Hi Everyone!
I just wanted to put out a little post today to update you on my progress and to also give you an idea of where you can be in a few short years.
I have completed more than 600 deals since I first started over 5 years ago. Actually my first deal was on November 10th 2005. Life was very difficult my first 3 years. I sold out myself to real estate and decided if I was going to do this then I wanted to be the best. I wanted to go fast! So I decided to go "all in". And let me tell you that I gave real estate absolutely everything I've got! Many, many days during those first 3 years I came up empty handed after a 40 hour work weekend. Yes I put in 40 hours of work each weekend when you considered my drive time. It was tough back then, we were at the peak of the market and people would actually laugh at my low offers because most houses were selling for OVER asking price. They thought I was a joke. But I just kept submitting offers and kept looking at more and more properties. There was absolutely no way possible I could be denied. I wasn't going to let them get the best of me. I was NOT going to give up. I wasn't going to quit until I was a success. Fast forward nearly 6 years....
My hard work has paid off. Life is actually pretty easy. I have to challenge myself constantly just so I don't get soft. I drive a bright orange Lamborghini now and I live in one of the tallest buildings in the world, Trump Tower in Chicago on the 52nd floor. I have a watch collection of Rolexes and Breitlings valued at over $100,000 and growing....I go on a week vacation every single month and I absolutely love my free time, which was why I got into real estate in the first place. Nobody ever tells me what to do--EVER! People are asking when Im going to slow down and I always say NEVER! 600 hundred deals isn't enough. I want more. I want to keep getting better. I have a lot to learn. I want to continue to grow. I am a work in progress.
I think about that little 300 square foot apartment I lived in when I first got started in real estate. I should call the owner and buy it:) Especially since he told me "I wasn't cut out for real estate"
Don't ever let somebody tell you that you aren't cut out for real estate! Go out there and win! Then maybe someday we can be neighbors in the most expensive place to live in Chicago-- Trump Tower. Hurry up! Go faster! Work harder!
Get it done!!!
Matt Larson
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
Dont forget your Iowa roots, the Big Game is this weekend in Ames,Ia..Clones and the Hawkeyes on Saturday starts @ noon...GO HAWKS.... GO HAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Action and Mistakes" always-outweigh "Analysis Paralysis"
...Just do It"
www.WeFlipDesMoines.com http://facebook.com/desmoinesinvestmentproperties
Matt, I'm brand new to the forum and just recently got Rock Bottom Blueprint.. I just received my dvd's of The Edge 2011. As I watched you and everyone else speaking on the dvd's, it was clear to me that you are passionate about what you do, you enjoy what you do, and you enjoy what the real estate business can bring you...both in terms of personal growth, helping others, and all the fun things you can now buy.
When you got started in real estate, I bet one of the last things on your mind was that you would be a role model one day. I have to tell you that in the short time that I have now been learning the strategies and techniques, you have become a role-model and inspiration to me. To paraphrase your own words: if I always keep moving forward and never stop, never give up, I will get from where I am now to where I want to be.
Congrats on #600
Yours, Brian
I look foward to doing some deals together!
John Fisher
I must say, you are proof that we all can achieve what we want out of life if we put our minds to doing it.
I only hope that I can be sitting next to you someday and reminiscing about the time you had only done 600 deals
(I also hope to be doing that on a tropical island not in CHI. Sorry, but I'm not really a fan of cold weather anymore. You'll know what I mean when you get to my age LOL. Besides,if we lived on an island, we could also be fishing in Decembers in shorts and tee shirts instead of cutting ice in our parkas. I even know a guy who makes great fishing lures
See you at the top!
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni
Thanks for those words Matt!
Hi Matt,
Congratulations on surpassing more then 600 deals. You truly deserve this success and lavish lifestyle because you have paid the price for it. You are a true motivation for anyone who thinks that Real Estate doesn't work. I wish and pray to the God of my understanding that he grants me the same Wisdom, persistence, work ethic and focus. Amen
Thanks for sharing so freely. You are an inspiration, even tho you're in Chicago!
Matt, first I just want to say thanks for reminding us that the "most persistent are the ones who persevere." I feel just like you when you first started. In a tiny little room/make shift office with the folks. I have people telling me all the time, "you're too young", "real estate is only for those who have money", "why would anyone give you money to invest?", I've had family, friends, and co-workers look at me like I'm crazy. It's only be 2 months tomorrow that I've been committed to Real Estate, been apart of the Success Academy and a change to become financially free. The best is yet to come for you. One day soon, I'll see you at a Bulls game.
