I read Dean's entire book, applied many if not all techniques and made money
6% (134 votes)
I have only read a portion of the book, applied a portion of the techniques and I have already made money
5% (106 votes)
I did not read the entire book, I did not apply many or all of his techniques and did not make money
22% (521 votes)
I read Dean's entire book, applied many if not all techniques and did not make money
12% (293 votes)
I read Dean's entire book, but have not applied his techniques yet, but plan on it.
55% (1301 votes)
Total votes: 2355
reading of books
i am almost threw the first book profit for realestate right now then i will read the other book on be a real estate millionare i havent applied any of the tactics yet that ive learned so far but i am going to i have my website setjust need to find out how to get a 1-800 number on my website so i can prerecord a message for people visiting my site and then get their business and post their homes on my website for buyers and have a recorded message for the buyers as well http://ronsrealestate.propertywholesale.com
None of the options listed apply at this point. I have read both books, am starting to apply some of the techniques and hope to make money soon!
DITTO lwbutterfield
I've read the books and plan to start making money SOON!!
Dean you need to add a catagory that says I have read the book and have not tried any techniques yet. I don't quite understand how everything works. I know this program works just can't get past the fear of starting. I am surrounded by people that say this is a scam and would like to prove them wrong. I am going to Kingman to look at a deal that involves 5 houses in various stages of construction and 1 is 90% complete and should almost pay for the entire deal. I am looking for someone to share this deal with that has credit because the seller needs the money real bad and my credit is no good. I don't want to pass this up because there is the possibility of making about $200,000.00 with just this one deal. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
John Doss
I have read Profit from real
I have read Profit from real estate right now and getting ready to read be a real estate millionaire and put what I learn into action after the first of the year along with other stuff I've been studying.
Fighting Fear & Uncertainty
I purchased BARM a little over a year ago & purchased PFRERN shortly after it was available. I have two chapters left to finish the latest book. I have yet to even start a deal. Still very confused about a lot of the information in the books. I want to make a deal before the end of the year, but I am still fighting the self doubt within telling me that I don't understand the strategies enough and that I don't know enough about real estate to do this.
I can't vote!! Not a choice that fits for me...
I've read Dean's books, and I'm applying Dean's techniques and I'M DEFINITELY ON MY WAY TO MAKING MONEY and in the process of a deal right now!! (Yay! Not yelling, just excited!!)
I looked for that choice...but not there yet, so wanted to get my input in.
Read both books
I've designed my business cards but could not upload to get them free on line because it was created in the wrong format/file extension. I now have to go buy them.Trying to work on my marketing skills. I'm in the process of typing up my flyers. Next week I'm going to get my 1 800 # from coaphonesolution. I'v been practising my pre-recorded message so I can get buyers to come to me. I found a couple of houses but I don't have a buyer nor a buyers list yet. I know that I'm going to get there because this business is for me!!!
It really is the truth and it works!
I can say that it sounds fun and it sounds easy. But..... it can be very difficult as well. I have poor credit, a month ago I had .36 cents in my bank account. I do however know someone that is going to help me by using their credit to get started.
I have made money already though! See in all my homework and contact with agents I ran across one who knew of a couple moving out of state. He told them about me and and my ambition. They needed a property manager while they were away. So I met with them and am now managing their property. Granted, the income is only about $70/month at this point. But the fact is that I through the course of my homework have made money and I haven't even bought a property yet.
In one week I will be at an auction, bidding on a $300,000 dollar foreclosure, which can make me anywhere from $40,000 to $180,000 if I get it bought right.
I also have made contacts with over a dozen people who want to live in my small town, looking for housing. That gives me a potential buyers list or rental clients at least.
I have two contract for deed properties on the table, a third on the way, and one more property that is in foreclosure that I am going to be able to have a good chance to put under contract this coming week.
THIS WORKS! It is not a scam. It does take some amount of time to learn what you need to learn and position your self to make the first deal. But it will happen if you put everything you have into it. It may still happen if you don't, it will just take longer is all.
Good luck to all you DG'ers!
Failure to plan is planning to fail!.....
I forgot to mention......
I only read the book "Be a Real Estate Millionaire". I did not attend the edge conference, I did not join the success academy, I did not buy any other of Dean's books, I have never purchased any other real estate course, I don't have a partner to work with me to learn with or research anything, I have never owned a home, I do not have a real estate license, I have never worked for a realtor.
I read the one book, parts of it several times. I have been diligent for 4.5 months on a daily basis doing anything and everything I can, I have been in the courthouse, Lowe's, Home Depot, Hardware stores, asked questions, watched others, devoured RE information on the web, payed very close attention to the news, made litteraly hundreds of phone calls, drive many many miles, lost a ton of sleep at night with worry and excitement.
This will work for anyone out there period! I absolutely promise it will if you will TRY!
