Bama Girl......IS FREE!!!

Bama Girl......IS FREE!!!

WOW.... well I joined the Success Academy just about 7 months ago and had not done a deal yet. Yesterday 09/25/10 I locked up two (2)! LOL. both I will be able to wholesale at 45% & 49% of FMV. Honestly my goal Saturday was straight from Matt in the Edge10...not to focus on the money BUT to just do that 1st deal! I ran several versions of the I Buy Ads. They were released on Thursday. Friday these properties are driven to my by my ads (DONE FOR YOU MARKETING - SFL). So pulled comps TotalView, etc. ran #'s and called both when I got off work Friday afternoon. Set a time to site properties and let them know I'd be bringing my contractor to est. repairs. Swiped a gold nugget from Carol S. and took PA with me so I could lock it up then and there.
1st deal: was as smooth as butter, they were sooo motivated. Plus pulled a profile for them as a tenant buyer for a property to get them to the other side of town - fired up right!!
2nd deal: well I thought I lost it honestly....HUGE lesson on this one!! I was on cloud nine from the first appointment and confidence through the roof! Heard Dean's voice on it. Realized I needed to shut-up and listen!! Smiling I could tell/feel it and asked a open ended question and once he started talking...unloaded then looked at me and said...I tell you what "I'll let you have it at XXX) which was $3k less than his initial response" it was already a great deal on his asking price. Oh, and then he says as we are signing the PA...if those couple of people call back that wanted to think about it at the XXX price, do you want me to tell them to call you? I said Absolutely! LOL
I've consistently been learning/studying. But after ordering the SFL system and Dean's last CC with Matt.....had SUCH a wake up call! I've been SOOO busy but NOT productive. & was running all over town but had NO focus. Everyone has to grown at their own pace, we all have our own 'junk' to go through. Just keep pressing forward. ACTION CURES FEAR!
Well my work is just beginning!!! Will not be sitting around waiting on two eggs to hatch but steadily putting more & more in the hat!!!
So many incredible people included in the DG family....absorb their knowledge!

Just NEVER give up and DON'T allow anyone to steal your dream!!!

If your dream is big enough....the circumstances don't count!! Getten it done! Smiling



Success w/ads

pdqservicesinc wrote:
had to come on and tell you that i "borrowed" one of your ads and it is pulling more than any ads i've been running on CL. i've had 4 calls on it since Wednesday, which is a lot in this area and for me. one was a possible T/B and asking about rent to own. so, i just want to thank you for the information. way to go on your 6 deals in progress. i don't know how you do all that you are doing, but you are doing an awesome job! Smiling

Hey Linda, I am so glad you've had success with the ads! Great news and that is AWESOME! You'll find what will hit in your area by adjusting a word here or there. Then you'll be ringing off the hook!!

Tweaked a few of my ads this week and BOY did it hit. Thursday and Friday I logged 20 calls that were missed/v-mails (not including the number that I completed profile sheets on). Friday I would be ON the phone and literally miss 1-2 calls. I ran a 'buyer-assistance program' ad. It was good stuff. Total call volume was 38 from Thurs-Sat. More 'tenant buyers' though than leads, so I've got to bring up the other side with bandit signs and more lead driven advertising.

I bookmarked your journal but hadn't gotten all the way through it. Will have to go check out your massive action & success journey!! Smiling

God Bless,

Hi Jen just stopped in to

Hi Jen just stopped in to see how you were doing, and just as I figured your doing great. So see ya later.

update 03/6/11

Hey all, been a while since I posted. Tons of stuff going on, taken a massive amount of steps forward, had to cull a little 'dead weight' (to include a team member, few people and a few activities - that I found to be non-productive time spent).