"The best is yet to come."
"Never let someones opinion become your reality"
Congrats Matt!
I want to thank you for taking the time to actually motivate us into action! As you know, it's a contant struggle to keep that motivation to where it has to be especially with all those nay sayers around but I can say this...
I wasn't going to write, just because I see so many people writing and thought, hey he isn't going to read this... but I wanted so say thanks... for sticking in there to help those of us who need it. We know you could be out there making even more money, but you choose to help. Says a lot about a mans character.
My motivation is knowing what is possible for me and my family. It's knowing that I can be my own Boss. It's also knowing that with perseverance and attitude that the sky isn't the limit... that there is SPACE and a huge untapped universe our there... and it's all there for the taking! But it's not all about the taking... the taking (or money making) is what is going to give me the opportunity to do what I love best... to give back!
I look everyday and see the possibilities where I could make a huge difference in many lives... I can't wait (literally) to help my family, others and myself!
I'm on my way... ain't nothing going to get in my way.
Thanks Matt... honestly!!
Mike Valler
My Website: www.VallerInvestments.com
Newest DG Article: ARE YOU A O.C.? --> http://goo.gl/PonjG
* I create Real Estate websites? I do GREAT work Cheap! Feel free to PM me!
All i can say is WOW..Thank you so much for that inspirational eye opener..I can just see you driving your lambo..Me as well..thanks!
michael rambo
keep up the great work.
Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors
That's awesome.I don't know what else to say. Other than this kind of success is repeatable. That's what also adds to the inspiration!
Say no to the good and YES to the BEST!
You are awesome! You give me hope that I can do it... if I become a doer with undeniable determination like yours. You are an inspiration and blessing to me.
Thanks for sharing!
Just thanks for your words, i have not even got a deal yet, but i will not quit. Fran
fran austin
This is so awesome. I'll see you at the top
Thanks so much for the words of encouragement, motivation and inspiration. Reading and hearing your success stories lets us know that it can happen.
We can make it happen.
Thanks so much, again.
When I started follow you a year ago I was excited to hear what you were doing. Now you just make me go "NUTs" knowing how big you can grow in this business.Its great you are sharing your knowledge with us and leading by example.
Averyday is a Friday so weak up each morning and get excited.
A leader is one who Knows the Way, Shows the Way and Goes the Way.
Thank you Matt for showing us your 'burning' path to success. Your determination, drive and hard Knox courage is a true inspiration to us all. Perhaps one day I can visit you in Chicago's Trump Tower and we can go fishing together.
All the best!
Let's go investing at the speed of opportunity!
Great job "Brother" I am just getting started. You are a living legend!!!!! I hope to follow in your footsteps!! Thanks Matt!!
Seems like your number of deals is growing exponentially now. I think the last bio I read you were at 90. At what point did you actually quit your day job? And what breakdown are most of your deals now? Bulk REOs to wholesale or....
You are truly inspiring and motivating. Thanks
Wow, Matt you are an inspiration and example of what just pure desire and determination can do for you. You remind me just what Arnold did in Bodybuilding and then movies. Great work ethic. I have no doubt that i will see you at the top.
Thank you so much for sharing and giving back.
- Truly believe in yourself! -
Thanks for sharing
That's determination Matt!
I guess being "All In" really is the key to getting to the Top.
Good for you!
Start Where You Are! Use What You Have! Do What You Can!
Never let failure dominate you. Never let the mistates of your past Lord over you.
Go Confidently in the Direction of Your Dreams. Live the Life You Have Imagined.
- Henry David Thoreau
Website that get's results: www.jracrealestateinvestments.com
Way cool!
Post us on 700. Don't wait till then to connect, but definitely post us on #700. Can't wait to hear from you.
Was that you who said you are not good at sports?
You really believe that?
Go Matt!! Run!
Thanks for your powerful kindness. And for always making me laugh.
It's amazing to see how all you've learned and become has even changed you physically. You look so healthy and centered now.
I have a question for you:
What is the best (private) way to partner with experienced REIs within our organization?
I can't afford the mentorship/Inner Circle programs. And, I just want a partner who can bring the piece I don't have... because I must get a deal or two done, now.
