If anyone has properties under contract that they cant find buyers for and your willing to partner let me know. I'm having a little trouble finding a agent to work with so I have no homes but I do have buyers who invest out of state so let me know if your interested. You bring the properties, I'll bring the buyers!
No Grind No Shine
My intention, nor intentions, are ever to discourage anyone on here.
My point with him is that if he is going to present himself to an agent, be prepared and understand the basics. Coming off as green and confusing can make a bad first impression. If you were interviewing for a job with the Knicks and said "Brett Favre is my favorite player" would that not be a bad look??? Telling someone to be prepared before they attempt this in my mind is not being discouraging but honest so as they do not mess themselves up in the near future.
In terms of my breakdown of fees, it starts with the broker. The commission goes first to the broker who then cuts the check to the agent.
A pre-determined amount goes to the office and the remaining amount then goes to both broker and agent.
Also I speak in actual terms. What I told him was the bare bones truth. I'm not going to speak in ambiguous terms of 'JUST DO IT', 'STICK IT OUT AND MAKE IT WORK'. That, while the intent is meant to be positive, is insulting. This is a tough business and to not tell people that and be honest with them to me is disingenuous. I have everyone's best interest on this site, but I will not sugar coat things and if I can prevent someone from jumping head first into an empty pool, I will do so.
Thank you Lisa,
I was definitely insulted by the way you answered elix. The reason I asked was because you stated that you are an agent in this thread. The reason for these forums is to ask questions and get info in between researching and reading the books. If you are going to be rude then don't put yourself out here with answers as an agent. You don't have to sugar coat, you can just answer the questions without your 2cents about who you think is ready. You have know idea what stage I'm in or what plans I have.
Get over yourself.
"Strong Body, Strong Mind"
I was definitely insulted by the way you answered elix. The reason I asked was because you stated that you are an agent in this thread. The reason for these forums is to ask questions and get info in between researching and reading the books. If you are going to be rude then don't put yourself out here with answers as an agent. You don't have to sugar coat, you can just answer the questions without your 2cents about who you think is ready. You have know idea what stage I'm in or what plans I have.
Get over yourself.
i'll leave it at that
You are so good and so generous to share with us. Thank you very very muc.
Hines Enterprise..... I have set up my business to provide a service nationwide to cash buyers/ investors interested in not only aquiring wholesale, shortsales, and distressed properties but also setting buyers up with owner financed properties with rent to own buyers so that there is a positive cash flow in addition to the mortgage getting paid. This is a win win situation for the seller have problems selling. My service provides the seller with someone paying their mortgage until the property is sold. The cash buyer gets a property rented and sold to a tenant buyer for a profit and positive cash flow even if the property is selling for more than today's value.
If you or your cash buyers or anyone else is interested let me know and we can talk from there. Send me a PM
Laticia Taylor
No worries! I wish you great success in all you do! Remember what Dean says, watch out who you listen to and take advice from
I'll be watching for your successes!
Take care,
"Persistence Pays, Procrastination Delays!" - smurfy
"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13
"He will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee" Isaiah 26:3
"Those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
View my journal here: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59850/...
I have properties under contract in Baltimore Md. Do you have any buyers there?
I just sat here and had REI class this evening. Thank you for all your time and effort. A wealth of knowledge.
I just sat here and had REI class this evening. Thank you for all your time and effort. A wealth of knowledge.
After receiving the list, you'll have to find out where the buyers live. If they bought a home at 123 elm st but live at 80 My place, they are a cash buyer and more than likely an investor. Contact them immediately. FYI: You may offend some people because I did but not intentionally. (It's a long story) Then once you educate them on what you do they tend to listen. Only reply to this post AFTER and ONLY AFTER you have received your list of CASH buyers from your real estate agent.
If you don't have one, just send the following email out to as many real estate agents in your area until one replies back with the priceless spreadsheet.
Cut and paste the following in your email:
Dear agent,
I'm an aggressive real estate investor and I am looking to grow my cash buyer's database. I want to work with you personally so that we can build wealth together. All I need you to do is send me a spreadsheet of all the properties that were sold in the last 90 days for cash. I'll need to know where the property is located and the buyers first and last name if you can get that. Also include the list price and the actual sale price. What I'll do from there is market to these cash buyers explaining that I have ways to find amazing deals that no one else can and that I want to bring them deals on a continous basis. For every buyer I find on that list that I end up passing a property off to for a profit, I will give you 15% of whatever profit I make. Not a bad deal for just sending me a simple spreadsheet right? Again, I hope to work hand in hand with you so that we can increase our profits and build our wealth together. I look forward to working with you.
In Kind,
Now get to work DG'ers
Great tip, will keep in mind. Thanks Gary!
I know this response is a bit late considering when you posted this, but how were you trying Everything & not having any kind of success at all? I haven't even finished reading the entire "Profit from Real Estate Right Now!" book, but I've gotten to the part about generating leads. Considering I have some history in marketing, some of the techniques are totally obvious ways of generating targeted leads... you must of been doing something wrong, whether it was how/what or said in your ads or even the energy you were putting out there... have you had any success at all since your post or have you given up w/ all this?
Michael: your offer is very gracious and Im sure it will help folks which is what we do here. Looks like your thunder was stolen by Gary
, but the posts by each of you are excellent.
Gary: very interesting posts. I can see your knowledge and your desire to help. I will continue to follow ur info, but just dont wait so long between posts. That way, you wont have to type so much. Lol
Both of you guys have ur heads on straight and it benefits all of us!
We seldom get what we want, but we will always get what we expect.
