Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #58 - Here's BIG News for the First Week of 2010!

I guess since Dean hasn't talked to any of you since "last year" he felt he needed to blow you all away today. this, his first video blog of 2010, he's announcing the finalists of the "Send Me Away" contest have been chosen, and an offer to buy some crazy good foreclosure deals and pass them on to you.

As if that weren't enough, he even gets his gorgeous little girl in on the message, so celebrate the start of 2010 with this exciting message from Dean. Watch now.

HI Dean!

Artem's picture

Hi Dean,

Thanks for another weekly video blog. First of all, i would like to say that you have a beautiful daughter!!!

I strongly believe that this year is going to bring much success into our families and what you have to offer is going to give that push for many to step it up and reach their goals and dreams.

Hi Dean

stvweiss's picture

I would like to be part of this new program where you purchase Foreclosures and you pass the savings on to us. In addition you can count me in for next years contest.

Stephen Weiss

Hand raised

StudentScott's picture

Dean and staff,
Thank you for the weekly blogs they make a big difference, and I look foward to them every week.
I will be in this year's contest, and I am also very interested in the insane savings of your foreclosure idea.


2010 is my year..

showtime951's picture

That is so cool and motivating Dean, my ultimate goal is coming & beautiful daughter you have Smiling

From Jan and Jeremy

Jan Malek's picture

Hey Dean, Great to see another blog that is always filled with very valuable information. Jeremy and I are in the running for 2009 as you know, but that doesn't mean we won't enter for 2010. Of course we are in. We always love the competition and the possibility to partner with you on a deal or two.
That being said if we don't make it for 2009, we will try harder in 2010. That warm sun would really be welcomed this time of the year. Looking forward to another banner year with and a bunch of profitable deals. Pass on any foreclosure deals this way. The more the better.

Jan and Jeremy


Indiana-Joe's picture

Thanks for another weekly video blog. It always exciting to hear all the latest and greatest information and updates. The auction homes sounds like a great opportunity for DG Members. Thanks for always thinking of the DG Students. The Deal of the Month also sounds terrific and could be a tremendous opportunity for DG Students. We wish you continued success with real estate investing and all you do! Happy New Year! Smiling - Joe and Stacey


hesavedpdl's picture

...all the info that you have given us as members of this site. The amazing thing is that it is all free, so many sites want to charge for all these little things , such as video blogs, conference calls, etc. but here you get it all free. Then the member post the question forums, my gosh all the answers you can get. I just want to say thank you so much. I would be crazy to not want to get in on the member success video, " send me away video" please send me the email and also more info about the contest. I want to also get in on the "deal of the week" please let me know all about killer deals you will get at the auction




Another great blog!!!! Include me in the contest. Can't wait to receive the email. Sounds like the foreclosure deals are going to be great.

Thank you Dean


Dean: I couldn't have asked for a better mentor!

Flip_Kid's picture


Your blogs are awesome, but they are only a fraction of the great information and knowledge I've obtain through everything you provide. I've read all the books and I am currently a member of the empowering conversations. I am looking forward to getting your new book in the mail any day now. I am also a member of the Real Estate Success Academy(amazing program).

I just started kicking my real estate career off in the middle of December by putting in offers and I am in the process of getting my first home under contract (so exciting!!!). This will be my first assignment deal of many to come and I am looking forward to not only entering into the 2010 contest, but winning it as well! Working with you would be an amazing experience for me and I have now added that to my list of goals I want to accomplish.

I am really looking forward to hearing more about your deals of the month too. You are a great inspiration and I really appreciate everything you have done for me and the rest of the DG community.

Happy New Year!!!



Advocate's picture

Great motivation to push ahead in 2010. We are also in it for the long haul so count us in. Good luck to everyone.

That sounds Great!

Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes and did I say YES! You are an awesome motivator! If that didn't light a fire up under me I don't know what will. Count me in.

P.S.- Your daughter is adorable


Happy New Year Dean

What an adorable daughter you have!!

Yes - we are absolutely interested and excited to learn about the foreclosure deals you mentioned on your blog and to be part of this year's contest!!

Hope 2010 is the best ever for you and your family!!



Elena M's picture

My gosh, she's grown so much since I saw her in April. She's so precious and gorgeous!
I loved how she was soooo patiently sitting there while you filmed this blog. ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!
I'd love to get some cheap foreclosures thrown my way. Of course it goes without saying, any help from you is ALWAYS cherished.