I have set up DUNS#, establishing business credit (thanks Tammy for your post a lot of direction)

I have registered with multiple Fed/St sources, organizations and programs. I have applied for multiple Grants and working on Loan Programs. Some require a Business Plan to be presented with request and I've haven't completed my professional packet yet. But that will be cured shortly. (Thanks Karen you sparked this). There are a lot of programs out there you just have a spend some time seeking them out. I applied for one that took me three days to complete the application. So it's something I've devoted an hour or so each night in pursuit of. Searching Government Grants/Loan Programs you will get a lot of hits on the internet. GO with you're gut and don't just start applying for everything that your search engine yields. If you click on the link look at the re-routed page title (http://, site name, etc.), JUST A WARNING - THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DOES NOT GIVE YOU AN CONTACT EMAIL OF 'GMAIL OR YAHOO, ETC) JUST DO YOU RESEARCH BEFORE YOU DISCLOSE PERSONAL INFO THINKING IT WAS THE GOVERNMENT. If it says apply now get results in 10 sec. - IT'S NOT LEGIT. Government will take maybe 10 months - LOL) Most all Government sources will end in a .gov form. They do not attempt to contact you through email. Usually it will always be via hard mail.

I've also continued to studying and learning every night, making calls, sighting properties, establishing networks with other investors locally (had lunch this week with two new cash buyers), as well as several groups in the Birmingham area that I will be meeting with over the next 30 days.

I will be working on one of my properties next weekend. It is a wholesale deal that I already closed on with my CA buyer. It is a cash flow property, but because the value was extremely low he thought the could get a second flip off it (against my recommendation). Well long story short he has held it for three months and now is wanting me to assist in securing a tenant buyer for him. LOL It does need a little TLC nothing major to really appeal to the retail side. Soooo after a couple of weeks of running ads and showed it a few times and nothing secured. I sent him an email Thursday (after Matt's call) with my recommendations. I gave an itemized list of thing I though we could inexpensively do to secure a buyer without doing a complete rehab. I offered that if he would cover all materials and the few items I would have to sub out (installing light fixtures, cleaning carpet, pressure washing the siding, etc) I'd provide the sweat to cover the rest on this property. Let me tell you in an attempt to be a full service investor, yes I will have a few days of my labor but once I secure his buyer will pull another piece off this property at close with my marketing agreement in place with him. But the act alone of me volunteering to handle the cosmetic rehab (in 2 phases) cost him nothing in labor, LOCKED this buyer in. I did this in a two-fold effort. One to move this buyers property and two for me to have the working knowledge on the rehab side. I will not be rehabbing all of my own properties (will sub) but I want the working knowledge of how it is done. So i have a full understanding of all aspects of my business. Not to rely totally on another person because of my lack of knowledge.

I do know I lack on the lead side, I have massive list of tenant buyers, investors, etc. and my focus this week is on lead driven advertising.

I spoke with several VP/President of local banks on Friday. One was a full capacity and said the board was not approving any new loans right now. But they did have a great program that would allow a purchase on the expected after repair value, that would allow for the purchase and draws as the project progressed. So I'll be going by a further discussing and ensuring my name in the hopper for loans that fall off their books and open up availability. Learned A LOT about loan programs (mortgage and in house) over the past couple of weeks. I'm not giving up on the no seasoning. I started last night looking for sources outside my local area (some HM/PM I've come across do also carry a long term plan that I've got to checking them out in full w/T&C and see if they may work. Not only for me, but can share with some of these buyers to free them up as well.

I know I will he utilizing L/O and COOP-L/O to accommodate the majority of my tenant buyers. But like I said in an earlier post, buyer are like money in the bank and with out properties it like have no debit cards or checks to access it.

Oh yeah, put together a property projection sheet. It's awesome and shows everything on one sheet. Thanks Matt GREAT CALL!

So guess enough for now, have a great day!. Smiling

Just remember you will never get 100% of what you never pursue! Take the chance!

God Bless,

Reading Your Journal

Hi Jen,
I'm taking the time today to read some member journals and coming back to my own, started it last week. Although I get a bit overwhelmed by all the details - must admit many of your abbreviations I don't even know what you are talking about - as a newbie, I really appreciate all the details and suggestions you include in your journal. I'm trying to take action.