The next year will pass you by no matter what you spend it doing - that is a fact. The question is what are you going to do with your time????????????????
Failure to plan is planning to fail.......
Book reading
Since I purchased Dean's book "BE A REAL ESTATE MILLIONAIRE" I have read it at least twice. I'm now on my third reading. Every time I read it I pickup on something new, a new idea or just something I missed. Now I'm reading to gather information on how to get funding and also the different strategies. I've found three properties that interest me. All of this is great for me, a person who was stuck in fear and drowning in procrastination.
Results from Reading Deans Book
I read the "Be a Real Estate Millionaire" book and am about 1/4 through reading "Profit from Real Estate Right Now" book. I am currently selecting Real Estate Agent(s), already interested in at least 2 properties and trying to narrow location and price range for my strategy. I want to make my first deal in the next 45 days. I am exited but also plan on calling-in to Deans Coaches soon since I am a little nervous about this first steps...lets all make sure the next success stories in this site are OUR success stories
Good Luck to everybody...let's make it happen!
I have faith that this works, but so far every property I've put offers in on, were lost to others who over bid me. The last property I lost was a HUD house, I thought sure I'd get that one, (so did my agent), because I offered 3 thousand more than the asking price, cash and a quick closing. But guess what? The person that got that one offered $47,000 more than the asking price. I guess I'm going to have to come up with a different technique from the book to actually land a property cause what I've been doing isn't working. I will perservere, I will land a property and I will make money.
Books ordered and read!
Books ordered and read
I have ordered a couple of books including AFF. I have read the books but i have not peruse the AFF. I hate to admit it, but I am not computer savvy and if i have to do anything else but read something, I get lost. I have joined the Success Academy and have finished half the lessons, but I have not done anything. I have learned a lot, but I am scared to do anything. I live in Hawaii and the prices of houses here does not go down as low as in CONUS. I am dabbling in a condo and a house in AZ, and hope to get them moved. This will be my first. Wish me luck!
Dean has a wonderful set of books to read but lending yourself to the task is more difficult if you don't own the books. I spent my last money on the "Think A Little Different" course and am reading everything else I can browse on the internet without information overload. I gather and gather information and don't get the interaction of people to do deals. So I sit at home trying to beat my fear of going out and talking to people after being an at home dad for so many years. When I can afford to purchase the books one day maybe it will all come together for me so I can be a better father and provider to my family.
Hi Dean I did buy your first book;however,I didn't finish it(I wish I had). I totally admire your enthusiasm for what you do and also for your commitment to helping others...I did take a Real estae course and did pass the test-that was a couple of years ago. Then,time passed and I never did anmything with it,so now my license has expired. I really felt that I didn't apply myself or study as much as I needed to-so I definitely feel I should take the course over. I,at one point had an aspiration to become a Real Estate agent-I'm not sure I still have that desire. I am thinking I might get my Masters in Alternative health and Wellness(I"m an RN-I do work fulltime)-I also want to start an online business. I have trouble staying focused on ONE thing at a time. You see my dilemma...?! Thanks,I just wanted to vent! Take care,June Kovac
oh,one more thing
Hi Dean,FYI-experience- was spelled incorrectly in one of the Headlines-June
I have read both books. I can't tell you how much we have benefitted from them. The first book "Be a Real Estate Millionaire" was the best book I have read on real estate. It seriously gave us (my husband and myself) the confidence and the motivation to achieve the goals and dreams we have always wanted. Since reading the first book we have purchased 6 houses, 2 houses we cleaned, repaired and updated and they are now rentals, 3 of the houses we cleaned, repaired, fully updated and gave a good overhaul and sold with a minimum of 30-45% profit. We are working on the 6th house currently and expect the project to be completed in a couple months with a minimum 30% profit. The first book was my favorite it is easy to read with simple to do methods. Thank you Dean because of your shared talent we are on our way to achieving our ultimate goals. For example: One of our goals is to travel somewhere every 3 months and the last two years we have done exactly that plus! We typically buy a house figure out where we would like to go and when the house is complete we travel to our selected destination. Thank you, Thank you Dean you are so giving. What goes around comes around.
Fixed Typo
Thanks June, I fixed my typo!
Dean's Books are a smorgasboard buffet of knowledge!
I often think of Dean's books as a smorgasboard buffet of knowledge. There is a great variety of information and I believe there is something for everyone. Like any true buffet there are going to be some items you prefer or try over others. Some items may look more appealing to you than others. Some items may look good but you do not want to try them where other items that you believe may not be as appealing turned out better than you thought. I often try to fill my plate and come back for a second pass.