Elena Laughing out loud

happy new year dean

i think that you and your team come up with some of the best and creatve ideas ...i am confident that this year will be better..had some problems this past year but i will try new statergies and keep on taking action..and since today is my birthday i know what my wish is. so i will see if it will come true..thanks for all you do and the people that work for you they are just as awsome .

happy new year everybody ,

Hi Dean

shanegore08's picture

Yes I am interested in the taking my REI career to even higher heights this year. I thank you for all of the helpful and motivating information you provide for us on your video blog. If I could take advantage of your Foreclosure deals and be your partner and get recieve an all expense paid get away in the caribbeans, why I would sing at your daughter's wedding if you would do all of that for me Dean. LOL

Best Regards,

Wow, Another contest. Sounds awsome. I'm in!

I would jump in at the chance to work with you Dean. I'm definitely entering this years contest. I have no idea how I'm going to do it, but I'm definitely entering this one. So count me in. This is so exciting. Happy New Year Dean. Happy New Year Everyone. You guys are all so cool.

2010 is the year to COUNT ME IN!

Success-Is-Certain's picture

I signed up to your site last summer and have been working steadily to grow my REI foundation in my NEW hometown of Fayetteville, NC. It's quite a change from Mass (where I moved from) but the opportunities down here are abundant and I'm ready to actually make that first deal...and many more this year!

So COUNT ME IN and thanks, as always, for giving all you do to make each and every one of us successful REIs!

Happy New Year and go enjoy that lunch with your adorable future REI : )

Suzi P.

Foreclosures at Discount

Daynah's picture

I would like to be part of this new program where you purchase Foreclosures and you pass the savings on to us.

Please count me in and let me know how to proceed.

2010/My New Year Resolution in Real Estate

Yes I do. I want to be part of the program.
May the year 2010 be filled with Peace, Joy, Blessings, and Lots of green ! ! !
I meant Prosperity! Smiling God bless!


Count Me In 2010

You and ur staff can expect a Vid from me this year to brag about what DG has helped me accomplish. Im also interested it the fourclosre site u have found, I'm always looking for a deal. Thanks for your blogs Dean And this website..
Frankie D

Hey Dean, great blog, I am

B.C.'s picture

Hey Dean, great blog, I am definately in this yr and am interested in the property deal, I have to tell you that your daughter brought a smile to my face, she is so cute! I can remember when my daughter was that age ( now 11) its precious moments like that you will never forget.
god bless you and your family and have a great year.

Yes absolutely!

I would love to be part of your program this year.


goodmorning dean

lucio's picture

What a good way to start a new year whit your video dean thanks.The new year 2010 i'm going to make it the best so far much better.Now that im in the academy i'm going to be in a better position I will try my hardest and send a good video of what i have done Thanks a lot dean, and you have a beautifull daughter.

This is my year too!!!

Captain777's picture


Please count me in. I am planning to submit a video this year for Dean Send Me Away. The foreclosure deal of the month idea sounds like a wonderful incentive too.

Your daughter is so cute. I wish you and your family a wonderful and successful New Year. Thank you for all you do and how so generous in your giving. I have never experienced anyone so ready, willing, and able to give continued encouragement. You are truly a selfless man. Thank you.


Looking forward to 2010


Thank you for the website and all you do for us. Yes count me in on the contest and the foreclosure deal of the month. I've been out making offers and studying the market. Looking forward to making my first deal since getting your books.

Thank You again

2010 is the year!

jazzingcoco's picture


Thank you for your weekly-blog!

Yes, I DO want to be a part of the program.
May the year 2010 be filled with Peace, Joy and Prosperity!

Your daugther is absolutely adorable Smiling God bless to your family.


THANKS DEAN - Video Blog #58

westerwayne's picture

What an exciting blog, filled with so much exciting information for 2010! I am excited about the foreclosure idea, however it ends up being structured. I also intend to be in the
2010 "Take Me Away Dean" contest. I might add that to work with you on a deal would be an incredible honor and enough of a prize for me. I'm looking forward to the exciting things you mentioned with the Success Academy. Thanks for another great blog and for continuing to care about us enough to keep creating ways to help us make money! You are a unique individual and a blessing to all of us. GOOD LUCK TO ALL MY DG BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN 2010!


p.s. Your daughter is as cute as she can be. You must be so proud. God Bless you and your family.

Count me in

I would like to enter and thanks for all the information.


Hi Dean, thanks for the video. Also thanks for putting together the contest. It's another form of motivation to get me out there and get going. i know your daughter had a wonderful time at lunch with her dad, I have a daughter also and they are something special. Thanks again.


Count me In

Shereen's picture

Hi Dean,
No time like the present to get going.(my new motto)
So yes count me in for the send me away contest. Thanks for sharing. Smiling