Do you really want to be successful in REI. It really not all that hard, But it does take some work. If I had just read the book one time and had not been a member of the success academy, Their is no way I would have done over 40 deals in less than 18 months with no money, Bad credit and bankruptcy. The point I am trying to get across is that it took me 9 months to do my first deal. Read this again, IT took me 9 months. The reason is I was just starting off and everybody told me this wouldn't work. It was illegal, You have no money etc. I can't start to tell you how many attorneys and agents that I talk to that kept saying NO NO NO NO, And deep down I new other people were doing it and I was going to too. I am sure glad that i did not let no are fear stand in the way. So it's really simple if you think about it, forget about the no,s and keep moving on till you have a yes team. Today in my journey in REI if you are not a yes person I am truly sorry but I have no time for you are anything else. You are who you hang around with. So if you want results go get that yes team. And talk to anyone that is succeeding in REI and see how many NO people are on their team,
Thanks Randy,
I will make sure that I only deal
with a yes person from now on and have deaf ears
when i come a cross the no sayers.
Great advice
Randy, that is good stuff to read.. never take no for an answer! You keep finding them and closing since the edge! Have you changed your strategies at all? lol!
I am always trying to find new strategies. Ii like to do what no one else is doing. That way their is less people to complete with. I think that is the reason I get so many No's. Sometime people are afraid of the unknown. But i don't let that stop me. the more No's get the closer I am to a YES,
Hi Randy, let me start by saying that i joined the team about three months ago. I have the books, signed up with the academy and to date...have done NOTHING! Not because I don't have the drive... I can't find the time. I am a finance mgr. for a car dealership and work 6 days a week open to close. My challenge is squeezing in some quality time to pursue my real esate goals and try to balance the the rest of my life at the same time. By fluke I logged in today to Dean's site and read your post. I get the feeling from you that you are a man who can give me a few suggestions to help me get on track! Any suggestions from other members as well would be very appreciate.
Thank and Have a Great Day,
I love it when people say they don't have time. Try something for 1 week. it will take a little time. Take a pad with you for 1 week and write down everything you do including work watching TV etc. At the end of the week set down and look at it hard and see how much time you really had for REI. I know for me it was tough to look at, I did have time when I redid my schedule. Try it it will work.
Great stuff.... I often read your posts because you're SO generous with your info. Thank you for that!
If you are truly strapped for time but have extra cash you might consider hiring an assistant or virtual assistant to do some of the grunt work like make calls, sift out tire kickers, return calls, placing ads, updating websites, etc. If I had the money I would do that and give myself the luxury of utilizing my time for the more important things like making offers. Best of luck!
Psalms 118:23 "This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes."
I'm just like Stan, have all the books and signed up for the Academy 3 months ago but haven't done nothing. I'm reading the books when I have time but I guess my fear is what people are going to think of me and of this whole idea. There are a lot of signs "we buy houses" "we stop foreclosures", those are all investors and I wanted to call all of them and create my buyer's list that way, but I'm so afraid for some reason calling them and even talking to them and realtors and other people. any suggestions, thanks.
Randy, what great words of encouragement! I truly appreciate you writing what you did. I have been struggling with getting started but very determined to be successful at REI. I need something in my life that will improve the quality of my life and happiness and I believe with all my heart that REI is the answer. Recently though I have felt very alone with my efforts because my wife does not agree with what I am doing. We usually do not talk about REI so that we don't fight but I am determined to at least try and make her understand why I want to do what I am pursuing. Could you please tell us all how you got your start and what was your first deal?
See this is the hole key to success,A lot of people me include does not take the time to see what the real problem is. Usually its fear, But its a lot easy to blame it on time. That the reason i said try the one week test. Then if their is time. Then it's time to take the big step and tackle fear. FEAR and REI don;t mix.
great post!! you are right,yes people are the ones we need to be around.if someone says it cant be done we need to ask HOW CAN IT BE DONE?/ because as you know thinking a little different and asking that question of our mind will anwer it in many avenues!! as for the time that we say we dont have?? we all have the same hrs in a day ....24....its what we choose to do with it that seperates the doers and the i want to doers.UNDERSTAND the people who say they dont have the time cause i am one of those who used to say that....for years!!! you have the exact trick to find the time .write down EVERY hr that u spend for a day,week,month, then as u stated u will be amazed at where u can find the time to learn and implement rei.i did this also and use every single free minute i can spare to do rei and its working now!!! great advice randy, thank you !!1
keep rocking the deals !!!!
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Randy, Good info. Thanks for posting. I am reading Dean's book(s) now and researching REI. If you could look back now, what steps did you take on your start to get where you are today AND what would you do differently if you could go back and change things to make it as short a trip as possible to get here. Also, what did you do to get over the fear factor? Look forward to your response. Thanks again. KK
I was a member of the success acamandy, and I did use them alot. The one thing I regret the most is not using this site. I have been on here for only 4 months. And if it had not been for Rina I sill would,t be on here. Bot today I truly be leave if i had used this site alone with everything else it would have sped my first deal up.