Hey Jen!

Thank you for your journal.
A couple of weeks ago I was reading in your journal and I decided I was ready to started putting out seller bandit signs. I have been putting out buyer bandit signs for months and have a nice small list of cash buyers and tenant buyers. By reading your journal I say your comment on your simple seller bandit sign (only I do not have a website yet, so I just use I buy houses - Any Condition - Phone#).
I enjoyed your last post and your comment on buyer are like money in the bank with no debit/checks to access it.

Thank you for your journal and inspiration.

Best wishes!

- Dan



Part 1 of The Rest of The Story.......

Hello to all! Haven't posted in a couple weeks and will spare all with every detail. LOL Had a few of the brick walls Dean's is warned us about pop up along my path. Well after much sweat, skinned knees and calices on my hands and a few bruises, I managed to skim and clear the wall. lol Although it felt very much like it was going Didn't actually kill me. lol So don't you dare allow excuses or challenges stop you from reaching your target! It all goes to prove that regardless at what level you are at new to old, challeges never never stops happening. The struggles we all go through and overcome ONLY prepare us for our next battle. Be the warrior that steps out on the field and says "You fight or You die" leaving NO avenue of retreat!

Well just got back from taking an early lunch and locking a buyer on a property. It was pushed as a cash sale. I was going to do a double close, but with marketing drew a retail buyer that fell in love with the property. She has been pre-approved and she's paying close, so I opted to just assignment on a lower fee. I did collect a non-refundable earnest from her with X remaining be paid to me at close. It's a handyman special deal that will have some items to be cured for the loan to close. Buyer paid the inspector already, so when I left called seller, confirmed a 'go' to turn on utilities, then contacted inspector to schedule, we're set for Wednesday of next week. Buyer said she'll do whatever has to be done to fix items. So upon completed inspection will do an Addendum to contract to include who's fixing what and any expense to my seller is captured at close.

Had a offer accepted on one of my REO (YES bank accepted the and/or assigns which most everyone say banks want do) but asked for a higher earnest (10%) I hit back with a slight bump but NOT 10%. Told my agent "heck are they trying to finance the dang thing for me" LOL 10% they're crazy! LOL So once confirmed, we'll rock and roll and I'll give massive details on this deal. It's going to be good on either of the three strategies. I ran the numbers to work: of course as an assignment, as well as a B/F/S (using HM to get in/rehab) or B/F/H (HM in it/rehab, then refi out to long term).

Got three more: One short-sale, one REO, one Probate that I'm countering back and forth on. So detail to follow When I get them. Smiling

Will be going by a leads property today when I get off work. It a crazy mess with a lot of pieces. Long story, but it's off a lead from a birddog. I had him go look at it, but he couldn't give me a clear description or what was in it to rehab. Told him to take a camera. He borrowed one but had issues with download or something. So don't know all involved yet. The house is going into foreclosure. There is a single wide MH on the property they are trying to get rid of before they foreclose. I've got to clear the MH isn't involved/tied with foreclosure and he has title. This is one the worst possible areas of town. (So not really looking to get in on the home but will see what I can do if anything or maybe pass off) My BD asked if I wanted him to go with me because it so bad. But told him no, I'd be fine, I'd take my '9'. lol This guy also has a couple cars, awning, lawn mower, 4-wheeler, etc. they are selling. After speaking with my BD, called a guy I know very well (not in RE), and I have the trailer, awning and possibly 4-wheeler & lawn mower pre-sold sight unseen. So will have more to follow later on once I can work out some type of 'packaged negotiated deal' LOL. One of my local buyers also flips cars, so after I look at them today and if anything maybe on it, will give him the lead to pick up a referral fee on.

Enough for one post, will pick on in Part 2. So don't forget to check back soon for...... The Rest of The Story!

