Dean finally convinced top student Matt Larson to set a date in stone to do a FREE live webcast exclusively for our DG family! Watch this week's Weekly Wisdom right now to get the time and date of Matt's webcast and to reserve your spot before all spots are filled.. Plus, Dean shares an insane secret both his mentor and Wayne Dyer say are one of the most important parts of their success and happiness. You won't want to miss this.
"Now I lay me down to sleep..."
Who remembers that? So many of us leaned that little pray as kids. (Kinda depressing words that followed though LOL - so I won't write it all here) - but the IDEA - Now I lay me down to sleep and then - say thank you. Send your gratitude to the Lord. Set your sites on His favor and the victories that lie ahead for tomorrow. Then get up with the assurance of favor. Good words Dean.
Matt Larson reveals his secrets.
Hi Dean,
Sounds like another great write down 3 things that went right at the end of the day.....
And 5 mins before think in a positive mode does work....I do that all the time...
I will reserve my spot to hear what new things Matt has to tell us.....
Thank You Dean for all you do.....XO
Hey Dean!
Outstanding gratitude tips, thanks for sharing. I started journaling again so I'll write it in there.
Looking forward to the livecast! You guys Rock!
Make it a great week!
Loving it
About a month ago I started coming up with the 5 things I am thankful for every morning before I do anything and its been great. I am fired up about starting this tonight. THANKS DEAN! Looking forward to the 29th also.
Attitude of Gratitude
Attitude is so important and keeping the focus on what we have accomplished and the good things we have going for ourselves. I learned a long time ago that whatever I have on my mind at bedtime is what I start the new day with so I make sure to wind down and be at peace. Now with all the world events and family health matters etc. I have to practice "lean not to thine own understanding but in all thy ways acknowledge the Lord thy God". There are things that I can do nothing about so I give it all up and put my attention on something else to hopefully be of value. Thanks Dean and I registered right away for Matt's upcoming livecast. Fantastic and Thank you Matt.
Thank you Dean, for another amazing Weekly Wisdom, and for sharing things that you learn at your $25K seminars!
I have been writing down things for which I'm grateful, every night, before I go to sleep, for a while now, since I first heard this from another wonderful successful person: Oprah.
I've also read some great books, like "the power of your subconscious mind" by Joseph Murphy. I agree with you, that by doing this every night, you set yourself up for positive things in your life, and for success!
Looking forward to the 29th and hearing what Matt will share with us!!!
Re: This is thee best Real Estate site and Life site
This is thee best Real Estate site and Life site
that there is I love your site of positive people who learn from each other and move forward in the real estate business.
Thank you so very much you are my personal trainer for more then real estate and you don't even know it.
Well now you do. Thank you!
Matt Larson
I always enjoy your weekly wisdoms Dean. I have registered for this webinar but so far the confirmation email has not came through for me.
It has been about 20 minutes and it is not in my spam folder. Should I re register a second time?
Thanks Dean
For another transformational weekly wisdom !! Appreciate you sharing your 20 5K was done with all of us. The best part of being involved with the DG family and yourself is the sharing of all the strategies ,tips techniques ,capabilities and wisdom that is learned from all mentors combined. My favorite is the building of the mindset that you share and lessons such as today's on the subconscious mind !!
Appreciate you Dean !! Will be sharing this weekly wisdom with all social media !!
Can the 29th come much faster!!! LOL
Another good strategy you share from your heart to make us a better person, Thanks Dean. I will be doing it tonight and from here on out. I have been doing this strategy where I think of positive results for the next day, I heard it from another book but this write 3 wins from the day, I will impel this to my new routine. The 29th needs to come much faster!!!! LOL
Matt Larson Webminar
Thanks Dean for all you do! Great weekly wisdom, as always.
When is Matt's Webminar?
Training yourself
It takes 21 days to create a habit! I never used to journal or go by a schedule all day long. I now have a routine and I made it work with training myself of something I never used to do. I used to be heavily medicated and depressed in my mid 20s, I had so much to do and ..... my mind raced all night long and I couldn't sleep. Now, I am not on that medication anymore for anxiety and I journal every day. Thank you so much for sharing great take a ways with us Dean!!! You truly care about all your students and God placed you in my life for me to have a different life than what I was living before.
Tina Scott
Woudn't Miss It !!
Thank you again Dean for another Awesome Weekly Full of Golden Boulders! As Always

I am going to start writing down things I am grateful for A.S.A.P ,I always count my Blessings and Thankful Every day, But I will start writing them down as well I Love It
Thank you so Much Dean For always sharing and the Incredible Motivation, I always start my week with the weekly's
Can't wait for the Live cast with Matt,
Thanks for Talking Matt into sharing with us all again LOL Thank You Matt!!
Darren from Calif
Sweet sleep
Dean man it's true I remember when I use to memorize Bible verses back in the day & yes it would totally calm me & I would be thinking about it when I woke up the next morning. You gave us a journal at the Edge so I will begin to use that as well as's journal & keep myself accountalbe with that.
great comments on here!
no coincidence
Wow - Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Dan Sullivan, Eckart Tolle, Dean Graziosi all aligned. No coincidence there.
Love you!
Wishes fulfilled
I believe the title of the book you are referring to is: "Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting".
Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done...Amen.
Dean, When I pray I am grateful but I must confess I do dwell on the negative. Now I will intentionally dwell on the positive and be more grateful and more aware if I write them down. This morning when I made my bed I got down on my knees to thank God for the things He does for me that are unseen. Yes that was my exact thought this morning, To be more Grateful.
Happy to be at this site and to know you.
And TY Dean for sharing, may God Bless You.
Looking forward to Matt. You two are a great partnership and only getting better and better.
I'm sure everyone has heard the term
"there's an app for that"
Well there is an APP for what Dean was talking about. It was created by Strategic Coach it's called WinStreak it's a big white W with a yellow orangy background and it's available for iPhone and Android
excellent blog
Hi Dean: Thanks for sharing. I look forward for the live cast with Matt.Carol in texas
Out of my own way
I am often very self condemning. I definitely need to see the good in my life and show much more gratitude to God and others. Just checked my local library and they have a book called "The laws of lifetime growth: always make your future bigger than your past" by a Dan Sullivan. I hope it is the one Dean was referring to in the Weekly Wisdom. Anyways I have it on reserve.
Thanks so much Dean for always sharing great information with us.
Thanks Matt for getting pinned downed
wayne dyer
I've been listening and reading to Wayne Dyers CDs for a couple of years now. Many of his books are about Inspiration and clearing your fears to get what you want. All and more are available on Hay Can't wait for Matt on Tuesday. Enjoy all you and the DG family does for all of us. Thanks.
Dean.You and Matt are so amazing.
Perfect Timing
Thank you for sharing this Dean.
I've heard over and over again the benefits of an "Attitude of gratitude". yet have often allowed the negative we all experience in life to distract me. Last night at bedtime, my friend and housemate knocked on my bedroom door. He'd had a bad day at work. I listened a briefly, closed door and went to bed. Immediately I meditated on the wins of the day. It was a challenge focusing on wins after hearing negative news. I woke up, feeling refreshed and uplifted for today. Thanks!
Matt Larson webcast
I always enjoy your weekly wisdom blog and I've signed on for the webcast but I don't know if I can make it at that time if you can make it available to me at a later time please let me know I definitely want to see it Thanks Rich
Robbins workshop in San Jose,Ca
I attended the UPW Tony Robbins event a few weeks ago with several other DG members and want to Thank Dean for making it possible for us to go. It was an amazing wild motivational event. learned alot. Did Dean and Matt walk on fire that night as 98% of us did. Just show us that the mind controls our body, not the other way around. If you can think it, you can do it. Thanks again.
Dear Dean, you are certainly aligning yourself with the right people. Passing their strategies on to your students is simply astounding. Thanks for all that you do.
Thanks Dean!! I am so grateful!!
Hello Dean! I am so very grateful to God Our Heavenly Father for allowing me to learn about His fruitfulness that has come your way through your using the talents and gifts that He has given you to prosper in the area of real estate investment. I am also very grateful for your very "giving" attitude, as you share with others practical wisdom and other blessings that God has allowed to come your way. "Every good act of giving and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father who made the heavenly lights; . . . ." (St. James 1:17 - Complete Jewish Bible). Your selfless giving is a true reflection of God's love for people. Thank you for caring. Thank you for sharing. Thank you Dean for all the hope that you offer to us--to help us to succeed. I believe that I can safely say that your wisdom teachings are so very meaningful and/or encouraging to many (and more than likely "all") of us. I "appreciate" you very much sir!
I look forward to hearing from you every week I look forward
To hearing Matt. Thanks for all you do for us
Daily Attitude towards Gratitude
Dean: Of all the Weekly Wisdoms, this sure does top it!! I need to admit that at the end of each and every day I need to take "5" min or more towards meditating on what went right since I find that if I do not when I wake up in the morning I have a knot in my stomach.....exactly how you said it. Several of my probs. are:
1. do not delegate
2. want everything to happen now
3. don't raise my standards
4. every days end don't do 5 min of Attitude towards Gratitude
This past month the above items really hit home, causing me to regroup and reevaluate my life and I will:
1. Delegate
2. Practice more Patience / when I cant accomplish all in one day, look at the things that I have accomplished "ATTITUDE TOWARDS GRATITUDE"
3. Raise my Standards so that I associate with like minded individuals such as my self and RAISE THE BAR
4. Practice on a daily basis being grateful of what I have accomplished and do not look at the negative but the positive
End of each day spend 5 mins noting the things that I have accomplished / take my focus off of the negative and focus on the positive
Life is a Journey with Research and Development along the way.....How I respond is up to me!!!
Thanks Dean / DG Fam Looking forward to Tuesday...
Reading / Hearing things like that too....coincidence?
I'm learning to retrain and recognize these. We have heard that there is no such thing as coincidence. I heard and read something like setting your thoughts & subconscious recently and will try this.
Its been an extremely long road, one I travel. I have walked thru the woods for too long. With footsteps on a new path I know I can get to my future.
I feel that "fear demon" trying to knock me off track and admittedly have allowed it to happen before as many have.
I choose to forge ahead, telling him I don't have time for him. Mindset I know will help. Thank you and please keep the help coming, I know too well that hurdle is a tall one. I have given up or given in to the noise previously.
I have decided on more.