My back was against the wall and I seen Dean's info comerical. I spent ever dime I had to get started, Including on site mentor. My first deal was a assignment in MO. Everyone told it couldn't be done. Including fear. But you must remember I had invested everything and Fear had never payed me nothing. I did have enough common since to know if other people had done it I could to, And I did. Due to the economy and knowing my home town of clarksville Tn had survived the recession fairly well I moved 600 miles to start doing subject to. Now though a lot of trial and error thing are looking up. I also have 4 flips going on at this time with none of my money. And I am on my way to MO to show all those people that said this wouldn't work. What wouldn't work has done for me. Now that my creditability has improved I do have patrons and I all can say is Mo watch out here I come. And I am still always thinking outside the box. When someone tells me it can't be done, All I say is GAME on. And it seems like the more I do the less time fear has to mess with me.
As always another great, inspiring post my friend! As I read all the comments here and elsewhere on the site - I see a common thread. And that is definitely fear of taking action. We all have it - and find every reason why we cant do things - time, money, whatever. But truth is - Dean gives us ALL what we need to know to be SMART, successful investors - its what we each choose to do with it that makes the difference. My first favorite motto starting out was "Knowledge + Action = Results. Plain and simple. My new favorite is "You can make excuses - or you can make money".
my story:
You sometimes in life you have to have a push now that push has to come at the right time and you have to be open to it.....I choose to us your post as my PUSH today. Thanks.
Erika, REI
Brownstone Investment Group
Job 22:21 Submit to God, and you will have peace; then things will go well for you.
Job 22:28 You will succeed in whatever you choose to do, and light will shine on the road ahead of you.
Deut 28:8 The Lord will guarantee a blessing on everything yo do and will fill your storehouses with grain. The Lord you God will bless you in the land he is giving you.
So true Randy, Anyone who says they dont have time to change their life for the better doesn't want to do it. There is no excuses, I work all kind of hrs and mostely over 10hrs a day and have to make time for my family in between. Yesterday I made phone calls in between running upstairs to the office from the warehouse. Each time I ran upstairs I took a few min to make a call to get things done. On my days off I get up early in the moring while everyone else is sleeping and go house hunting. I am back by the time they all wake, and do the family thing. You have to envision yourself where you want to be and get after it.
Never EVER give up!
It is a azmazing to me every day how us as human beings can go from happy to discussed in just a matter of minutes. I have turned in a few offers and have been turned down, I am wanting some of them to go through because I know they are outstanding deals. I hit a bump in the road and it took a little air out of my sail. I am back at it today and really pushing to build my buyers list making phone calls, dropping off flyers,etc. I have had several "NO's" already this week and it has just started. I love this site because of all the upbeat comments and convidence that the DG system works and is still working for many people today. I know this system works as well, it is all about the numbers and staying focused. Thanks Randy for all of your post to keep everyone on there toes and keeping them focused on the possitive. I also like your no BS approach on getting straight to the point. Keep it up and share in your stories that you have and still are doing for your success, we all enjoy the stories, it is also how we learn!! I want to share with you something amazing that happened to me last week. I set up a meeting with a real estate agent to whom I know but really wanted to know if he would fit the agent criterea that i was looking for. I thought that I was meeting with only him last week but because of our conversations about my A team expectations prior to our scheduled meeting. He supprised me by having a Real Estate Attorney, another Agent, Home inspector, and The Real Estate Broker all involved in our meeting. I really thought I would have been nervous, OK I was but I didn't show it. The meeting went great and boy did I gain alot of knowledge and so did they, I really felt confident about what I have learned on this site as well as the DG books. I conducted the meeting as if I had been doing this for years and had them on the edge of there seats, which really felt great. I now have all of these people on my team and they are ready to make things happen. The same day I left the meeting and went to the county court house and was asking about some leads they had given me and then was graciously helped by the tax assessor who was very informative as well. I have said before if you make things happen then other things of greatness present themselves. I just want to say THANK YOU TO EVERYONE THAT VISITS THIS SITE IT IS GREAT AND VERY INFORMATIVE AND IT REALLY HELPS IN KEEPING ME MOTIVATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep on Keeping on!!
One day your ship will come in, I am swimming to mine!!!
I needed to read all these comments to get the butterflies out of my head & stomach.and take some action. I am reading the first of two books of Deans and am taking a brain break. Math is not my niche so I think I am more nervous about that aspect than anything else.
I have had no income for over a year and did not qualify for any stimulus money.
I have all the time in the world since I am physically disabled from doing anything that requires any type of movement or stress, my life is overflowing with mental Distress since I owe so much debt,now add hospital bills on top of all the rest.Good thing there are no debtors prisons.
My credit,once excellent, is at ground zero and I can't answer the phone without hearing from an irate lender.
SO, I am very motivated at this time,I am past 60 so this is my last chance to set things right and at least earn enough for my last expenses.
One thing I can do is use my computer for the good and improve my life.