No Longer Goals......BUT "Dreams Becoming A Reality" _ DG from Totally Fulfilled

btw: I just finished reading Totally Fulfilled. If you have not yet, I would absolutely recommend you go over to Dean's products and order this book! I couldn't have planned it as well as the placement of reading this book as to what's been going on in my life. Which is probably why it made such an impact on me. I can honestly say, this book has changed my perspective on each and every aspect of life.

Have a perfect day!
Be Blessed,


You keep proving that you can do what others say we can't by just taking ACTION! Always inspiring to read your journal!!!

Did the bank really ask for the 10% EM because of and/or assigns? Can't wait to hear the details on Part 2.

It's been a couple of days...hope you made it back from the "wrong side of town" okay?!



Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!

"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal:

Lol! Hey John, i know been

Lol! Hey John, i know been crazy! Yes made it out in one piece! What.....did you doubt me? LOL. Alot of crazyness, that quite frankly do not need to get involved it. Some we can save some we can throw a floatation device and some would not drown if they would stop frailing and screaming a realize they can touch bottom. They just need to stand up. Lol

Got to sit down and update part 2. Updating from my phone right now....
The bank didnt indicate the 10% was because of the and/or assigns. Typically if there is going to be a minimum downpayment consideration it is disclosed by the listing agent (usually in mls notes). That was not the case on this property. It was under first look (owner occupant) for the first 14 days then open to all bidders. After the first acceptance they couldnt fund it, I got it on the 'cash offer' even though I was not the highest/best. My agent just calls me Thursday and tells me this and said they accepted my offer but wanted 10% dp. I said "my offer was at $500 & that I would do $1k" so will know in a day or so. I'll do $1k on it, #'s are pretty deep on this property!

Hi Jen just stopping by to

Hi Jen just stopping by to see what your up to. Looks like you zooming threw, that's great just be carefull where you go. I'll see you on the flip side.


Good morning, hoping all had a terrific weekend!

Well Friday afternoon ended up being a waste of time regarding MH and misc items I was looking into. I had attempted to contact the lead that my BD had forwarded to me. I called once around lunch (no answer) and again around 4:30. So I elected to ride over to scout the mobile home. Actually even though it was a bad part of town, there are alot worse areas in Montgomery than Elmore County (where the trailer was located). So anyway, I didn't get to look inside. No one was home but had a couple of dogs that well quite frankly didn't seem to appreciate my presence. lol. Sent my birddog a text telling him that if he spoke with his guy again, get him to call me if still interested in selling. He text me back a few minutes later and said the guy would be calling me in 5 min and never heard from him. Just a note to self: I get better leads, more motivated sellers, etc. when they CALL ME off my advertising/marketing.

I definately need more properties, so I went online Saturday night and ordered 50 bandit signs/stakes. Got a really good price vs what I've been paying per sign at Wal-Mart. Can't wait until I get them this week. It's by far my best avenue of lead generation. Would MUCH rather deal with FSBO than listed properties.

I also stole an idea from Michael and have lined up a shortsale specialist. We still have to meet and come to an agreement on compensation for leads and put it to writing. I want to find one or two more this week to have in the hopper as well. Because alot of times I'll have leads that quite frankly without seller flexibility, coupled with a high monthly payment and negative equity, really only a shortsale makes sense. Was excited about the brilliant concept of refering off because after two shortsales and one pending acceptance very quickly realized it was NOT my niche. It felt like a job, to long drawn out and honestly just not enjoyable to me. I know there's money to be made in it, I'll just pass on to allow me to make a little piece and assisting a seller in the process. Smiling

Will catch up more this evening.

Make it an amazing day!


Hey just thought I would

Hey just thought I would stop here also. I seen somewhere that you do a little bit in NY, just so you know I set up a free website where people dealing around here can post their deals if they want, just thought I'd let you know. So when you have time check out and post on it when ever you like. It post instantly so put the contact info in there so people can find you.

thanks jim

James Kendrick wrote:
Hey just thought I would stop here also. I seen somewhere that you do a little bit in NY, just so you know I set up a free website where people dealing around here can post their deals if they want, just thought I'd let you know. So when you have time check out and post on it when ever you like. It post instantly so put the contact info in there so people can find you.

