ARV. I realized that they don't just want "Great Deals". They only want AMAZING DEALS.
But a week ago, all of a sudden, an amazing lead knocked on my door. The seller contacted me through my website. He wants to sell: a small 2 family house with a huge yard on the side. I know a builder who wants to buy vacant lands as well as 2-4 family houses. I researched the property and figured that my buyer can fix up the 2 family house and he can build 2 more brand new houses on the side. I negotiated with seller a couple of times and my buyer just signed the contract yesterday. When he closes on the property within 90 days, I will receive $10,000!!! It took me about 6 hours total and I made 10K! I just can't believe it!!!
Dean always says, "We need to STAY IN THE GAME, in order to succeed." If a ball is dropped right in front of you and if you are not in the game, you cannot score a touch-down. I never gave up and trusted Dean. And Dean was RIGHT!!!
Now that my first deal is behind me, a song came to my mind and is playing over and over again. It's the theme song of Disney's movie, Aladdin. --- A WHOLE NEW WORLD --- A dazzling place I never knew...
Thank you Dean, and every member of DG family!!!
Dream as if you live forever.
Live as if you die today.
- James Dean
Awesome Story! Persistence is everything. Deals will come easy to you now! Thanks for the inspiration
"FAITH is being Sure of what we hope for and Certain of what we do not see." -Hebrews 11:1
Congrats for sticking in there and making it happen. The first deal is the hardest. You'll have this little epiphany when you walk out of close with that checks that you'll say to yourself "OMG that was so easy, why in the heck did I take so long" lol! Even though we may beat ourselves up for not hitting our projected timeline....you STILL got it done. Forgive yourself and be proud of yourself.
$10k in one deal with 6 hrs on it....even if it took you a year to get it done, just think how many hours you would have to work at your J.O.B. to clear that!
good stuff!
Our ONLY limitations are those in which we put on ourselves.
As I have in my signature "Sometimes victory is one step past failure. But you'll never see it if you quit!"
Great job!
Thanks for sharing your story, its an inspiration for me whose still struggling to get that first deal done. I've been apart of the DG family now for about 6 months, and I still haven't made that first deal as of yet. There have been many times that I just wanted to give up because I thought I was going to make that first deal within like the first month or two, so when I saw that it wasn't happening I became frustrated. But something kept telling me to keep going, plus the coaches at the Success Academy are also helpful. So like yourself, I'm one of those so called bad student, lol. But When I do get that first deal though I know its going to be well worth the wait, and I'll post it too once I make that first deal. Thanks again man, and congrats again on making that first deal happen!
Congratulations on your well deserved deal! !!! You did not give up and showed never ending persistence.real estate Sometimes more often than not requires patience and persistence.I BELIEVE THE HARDEST one is the first. And you have overcome that obstacle.good job, now on to deal # 2
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CHECK OUT MY JOURNAL http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/20063/...
Your persistence just goes to show what the possibility is for each determined person to turn over every rock and make those deals happen. By understanding what the buyer and seller want and thinking a little different you made it happen, we are so happy and proud of you - Keep going, don't let the momentum die! Oh by the way, at $10,000 and six hours that's roughly $1,700 per hour...wait for it...SHAZAM! how about that thought? Sure beats minimum wage doesn't it? Awesome Job!
Never Give Up, Never Surrender!
I have been on dg.com for a while and even joined the success academy last year and did nothing, yeup, all that money out and not a darn thing. But we got back into the fight a month or so ago and should be closing on our first deal tomorrow. CONGRATS on your deal bro and let us know how it all goes. Oh wait, just noticed that you joined DG.com in Sept of 09, you beat me here!!
What a geat story!! Way to keep going and never giving up
I hope my first deal can be as successful as yours, and this is a perfect reminder that I cannot give up and keep my nose to the grind, and always be on the lookout for deals to come knocking. This reminds me to continue to network, so that deals can be brought to me!
Keep up the fight, your "delayed gratification" is now YOURS!!
The Browley Team
Working Towards Success!!
It does feel good to complete a deal. WE have been on here since 08 and only have done a few deals. I do believe that the the flood gates of REI deals are going to open up here real soon.
Everyone stay in the game you can not win if you do not play.
Steve and Veronica.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
Congrads to you on the first one, its the ice breaker, they just start adding up from here. Good stuff for sure, I to will be writing about my first deal soon have a couple of irons on the fire. Good job and keep up the good work, there's no such thing as a bad student, cause you never gave up, you beleaived in yourself and kept after it til you closed that first deal. You Rock..Pat yourself on the back!!!!!!!
""Allways thinking outside the box""
Congratulations! Thank you for the encouragement. We've been observers way too long and are finally taking action.
Cheryl & Dave
Anything is possible if you want it that badly. We have to know what we aspire to accomplish and work towards acquiring that reality. Believe that it is possible and make it possible. Congrats on making your first deal possible. God Bless.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Congratulations on the deal! My partner and I have done 3 since we started in August, moving slower than we expected but 3 is better than 0 I guess! Haha
Your second deal should be MUCH easier! What a feeling it is to bring that check to the bank! Keep on going!!!
Are you new? Check out my NEW and IMPROVED Guide for Beginners! http://deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/everything-else/128413/domini...
Congrats to you!!! This is a great story!
Much Success to you!
Life's a Dance you learn as you go...GET HAPPY FEET!
"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all." ~Dale Carnegie
Congratulations on your deal. Way to go!
I might be right up there in the "worst student" category except my reason is because I can't seem to get a deal DONE. Ive been bird dogging in so many counties here in FL just to get it done but with no success as yet. I just lost a recent deal when the buyer backed out and won't tell me why. It was such a good deal for both the buyer and the seller that I really had high hopes. I was so excited and eager to make that first deal that I was negotiating THEIR prices (the ones that the buyer and seller were giving me) and terms and I was willing to make $100.00 on the deal just to get the first one under my belt. That's right $100.00!!! Not $1,000 or $5,000 but 1 lousy hundred dollars. My time should be worth more than that alone. It's very frustrating!!! I used to play basketball in my youth and always found that if you can't hit a 3 pointer, you go inside for a lay-up. They both add to the score board. I used that philosophy here but even that didn't work. But I've spent too much time and money to give up. On to the next deal!
So to all my fellow "no deals yet"-ers, don't give up. That first deal is out there somewhere.
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni
great story, thank you
lets close more deals!
Great story! At least you didn't give up. I have been sitting on my behind for months now - mostly learning and developing a strategy. Now, it is time to take action. Thanks for the story - it has inspired me and I am sure others.
Congrats again!
Hiroaki, thank you for this post. Believe me you are not the worst student here. Reading about your first deal makes me determine to stay in the game more.
Congrats on your first deal! Persistency is key! Much more success to you!
~Act successful! And you'll draw it to you.~
~Every achievement, big or small, begins in your mind. It starts as a thought.~
Well done !!! you have given me inspiration to continue on.
debra alston
Congratulations on your first deal! You can feel the excitement while reading your story. It is a great feeling to get the first deal done.
Thank-you for sharing and on to your next deal!
To your continued success!
Laura Bullock
BMW Investment Properties LLC
If you look at all the comments you are also>>>Motivating Others<<<< Just like DEAN does, so your not as bad as you thought you were!!! Way to go!!! It seems to me that you accomplished more than you imagined!!!! Dont stop!!!
Good for you! You persevered and success came finally came thru. Increase the pace to keep it going.
Well done on your first deal! What a great accomplishment. Now pick up your feet and run straight ahead. You have great things in your future!
May this be the first of many, many more deals!
Way to go! I am proud of you!!!