What I DO have is:
SFL and other software to keep my processes efficient and automated. I have the counsel of a few funding partners. I have funding (w/Proof of Funds letters, & solid back-up on that if banks ask for it) - both for low-end deals (up to $5-600K) and high end ($500K and up, to millions). So I can do 2-3 deals at once. And I have a knowledgable realtor who researches well and is seasoned in REOs at high and low ends.
BUT - (per your ongoing written counsel) I need a serious Buyers List of my own. And that takes more time than I have right now. ( I'm working on it...)
I was about to jump into buying 2 REO's when I realized I didn't yet have buyers in-place! (The big Reality Check moment...) My plan is to only shop-for/buy-for my Buyers; but I loved the process of culling through REOs so much, I almost pushed off the blocks before I had the baton~! So I put my realtor on-hold and went back to the drawing board.
Then a big (personal) derailment hit. It's pretty wild these days...
Now I've surfaced from that, and am enthused, anxious (I think, desperate) to get rolling!
I need income. I need to DO a deal (or 3) quickly - ahead of the time I can realistically expect to have a rapport & relationship with my own buyers.
What I need is a seasoned partner for my first projects, who will provide solid buyers (preferably at least 2 per deal so we have backups, in case). And (if needed) will provide any $-outlay req'd at the front end of the deal.
If we do REOs, with my funding sources, I don't think we'll need any $-outlay. But I need a net at this point.
What I'd love to do is partner with someone who would take me through 2 or 3 deals all at the same time (within say a 2-week period) so I could get the "rhythm' of how to sensibly and seamlessly do assembly-line deals.
Which is how I'd like to do this on my own ... Have them all easily synchronized within a 15-day period each month.
Surely there are REIs you know who, like you, have plenty of buyers and cash, but are so busy cranking out deals that they could use someone like me - bringing my own properties and funding - while they get a split.
OR, I could quickly shop for their buyers' criteria and become the A-B + funding; while they maintain their own contact and negotiations with their buyer(s) to keep consistency for their buyers, and still make half the profit margin.
OR, if they have both the deals and the buyers, but have too much funding already in-play, then I could take over 1 or 2 of those deals on the funding end, and they could still keep their own contact & negotiations with their sellers and buyers, but not have to deal with the funding... and again, make half the profit.
It might turn out to be a good reciprocal arrangement.
Don't know if You want to do this. If so, I'd Love it.
But if you're already working with others, perhaps you could pass the word among other experienced REIs, or give me (and others among us here) a pathway to experienced REIs who'd be happy to do this kind of resource-sharing on a few deals now and then.
Thanks! - for all you do.
Warm regards,
congratulations on your achievement of 600 deals! I'm sure you have to stay focused and continue writing down your goals, which I'm sure have changed even from last year!
As Jen says, please don't forget your DG family-we like to hear from you and look forward to reading your posts!
Learning and progressing every day,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
Hey Matt,
Thanks for the update and the inspiration. I have that same drive. We are on the brink of making our first deal I can feel it but I have a hard time putting my foot down on the pedal. I seem to complicate things so that I keep feeling that I need to study more. My girlfriend actually talked some sense into me and reminded me to keep things simple! We are going to suck it up and make it happen. Doesn't matter if we really don't know what we're doing yet. Doesn't matter if we do everything wrong. We are just going to do it! We will see you on the other side! Or I should say, see you when we get up there.
Eric & Judy
Everyone deserves the success they desire. So let's Get IT!
Thanks for the update and the inspiration. I have that same drive. We are on the brink of making our first deal I can feel it but I have a hard time putting my foot down on the pedal. I seem to complicate things so that I keep feeling that I need to study more. My girlfriend actually talked some sense into me and reminded me to keep things simple! We are going to suck it up and make it happen. Doesn't matter if we really don't know what we're doing yet. Doesn't matter if we do everything wrong. We are just going to do it! We will see you on the other side! Or I should say, see you when we get up there.
Eric & Judy
We received training from a different company. One of the first things that 1 of our class trainers said was along the lines of "You cannot learn everything, but you can learn enough." I myself need to set aside the emotions long enough so that action may be done.
The more thorough the question, the more thorough the answer.
Please fill out your profile with as much info as you're comfortable with.
wow man you r CRANKIN it !!! what an amazing inspiration to all of us to hear of this milestone .that is CRAZY determination !!! following you and your progress and knowledge is path we r striving to model !!! thanks for all you share !!! AWESOME JOB !!!
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