Thank you Jim for the invite/network. Looks like an incredible tool!

I bookmarked your site and plus just 'Liked' you to my facebook page, so maybe someone from my list will pick it up also. Smiling

Thanks Jim!

Hey Annie Oakley! :)

Jen you are amazing juggling all those deals with one hand, cause you got the "9" in the other. Lol You got that either "follow, lead or get the H**L out of the way" attitude that is so endearing. Seriously, the way your doing things and the progress your making is absolutely sick, and its a format for everyone to follow. James said a while back that he found himself reading your posts faster than others, and Im doing the same thing. You are definitely our fast talkin, fast walkin, pistol packin mama. Smiling Congrats Jen on the good work, and please keep us posted.



We seldom get what we want, but we will always get what we expect.

LOL! Steve it has been

LOL! Steve it has been something I've become consciously aware of. To control or I will speed my way into a cloud of confusion for the one/s I am dealing with. lol

So in the same I approach I use in my personal life of: "words are for women, actions are for men" same strategy taken in REI of using less words and more action. lol

how does the saying go.....'no one cares how much you know until they know how much you care'

btw: came across your thread today about invoicing agent. something I'm going to discuss with my closing attorney and agent. Could be beneficial for the leads I get off people that are not in a distressed situation but rather just not flexible at all on creative techniques and just want to sell, and with little or no equity. That really fit only a retail buyer. Those I've passed to my agent to list and got feedback that a referral fee couldn't be listed on HUD statement.

Thanks Steve!


you seem to be the busiest person on Earth. Also, like your Five P's. Sometimes life is just about as simple as that!! Keep up the great work.


Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors

Thanks Bill!

Thank you Bill! Although I have had a huge wakeup call with NOT being just busy but productive. I continually have to check myself that I'm not busy on a 'treadmill' (going no where) but IN the 'race' (on a planned path) to reach the desired destination.

In the same tone taken from

In the same tone taken from the name of my journal "Unkept Promises", Have you also said a thousand times "I'm sick of the circumstances, life and lack". I allowed myself to always have a backdoor, to allow others to influence me, to allow myself to wait on someone else to change it for me....all of which NEVER changed the circumstance, life or lack. I truly feel RE is my home, I absolutely adore it. That it is the vehicle that I can have the greatest impact on my life and those around me and yet to encounter. In other ventures, they still felt like work, still held back, was afraid to go 'all-in'. I would see where I could fit it in, but not with RE. I look over especially the last year or so and see how much I have omitted that I felt was wasting my time, dead weight and simply put was of no benefit in an effort to allot more time to my business. Yes, that did entail people, places and things.

I don't mean that to sound ugly, we all have to make those decisions on a personal basis. For me it was required. Whether an unequally yoked relationship to wasted time on petty things that brought no benefit to my life.

I'm not saying become a hermit but I would dare to say we all spend time and effort on things that bring no benefit to us, our family or our business. I personally have adopted the approach of asking myself "will this bring me closer or push me further from my goal?", "will this make a positive impact/difference in my life or my families life in 5 years?" If the answer is 'push away' or 'no' I delete it.

Just like when you fell in love with your partner. You found time to be with them, it was a joy, you were involved for the simple pleasure. It was of no task to make it work. By all means necessary you would protect them and walk through fire before you would hurt them intentionally. So I challege all that may come across this to fall in love with your dream, your business. By all accounts and measures Protect Your Dream!

Take 15 minutes and go over your calendar, go over your checkbook. Where you are spending your time and where you are spend your money then HONESTLY ask yourself do they line up with your goals/dreams or are they out of balance/conflicting? Are your actions in conflict with your dreams and directions?

