Dean takes a break before speaking at a live event in Las Vegas to share a conversation with an investor named Linda. She's already making SWEET money and is about to make another fist-full of cash! Listen as she shares one of the most powerful tips you may ever hear on how to succeed. This is pure gold.
Way to go Linda!
It's great to hear another Dean success story. I just recently went to a Dean seminar here in MS and I signed up for the Tax Lien program. I have been learning long enough and now I have to start doing. I hope to have my first deal done in the next month.
Good luck to all DG members and best wishes Dean!
Awesome! Dean's passion rubs off AGAIN!
You are amazing! If you're on please let us know your handle to we can see what you've done, in detail, learn and take action. Your story is very inspiring-- 11 properties all rented, WOW!
If you're looking in Vegas, lmk -)
(29 deals and counting, and always looking for buyers!)
Thanks for sharing Dean.
To any newcomers, listen to Linda over and over, it really is that simple. Like Dean always says, Think Less and Do More.
Love to the D Family,
FANTASTIC! I love seeing
FANTASTIC! I love seeing things like this! Cause- Dean, We all know and love you, but we also know that- you've made it, you are *THERE* and anything you care to name is in your reach...
Sometimes it's nice to see someone who success story is just starting out. She's doing it, she's out there taking action and she's MAKING IT HAPPEN.
Speaking of which, would she like to invest in Northern Nevada? I think Reno is about to take off with the construction of that new Apple computing center they're about to break ground on...
And I can find her whatever she's looking for.
Thanks Dean and Linda
thanks for sharing your success story with us today. Thanks Dean for putting the weekly wisdom together for us this week and every week.
Steve and Veronica.
Thank you for sharing your success story with us,Linda.It sounds like you are on your way.Thank you Dean for always being there for all of us and for being the incredible mentor you are.GOD Bless you and your beautiful family.
Corpus Christi,Texas,USA
Wish I was There!
Thank you Dean for another Weekly Wisdom!
I can see all the people in the background, and hear Linda's excitement as she talks about her deals-makes me wish I was in Vegas too with like-minded people!
I also feel like I've just began; and the thought of getting overwhelmed and tumbling downhill is constantly in my mind, so I have to keep reminding myself to take one step at a time.....and as Linda says, keep doing it even when I don't feel like doing it!
Learning and progressing every day,
The Weekly Wisdom's are so inspiring
I'm with everyone when I say I wish I were in Vegas as well. It's always nice to be with people of like mind. I love Linda's never settle attitude. She will always move forward with that mindset. Thanks for sharing Dean!!
Dean, you did it it again. Every week you bring sooo much to the table. One question. Why aren't you on some magazine's most influential people (or some such) award? Dean, you are amazing and Linda good luck.
Rick Cooper Investments
Good for you Linda
Thanks for the inspiration, I have been reading deans book profit from real estate right now started it Friday after work and I will be done in another hour. And I am ready to get started.
Vegas, 11 properties
Yes; 11 properties with all the naysayers, thats really inspiring. I like what was said a
about "when you don't feel like it do it anyway"
I have a saying "smile even if you don't want to smile anyway" you get a very good feedback from positive comment's like these. Yes I am still working on my first deal, but I'm really close because I just about touch it, I feel it!!!
thanks for the comment
Roger B.
Awesome linda
It is so great to finally realize that you have the skills and then put them into action!
Girl Power Continues!
What a great success story from Linda and perfect advice. Just Do It! Works all the time.
This advice is simple but EXACT!! bits simple but not easy but Linda KNOWS what has to be done and sounds like she is DOING IT !! If we can just DO IT when our minds or inner voice is saying AHHHH I'll do it later ..... Then we start to TRAIN THE BRAIN to TRANSFORM THE NORM $$$
Havent done anything yet
Linda said she hasn't done anything yet, I Love It! why settle when more is so much fun! Great job Linda, can't wait to get to vegas next year to meet all you great people. And use Linda's advice in everthing you do, not just real estate. "When you don't feel like doing it do it anyway". Right on Linda
Love to the dg family,
Thanks Dean
That's awesome Linda! Thank you so much for sharing.
excellent wisdom
Great weekly wisdom! thanks for the inspiration I need all I can get.
Common Denominator
Take action to overcome doubt or fear. Whenever I talk to a successful investor or see their story posted here, there is this common theme; "I was scared, but when I took action I was able to move ahead - to go to the next level."
My first completed deal should occur in the next 30 days and the 'take action to overcome fear' principle is probably the most important ingredient in the recipe.
that's awesome
i never get tired of hearing about success especially here.
everyone needs to not be afraid to fail. the people with the greatest accomplishments are usually the people who've failed most. that's because they take action. that's because they step out of their comfort zone. that's because they overcome fear. that's why they achieve. let's all achieve. together we can change the world. there's no special formula here. education plus ACTION equals results. nuf sed.
keep moving forward, rob
Thank you Dean and Linda.
Thank you Dean and Linda. You're an inspiration!
Thanks again Dean
And Linda, thanks for the "just do it" reminder.
Thanks Linda!
Your story is very inspiring! I know you must be a great lady because I married a Linda!
Linda at Vegas!
Thank you so much Dean! I was at this Summit and had the opportunity to meet Linda in person. She is very inspirational especially to those of us that are just getting started. I am happy to say we bought our first tax lien at the summit and have been so charged up with the entire event! Back home now ready to make the deals!!!!
My daughter and I feel really blessed!
Can't thank you enough!!!
On day 6 of "No News" Diet and feeling great!
Success Is Exciting
Thanks Linda for sharing your enthusiasm, and thanks Dean for sharing her with us. It is always exciting to hear about success. It is incentive for us to take that big leap in faith.
fear kills
This was wonderful to hear. Like Dean said, I DO have the educational background now that i've taken Dean's courses, and I have so many resources that I can turn to. I just need to take action to get over that stupid fear factor :)I need to ask myself-what can i do today to get closer to my goal
like the blog
I like the just do it attitude. I would like to work on real estate and my engineering at the same though. Any advice on find more time throughout the day?
Thanks Dean and Linda!!!
Thanks for another great Weekly Wisdom!!! Great Job Linda!! I will do this!!!
Thanks Linda
I want to take the time to say thank you Linda. I have received the book 30 Days to Real Estate Cash but have been procrastinating about reading and taking action. Seeing this blog has moved me to take action and clarified my Why? Will keep in touch shwoing my progress.
Thanks for helping!!
Amazing advice! :)
Thanks Dean and Linda, that's the best advice and SO TRUE! Don't let another day go by it could put you closer to your next or first deal!
I love Linda's light hearted advice, it realy is that easy; "when you least feel like it, that is when you must do it."
Kathy from the Sun City
Just DO IT!!!!
I love it, get up and do what you Don't want to do... lol! Funny, but true
I will be sure to do those things that are uncomfortable today.... that way I'm one step closer to conquering that task!
Have a great week DGers!
Renae & Tyrone
Another great message!
So good to meet you and hear what is happening for you!
It is good to see other people who are unknown to us that are doing it besides just the original success stories. It helps everyone realize that the success is much more widespread.
Keep up the good work!