This is the longest and what I personally feel is the most powerful weekly video Dean has ever done. He shares a lesson that can do more to help propel you closer to your first or your fifth deal. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner, scared to death, or a seasoned pro looking for an edge - This is a "do not miss" video.
Plus you get to watch a great clip of Carol Stinson sharing details on her first assignment deal that made her $10,000.
Watch, comment and get involved.
More details on this year’s EDGE live event click here:
Thanks for doing another weekly video blog. Thanks for sharing the exercise with us. This is really a good exercise to put your thoughts down on paper to see where you are at today and where you may need to do to get to where you want to be. Sometimes by putting things down on paper it makes it more real to us to work towards and maybe even understand what we have to do to get there. Continued success in all you do! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
P.S. We hope to meet many of the DG website family Members at the Gain the EDGE Event 2010 and congratulations to Dean's Success Academy Class of 2010!
Hey great lesson Carol. If you are too scared this is the blog for you. I was also, until I got enough guts to go across the street to my neightbor who seemed to be moving. I got some great feedback on how to do it from another terrific lady in the DG family ANGELAK and now I feel like I can really make it happen. I have bad credit very little money but a real need to move on and get some for my family and me.
Let this be the year for all of us, there's plenty to go around. 2010 is here! Thanks Dean again and again.
the best to you.
Great Video!
Thanks for sharing this with us Dean. Carol is a true inspiration to all of us... Can't wait to meet her at the EDGE event!
Can't wait to hear more from Carol at the EDGE. And thank you for sharing the exercise on making a plan to reach goals. Very powerful!
Great Weekly Blog. I enjoyed the exercise, it is always good when we sit down and rethink things and get back on page. Thanks!
Can't wait for the Edge 2010!
Carpe Diem :0) Stacey
My computer is acting up and I accidently posted twice...can I delete this box somehow? Sorry...
Dean & Carol
You two are an inspriation to my wife and I. The excercise I'm sure will prove to be very useful and motivational as we pursue an awesome career in REI. Keep up the great work Dean and Carol!
I won't be able to make it to the Edge 2010 but I will sure make it there next year-God willing.
Dean your exersice is like a mini "personal" business plan
My business plan has opened my eyes to the details and thought required to make a business a sucess. I tend to dive in and do... this excercise made me think of all the my personal goals & of the objectives needed to get there. Thanks for the inspiration Carol. Its just a matter of taking a deep breath, knowing you will do fine and taking taking that first step!
Heading in the Right direction
This exercise will help steer me in the right direction and keep me FOCUSED on what is important.
Carol, thanks for your wisdom and insight. Looking forward to meeting you at the EDGE 2010.
Thank you Dean for Blog #63, I definitely will dig into the exercise. I am all that you mentioned in it, desperate, broke, scared, frightened, sad and all of what most of your students faced prior to reading your books. I have only had your books a short while, I devoured the 1st "Profit From Real Estate Right Now" and am on the second time reading it again. I have not read the other "Be a RE Millionaire" as yet, I thought that I should advance to it after I get out there and make something happen after reading the first. I love real estate and have plenty of good education, but the being scared is something I'm having a hard time with.
I commend Carol, which is why I voted for her, I would have voted for all the students if allowed, I commend them all. I've been told that I think too much, "analysis paralysis" but I do try hard to read between the lines and my question for Carol is when you put the apartment under contract, was the market value more than the asking price in order for you to add your $10K onto it? Hope this isn't a stupid ?, but I do want to understand how you worked it out. Thanks to you both.
Loved hearing your story Carol! Wish I could be at the Edge event to meet you in person, but can't wait to see the instructional videos that come out of this one!
feedback for Dean
Dean, almost in every blog you seem to worry about the blog being to long. Dean, that will never be a problem. It is actually the exact opposite. The longer the better. The more you give us the more we learn. If your going to worry about the length of the video blog then worry about it being to short.
If it is long we can hit pause to go to the bathroom, get more coffee, or whatever. We can watch part of it, hit stop and come back to finish watching it whenever we want. Actually there is no way possible most of us could stop watching it before it's
Anyway the point is you are simply awesome! You share so much with us. You don't EVER have to worry about the weekly video blogs being to long.
This is, of course, another GREAT blog! I am going to write about the exercise in my journal. One really special thing about it that I have to thank you for. The sec part: Where do you want to go? The idea you talked about looking ahead so you can look back. What would have to happen this year for you to say it had been a perfect year, a year from now? That idea is simply genius. It really puts things in the right perspective.
I need a bigger piece of paper... I divided it like you said but then I filled each section with notes......
You rock! Thank you for you!