The great thing is you can come back to the buffet book of knowledge as much as you want to get the information and inspiration you may need. There are some parts that you may even read multiple times and find a new morsel or tidbit of information in each read. I think it is great that Dean continues to share his knowledge of real estate with all of us. I look forward to each of Dean's new books because I often learn and expand my real estate knowledge with every one of Dean's books I read. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
dean delivers
i have read deans books and have made money! his knowledge in these books just need ACTION by the reader. you as an individual many be at a different PACE than someone else but this recipe is for ANYONE that BELIEVES they can put the ingredients in to make a deal.if i can read these books then make 3 or 4 deals in 6 mnths while working 7 days a week 10-12 hrs per day ANYONE CAN!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS ALL UP TO YOU !!!!! thank you dean for your tireless efforts to make us succeed!!
Read the Books, Viewed "The Edge" , Enrolled in PMI Course
I have really appreciated the info in all of these sources, have made some use of the advisory line, bought biz cards, established website, trying to build a team of professionals to work with. Can't find a Matt Larson-like realtor to get interested in bringing me the REO's before someone else snaps them up, battling against the Cash Buyers for an "in" on my offers. As soon as they are public, those houses are gone. Seems like you really have to get into the public records like probate, liz pendens, etc to get a jump on anything coming up that will be at discount. I have made one offer on a short sale that the bank keeps changing the price on because their due diligence is incomplete, but I am hanging in with it because it is a property below $100,000. that I can afford to purchase with conventional downpayment. How can you get a buyer on a short when you don't know the timeline of deal completion? Thanks to Nathan Street for contracts sent to help me with a "house finder" agreement. Hopefully I can get something going before the market ticks up -wholesale houses in our area (Rhode Island seacoast) have disappeared under $100,000. unless they are a complete demolition job. I have been watching auctions, foreclosure, pre-foreclosure, FSBO lists. I really think that I need access to a private lender or retail buyers and am working on ads on free internet classified sites to develop this list (thanks for the 100 website list to go to for getting buyers and sellers.) Thanks for all of the detailed info in your programs. I am taking it all in and trying hard to make it work!
Dean's book....
Love it!!! Practical and actually an anjoyable read. I am plodding through the book because of family time restraints but I will finish and apply his principles. Have already been "shopping around" for rentals, researching my area, talking with professionals....LOVE IT!!! The most exciting project I have ever been on!!!!
Read and Read and Read!
I have not only read the books and made money, but I've reread them many times over. There is so much information its impossible to retain and apply them all after one read! And the more experience I get with the ones I did apply, the more I understand and cant wait to apply those I maybe 'skimmed over' before...so this just keeps getting better and better!
Read the books and
I have read the books and am just beginning an adventure as a bird dog.
Wish I had found Dean First
I believed in Real Estate Investing for a while now but found another program before Dean and spent the money I would've had for Dean on it. Sorry that I did. It was not worth it.
I have read Dean's books and I believe it can work I am just having a hard time trying to get that first deal. My husband and children and everyone around me think I am crazy. I talked to a couple realtors I know but can't seem to get them to work with me.
I would really like to get one deal so that I can prove to my husband and family that it will work. Can't afford to take coaching right now so hoping that I can find a deal and make it work.
I guess I will have to re read books and take more action. If anyone can help out there it would be great.
Making Money with a new attitude and Deans guidance
The big difference is that Dean gave me the confidence to get off the couch and make the move to acquire houses and make a profit with quick flips
thanks dean
Dean's Books
I have read both your books: Profit from Real Estate Right Now and Be a Real Estate Millionaire.
They are Great!! Have not done a deal yet but I am working on it.
Havn't made any money
But I got to fix my credit to invest
What a great idea!
What a great idea, Dean.
A one question survey, so simple, yet so revealing. I hope you do more of these.
At the time when I voted there were about 350 votes and about half the respondents chose "I read Dean's entire book, but have not applied his techniques yet, but plan on it."
That is a true testament that what you are doing is great, so keep on doing it. Half the people read the whole book(s). I'll bet a lot of "how-to" authors envy that. Plus half the people say they plan on doing something with it. That means what you are doing is working, Dean. You are influencing in a positive way. Keep up the good work "PLEASE".
When I took the survey the results so far also revealed that about 25% or 1 out of every 4 of us have already made money from you pulling us off the couch and getting us into the game. I'll bet Zig Zigler would call that "remarkable results in motivational training".
If I may, let me point out one more revealing trend(at least at the time that I took the survey). Only 1 out of 7 of us said they read the book(s), tried, and failed to make any money. I read that as 6 out of 7 of us are at least, AT THE VERY LEAST, still trying to be successful in real estate investing, re-reading what you have written, talking real estate investing, putting a team together, and trying some of the techniques.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again and again, thank you Dean. What you ar doing for us is above and beyond the call of duty. Thank you for inviting us into your world of real estate investing success sharing with us how we too can do what you have done. It looks like most of us are listening. Please, please, please continue.
Mike & Mary