Don't allow yourself to just be busy with the details, running around like a chicken with it's head cut off with no definate purpose to your actions. Same with properties to know your exits before your entrance. Know what you are going to accomplish that day, what NEEDS to be accomplished that will open the floodgates for you.

Assess, Adjust, Act.....then repeat!

God Bless,

Jen another great post, keep

Jen another great post, keep up that positive spirit.


You are incredible! You are just a little whirlwind!

Are you sure you are still working another job? How in the world do you do it?

That is something that makes this site so VERY awesome. The fact that we all share what we are doing and motivating each other to keep on keepin' on!

You are going to be so BIG, girl!!!


"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"

"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"


kareng wrote:
You are incredible! You are just a little whirlwind!

Are you sure you are still working another job? How in the world do you do it?

That is something that makes this site so VERY awesome. The fact that we all share what we are doing and motivating each other to keep on keepin' on!

You are going to be so BIG, girl!!!

- Yes, Lord........I RECEIVE THAT!! Smiling

Thank you Karen! Iron Sharpens Iron, right! Smiling

Yes, still have the full time J.O.B. for now. lol. FREEDOM day is scheduled and coming!

Hope you are enjoying your trip! Love TX! Be safe and have fun!

God Bless,


Hoping everyone has had and incredible week so far.

Been a busy last few days. Spent a lot of time in marketing. Saturday I ordered 50 bandit signs/stakes. They arrived today and I just finished 31 (double sided) signs to put out on Friday. I also ordered a car decal to put on the back window of my car.

signs and decal both say:

Any Condition!
my phone #
my sellers squeeze page (once info entered will re-route them to my website after capturing contact info)

Tomorrow night, I'm going to finish up my postcards to send to lead pipe contacts from SFL - bankruptcy, tax liens, as well to include some probates and pre-foreclosures. Then also my buyer postcard marketing to section 8 landlords, cash buyers from SFL.

Looking at revising my website as well Sunday. I like my core site from SFL but it doesn't allow me to manipulate as I want to and add items to make my site more stick-able. So I have to contact CS and see if I opt for a alternative website can I just drop the core page and keep everything else in tact.

So getting ready for my day tomorrow. I will be meeting an inspector at the property I secured a buyer on last week. Calls to return, going to try and schedule a lunch meeting with a local landlord. I've had a sit down with him before, but more towards me finding out how I could assist him. He's on my buyers list but he's holding 38+ properties; I'm going to buy him lunch and see if I can pick his brain a bit on a couple of things. Plus have some other necessary calls to make on several avenues I'm exploring. (It is a whole different ball of wax than anything thus far in my REI, but extremely excited about the possibilities. Of course will give details as it unfolds. I touched on it in earlier post somewhere but I will know more after my calls and meeting with them on Monday). Then off to Lowes for some more supplies on another property I'm doing a bit of work on this weekend, get a workout in at the gym and pick my son up from track by 6. Yes pulling a day tomorrow from work, to much to get done and I have about 320+ hrs of combined sick/vacation to take. lol Do what you got to do right!

Well about to jump off of here and hit the hay! Got to recharge my batteries. My lights blinking! ha!

Sweet dreams!


bamagirl6730 wrote:

Looking at revising my website as well Sunday. I like my core site from SFL but it doesn't allow me to manipulate as I want to and add items to make my site more stick-able. So I have to contact CS and see if I opt for a alternative website can I just drop the core page and keep everything else in tact.

Yes you can drop the core site; I did. They don't really want you to. I was told that I would "lose" my my "smart automation", but that was from someone who wasn't sure of what they were talking about. Everything else remains the same, squeeze pages, leadpipes, etc. Make sure they understand you want to cancel because I had to call and get credit for the $27 fee (charged in error).

You can get a full blown site from VistaPrint for $25 w/unlimited pages, 3 email accts, etc. Much more value for the money!! Call me about it if you have any questions.

Btw; I have to take a deep breath every time I finish reading one of your posts. Keep up the great work!



Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!