It felt like you were cut off, well that we were cut off to you anyway. I want to hear the rest about your other deals etc. I was totally into the video blog listening to you and Dean talk about your first deal and you both mention other deals then poof the blog is over....AAAAAaaaaaa
It was the same feeling you get when watching a good show/movie during a storm and right in the middle of the movie/show the power gets knocked out.....
I am rather anxious for the Edge event when I can see the rest of the movie/show!!!!
great blog
Great blog. I hope that with each week that passes that I learn more and more about making deals. I want so much to get started but I have this nagging feeling that I can't do it. I have a wife that insists everyday that this is a mistake, but I know it isn't. Each week these blogs give me that much more inspiration to do this. I will do the exercise that will enable me to have that one month off a year and the truck that I have always wanted. But most importantly that I will be able to share what I know with them. I know I can't teach them everything, but I can direct them to the DG site so they can get involved. Thank you for the inspiration that I needed at this time. I will follow what has been given and I will succeed.
J Doss
Flagstaff AZ
Love This Exercise!
Thank you Dean for reminding me of this exercise. Its always so great to revisit goals as you go along - this is just what I needed tonight!
And Carol - you are awesome. A great inspiration to people to take action and change your life!
I am so tortured to have to miss the EDGE event this year!!!!!!!!!!!
Dean - for those of us whose path doesnt take us there for whatever reason PLEASE get the DVD's out asap
Great blog!
Thanks again Dean for the exercise and the interview with Carol. I intend for this to be my best year yet and I hope it is for all of the DG members as well. Good luck to all of us!
Rick Merritt
Trident Realty, LLC
Help - no video!!
For the second week - where the box where the video box should be is empty! Is anyone else having this problem?? Technical support - can you help me??
Yup, I can't view the video either...bummer! I'm hoping someone will come to our rescue!
I'm not a techy..
I think the problem you 2 are having has something to do with not having the right program to run the videos. Goto the following url for support. I hope this helps.
Thanks for sharing Dean & Carol!!! Can't wait to hear the whole story at the EDGE!!!
Thanks Dean for the great Video Blog
Thanks again Dean for another great Video Blog. You are so inspirational and I enjoy watching you every week. Thanks too for the special invitation to the EDGE event. I was hoping my husband and I could attend. My husband, Ernie, had been working full time even though he has been fighting a battle with cancer.
Then in mid January we learned it has gone into stage 4 so not a good time for us to travel and I would not feel right about going alone and leaving him in California. Ernie totally supports anything I wish to do regarding real estate investments.
I do have a question for Indiana Joe, Rina or anybody else that wishes to chime in. I did PM Joe once or twice in the past. Not sure if he is accepting PM's any longer.
Question - I own outright the current home we live in. No house payments. Ernie inherited 5 acres of property in Northern California 8 years ago. Ernie thought the attorney in Butte County had put title in both of our names but realizes now not in my name. Yesterday, our financial advisor said we should change title on the property to community property called a "Grant Deed." I checked on the DG web site for a document of this type. I did see "Quit Claim" deed but don't think this would work if we want both names on property. At this point, can I change title myself or call an attorney to change title? Or maybe call a title company in Butte County? We live in San Joaquin County in California.
Lord willing we will both be able to attend the EDGE event in 2011. We are still praying the cancer will go into remission. I still want to do a "Power of attorney" in case at some point Ernie can no longer sign papers or legal documents.
Thanks for any advice and input. And yes, we are staying positive. We are a very energetic couple with lots of friends and activities. Nothing would make me happier than to come to the EDGE event in 2011 with my husband healthy and able to come with me. Thanks again DG family. Sincerely, Kathy V.
awesome video
That is a great video blog! Understanding where you are right now, at the moment, can help you figure out what you are doing wrong and correct to get you where you want to be... Thats really powerful. Carol did it, because she didn't let any fear of not knowing how to stand on her way. Thats what makes all the difference between failure and success.
Hoping to be on 2010 EDGE event, its gonna be great.
Thanks, everybody
In regards to your Quit Claim Deed questions, in mosts states and counties you can filed a Quit Claim Deed with your County Recorder's office. It should be notarized by a notary public. The County Courthouse/County Government Center staff are usually helpful and can probably walk you through the process. An Attorney should charge a nominal fee to do this for you. The Attorney may save you time and effort as well. Good lick. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
The Amazing dean
Well dean you and this blog with carol gives all of us that are fearful, the power to overcome and take a step toward success!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. Keep up good work to all DGM and friends
No struggle no progres!!!
Carol, U R Inspiring!
Carol is an inspiration to me. I find it amazing that she was able to do her first deal by referring to the book and no other sources. HATS OFF TO YOU, CAROL! I will read the book again.
DG, Thank you for sharing these motivating blogs. It is very helpful in getting me to take action.
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