I am a perfectionist and very cautious,& analytical too, so you see, I can be my own worst enemy and will have to overcome this to getting that first deal to "Break the Ice". I will be using this site in it's entirety many times, I am sure, from now on.
OH MY ,..I need help,(chuckle),..lots of good luck too.
Donna E
Laura... I Love It! That is the best quote i've heard in a long time. Thanks Randy and everyone else who posted a reply or comment re: My - no time issue.
It is too easy to bury reality behind an excuse and have your brain trick you into thinking that it is real. Your comments have made me think. Randy, your suggestion was excellent. I started it yesterday and already see that time is not a factor. The bottom line is - If you truely want to change, progress and succeed...Just do it! "You will always get what you have if you keep doing what you do." I'm on my way to my first deal - Goal: Within 30 days! I'll keep you posted. Thanks again everyone, Stan.
Thanks for the motivation. We have been working to build a buyers list, but it has been frustrating. Posts like yours keep us going.
I love it. Isn't it unbelievable when you take the time to do this, And you haven't even got to the weekend yet. And something else I did to was those 1 hour lunch breaks that took 10 min if brown bagged it. It just amazes me how FEAR can control your thoughts and really make you think you don't have time. Wish the the best of luck and the more you do the less FEAR will stick around. Fear and Action don't mix to well It's kinda like gas and water.
Glad to see it helped. I really wished i had used this site when i started. some-days on here I don't learn what to do but maybe what not to do. So for me that still makes a win win. Wlsh you the best of luck.
Great post! This was right on target. You need 3 things to succeed.
1. consistent focus (vision)
2. burning desire (passion)
3. consistent action
The key is number 3. So many people quit after one or two tries. You keep taking action until... until means until it happens. Not until you get tired, not until someone tells you no, not until you hear it is illegal, etc.
Jason and I have been at it for over year and a half. We have had several deals fall through, we have had private money, lost private money,etc. Neither one of us has ever given up. We continue to work real estate daily. California is a tough market to get started in, however, once we do get that first deal, we know the flood gates are going to open up wide for us. You must keep the vision and take non-stop action.
If we had let every bad scenario keep us down, we would have quit after the first day. We have experienced stuff that even stumped our mentors, but we perservere. At the very least, I have gained an encyclopedia of real estate investing knowledge. When it comes to contracts and weird scenarios, I no longer have the fear because of my previous experiences. You know what... Jason and I didn't die because we made a mistake or because it didn't work out. We filed it away for the future. I feel like any obstacle can be overcome. I know where to get the information.
Again, thanks for the post.
Press on...
At least you took the time to realize what your obstacles are. When a person does that half the battle is done. I am always my worst enemy.
Thank about what you said, And since the edge look how things have turned around for you. I guess I am going to have to start calling you ACTION RICH, But of course in a southern Accent. Keep hammering away.
Another great comment, But that the reason you are a superstar on here and I am just a site participant. Maybe someday I can get on the porch with the big dogs. Until then I will just keep plugging alone.
Hey Randy, I have to give you a call. I really want your packet to try here in NY. The EDGE really gave me confidence in taking it to the next level. Just to sit and talk to everyone was awsome in its self. I really hope to have atleast 5 deals done by the end of the year, I know that is stretching it but why not
I just got a call from a bank i contacted about no seasoning in FL. While he said he could only do 6-12 months we spoke a little and I told about my system and he liked it. He then gave me another banks number and the name and e-mail of the reo manager in that bank and told me maybe I can help them with all their REO'S and gain property at the same time. All he asked was for me to mention his name to the guy at the other bank. How cool is that!! Maybe I can get a package deal and look for a few partners to take them on.
talk to you soon.
Great Information and honesty! Real Estate is a work in progress always.
What part of Missouri are you visting? I am in Missouri.
It would be great to meet with you and talk RE.
Let me know when you will be here.
Again thank-you for all the positive remarks.
Short Sale Sisters Journal
I have been on the fence about joining the sucess Academy. I just get caught up on the fact that I have extremely bad credit and no $$ to invest. I guess it doesnt really matter how bad the circumstances are because there are mutliple ways to solve any issue and I know that no 1 circumstance would hold me back. I guess it all truly does come down to the fear and the lack of action for me. I would like to link up with a group of likeminded folks for the accountability aspect. Do you believe that the Success Academy is good at holding people accountable and pushing them to keep going? Do they have good initial starting points for getting new people moving forward with a plan or is it just a whole bunch of information that 1 must sort through? I appreciate any and all comments.
Don't Count the Days, Make the Days Count!!
I would not be were i am at today if ti were not for them. You actually have one on one coach, Taht you take to each week. they go over you coursework with you an help you get plan in action. And yes they do hold you accountable and keep you moving in the right direction. You do have access to all the coaches, And each time you call and give your name they can pull it up to see were you are at and who have been talking to. So its not really like you are getting someone new. they know were you are at and what you are working on. Hope this helps some. And yes I would do it again. he only thing I would have done different is have used this site to. The Material you receive from the acamandy is priceless. Hope this helps some.