"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal:

Hey John,


Yes you can drop the core site; I did. They don't really want you to. I was told that I would "lose" my my "smart automation", but that was from someone who wasn't sure of what they were talking about. Everything else remains the same, squeeze pages, leadpipes, etc. Make sure they understand you want to cancel because I had to call and get credit for the $27 fee (charged in error).

You can get a full blown site from VistaPrint for $25 w/unlimited pages, 3 email accts, etc. Much more value for the money!! Call me about it if you have any questions.

Btw; I have to take a deep breath every time I finish reading one of your posts. Keep up the great work!


Deep breath??? Am I still talking (writing fast again)? LOL I swear, ya'll may think I am playing or exaggerating.....but REALLY have no one (yet) with growth mentality and positive mental attitude to actually converse with about RE so, I guess you poor guys get me in 'burst' LOL! BUT I'm in the process of expanding my circle!

Thanks John I will. I have been exploring Vista, Intuit, GoDaddy and a few others. I'm going to call my IT buddy in MD and brainstorm with him a bit also. He mentioned to me before about coming down and setting me up to be centralized. Have my own server, outsource hosting, etc. Unclear if I want to go that route or not. (I don't completely understand it all, know enough to be dangerous). I guess same concept as I don't have to know how to rebuild an engine, I just want it to start when I turn the key. - lol!
Still some homework to finish. Not pressing really, but on 'To be accomplished in 30 days list'.

Hi Jen just looking in. If

Hi Jen just looking in.

If I don't see you threw the week I'll see you threw the window.


Web Site

Jen I use the following web hosting company for an old site of mine when I was doing the note business and they are free and have several pages as well. You might want to check it out when you have time. The web address is,. As for the place from my friend he said he still needs some more time and is working on getting all the info together for me.



ba3000 wrote:
Jen I use the following web hosting company for an old site of mine when I was doing the note business and they are free and have several pages as well. You might want to check it out when you have time. The web address is,. As for the place from my friend he said he still needs some more time and is working on getting all the info together for me.


Hey Shawn,

Thank you for the info/link. will definately check into it.

On your friends place: sounds good, just let me know if I can be of assistance.


work smarter not harder

Hey everyone, hope you've had a fantastic weekend.

Well my last few days have been a whirl wind. Friday night I put out 25 of the bandit signs I made. Then Saturday morning started rehab on a property. I had the bright idea of tackling this as a 'hands on' approach. Like most everything else I undertake, I at least want to do it and have a working knowledge of the matter. So, I put on my old jeans and t-shirt and was prepared to get dirty! Let me tell you, for those been there know what I'm talking about, I have a new found respect for contractors/manual laborers! lol It was a light rehab, cosmetic to give the property a slight bling: painting, some demo, hardware, light fixtures, finishings, mow the lawn, trim hedges, pressure wash the siding and painted the concrete porch. Plus other various multiple items. Still lack the carpet cleaning and cabinet to be refinished (out sourcing and to be done next week). I did however enjoy the demo. LOL! The neighbor came over and said "man you're a heck of a woman and do some damage with a sledge hammer". We (me and two guys from a crew I use) were removing a long wooden wheelchair ramp and porch that covered original concrete steps and porch. So after 2 days, I feel like my crew whipped my tail and then hit me with their truck. LOL!

BUT I didn't think all the way through my timing on rehab and bandit signs. Saturday alone I missed 26 calls/vmails. Returned about 1/2 today and total missed another 18 today. I told one of the guys on the crew, "it's been fun, but my time is better served finding more properties and letting you do the work"! Which goes to show you work smarter not harder! So just allotted 3 hrs. between my lunch hr, breaks and after work tomorrow to catch up.

Oh and have a meeting tomorrow at 4:00 with a local group that will provide details of the: what's to come!

Be blessed!

Bam Bam that's the way to do

Bam Bam that's the way to do it. Jen just stopped to say hi. I can tell they wore you out because it only took me one breath to read your post.


how do you schedule what you do? i think earlier you mentioned doing REI after work, on your lunch hour, etc., but how do you break it down? when do you call sellers? when do you send out offers? how do you schedule your week/day? thanks!


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:

Schedule success!!!

Hey Linda,

My schedule is a continually 'working plan'. I have tried many variations to get things done. After trial and error, adjusting and monitoring my production this is currently my schedule.

I work full time Mon-Fri from 7:30 to 5:30. I work 9/80 meaning off every other Friday. I have my son about 50% of the time (days float but usually Tues & Thurs and locked to every other weekend). I get a break at work in the am and pm in addition to lunch hours. I can't take calls during working hours (I work in a cubicle - everyone can hear me - lol). return calls on breaks. I sometimes will use lunch hour to show a property or to make calls necessary in addition to returning what I missed.

My schedule is blocked accordingly:

12-1:00 phone time
5:30-6:30 phone time.
After pm phone time, I either allocate to looking at properties before dark or schedule meetings, etc.
Either I am up at 4:00 doing cardio or catch the gym before heading home. (These are on my kid-less days) Try to limit to 1 hr to 1.5 hrs. max
Home to eat
Shower and back at it.
Then jump on the computer to usually anywhere from 8:00 to 11-2 am before calling it a day
30 min read/study before lights out
Wake-up then repeat. lol

My son also runs track/cross country and is a competitive swimmer. Again a balance. We only do one sport per season though.

I break my days into buyer (2 )/ leads(2) / money /marketing (2days), etc.

So I have a focus for each day.
On lead day I run prelim of properties driven to me OR searching for properties, etc.
Buyers marketing to: postcards, letters, ads, etc.

Weekend on my free weekend as you can imagine, is full force. I'll put anywhere from 20-30 hrs easy (and kind of a make-up for any in-completed tasks)
Weekends like this one with my son is a balancing act. Saturday we got up, went for a run, home to cook breakfast, shower and we were off to look at properties. Yes he goes with me. On my FSBO where I am dealing with a seller, he always stays in the car. My windows are darkly tinted and he takes his IPOD. I have never had a anyone even notice he's in there. Usually I'm not there but about 30-40 min. or so. Some we are looking at are REO's (vacant) so he can go in with me. My agent gives me codes but if it's a mls keyed box I'll schedule time for him to meet me.
I try to include my son in it as to ask him, "o.k. Trent what do you see needs fixing" give him a clip board and let him "give me a punch list". lol Yes sometimes, I'll take him to my mom's if it's my day stacked with FSBO's. We may look at properties for 3 hours then grab some lunch, go to the park or cut it early and we go fishing.

But like I said, it's a working plan. What is always consistent with me is that I do a double entry system. Meaning, I have a calendar in my purse all the time I have my schedule with me, but I love the notepad approach Dean uses. Blocking columns for "Today's Must Do's", "72 hour To Be Done", and "7 day To Get Done" list. I revise this list every two days. The top of the page are these three columns. bottom half of the page are where I break it down per project/property.

It's a balancing act and my son is 13 (almost 14) and huge help. He spent the day cutting the grass after I cooked Sunday dinner and did the house work/laundry etc. From 6:00 til about 11:00 tonight I will work RE. Will stack tonight because tomorrow night is my local REIClub meeting. So I will loose a night of productivity. But gain valuable networking.

I'm still wholesaling but it's like keeping the plate spinning on the stick while I am pursuing other strategies as well. Also networking and immersing myself in the community, local Chamber of Commerce, Planning and Development, City Council meetings for two of my target areas. Most people do business with people the know, so working to know them and likewise.

Hope this helps and/or at least sparks an idea that you can take a spin off and put it to work for you. All this said, we have to Schedule Our Success!!

But a continual analysis of not to confuse busyness with productivity. Actions that will lead to results. ex: If I spent 3 hrs. looking for properties night after night but never made an offer.....I'm still not be any better off that if I'd wasted the same time watching NCIS. LOL

God Bless,

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