Ive had great luck with Truila. Just set up an account and post "looking for investor friendly agent/broker". I had 10 to choose from, I screened them on the phone, interview 4 and finally am working with 2. One in my area, the other across town.
Advertising for agents on Craigslist in my opinion is a looser.
Good Luck.
We seldom get what we want, but we will always get what we expect.
Thanks for the tip re: trulia.com! Signed up
"Persistence Pays, Procrastination Delays!" - smurfy
"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13
"He will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee" Isaiah 26:3
"Those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
View my journal here: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59850/...
Here's my take on what Gary posted reworded just a bit. Feel free to copy and paste fellow DG'ers...
Dear agent,
I'm an aggressive real estate investor looking to grow my current cash buyer's database. Ideally I want to work with you personally so that we can build wealth through deals together. All I need you to do is send me a spreadsheet of all the properties that were sold in the last 90 days specifically for cash. I'll need to know where the property is located and the buyers first and last name if you can provide that info for me.
Please include the list price and the actual sale price. From there I will market these to cash buyers explaining that I have ways to find above average deals that no one else can and that I want to bring them deals on a continuous basis. For every buyer I find on that list that I end up passing a property off to for a profit, I will give you 12% of whatever profit I make. Not a bad deal for just sending me a simple spreadsheet right? Again, I hope to work hand in hand with you so that we can increase our profits and build our wealth together. I look forward to working with you on future profitable deals.
In Kind,
(your name)
John 14:6
Damn You Posted this & everyone Jump into with their Hands , Arm's & legs up in the Air Screaming " I NEED BUYERS YES YES YES " .........LMAO I'm Silly I know just Funny .
Dear agent,
I'm an aggressive real estate investor looking to grow my current cash buyer's database. Ideally I want to work with you personally so that we can build wealth through deals together. All I need you to do is send me a spreadsheet of all the properties that were sold in the last 90 days specifically for cash. I'll need to know where the property is located and the buyers first and last name if you can provide that info for me.
Please include the list price and the actual sale price. From there I will market these to cash buyers explaining that I have ways to find above average deals that no one else can and that I want to bring them deals on a continuous basis. For every buyer I find on that list that I end up passing a property off to for a profit, I will give you 12% of whatever profit I make. Not a bad deal for just sending me a simple spreadsheet right? Again, I hope to work hand in hand with you so that we can increase our profits and build our wealth together. I look forward to working with you on future profitable deals.
In Kind,
(your name)
to my office last week. I will not reveal any names but I spoke with the person and gave them the respect of listening to their sales pitch.
I then asked how they find above average deals unlike others to which they could not fully answer without stammering.
I then asked if they could send me some personal and business documentation of who they are and their company in the form of corporate docs and bank statements from the last 60 days. They could not as they said they did not have corp docs and no business bank statements.
I spoke with them in detail on their presentation and how not to come off as a fraud or something they are not. I didn't mention Graziosi so not to embarrass them, but I did tell them that they should tone down the experience level of the letter to reflect their true acumen, of which they have just started 6 months ago and haven't closed a deal.
He thanked me for my time, and asked if he could get the list to which I told him absolutely not; I explained to him that I am not in the business of sharing my cash buyers and it is responsibility to find his own and while I don't mind helping, its not beneficial for me in any way to give out a listing of sold homes and my buyers.
He completely understood and thanked me for my time.
What type of property they want how much equity cash flow.
Im located in florida and was wondering if they invest on this area but if u can find out their criteria let me know and i would love to start working on that....
If you have buyers, I ran into a wholesaler in the Dallas area. They sounded great, but I haven't bought any deals through them yet and I'm hesitant to do so... I've never worked with wholesalers before. If you have buyers, check them out and post back about your experience with them so we know how working with wholesalers goes... Go here to see their available deals: http://texaplexinvestor.com/category/available-real-estate-investment-pr...
I have a number of motivated buyers through my system of getting motivated sellers. If you are interested, please contact me.
Hines Enterprises,
I have just re-entered the investing thing after 10 years out, starting all over again.
we could do well to network with one another.
We purchase and resell Homes. We also buy mortgage notes. We also take some debt takeovers.
We have the properties! Birmingham, Shelby County and Montgomery, Al. We have section 8 investments, great SFR in Shelby County ($71,000 Median income per household!) and Montgomery as well. If you are interested in taking some GREAT DEALS to your buyers...then Birmingham is the place to do it. PM me for more details on how we can help.
Jon A. Lubin
Investment Properties Group L.L.C.
Birmingham, Al.
"You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take" Wayne Gretsky
Hi, I found a property through a wholeseller in Corpus Christi, TX. I posted some information earlier today, so you should be able to download the photos and information on this property. Thx!
Tom and Jeri
Hi Gary
I am a newbie and i am interested in getting the dirt cheap bandit signs you mentioned.Are they still available?
Jeffrey Groh
"Persistence Pays, Procrastination Delays!" - smurfy
"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13
"He will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee" Isaiah 26:3
"Those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
View my journal here: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59850/...
You say Quote:"That if you get a list from your R.E. Agent of Cash Buyers for the last 90 days this will give you an instant Buyers List. Well I have used the 90 day Cash Buyers List,Rental Property Owners List,Owners who don't occupy the Property List,Homes that have Sold in the last 90 days List,Etc. and sent out 100+ letters to these potential Investors with not a single reply. I hope somebody can help me with this and tell me what I'm doing wrong if anything. Thanks for your help in advance. Johnny (The Old Man)
Wow! Some serious reading to be done here - some real value. I needed to jump in and comment just to make sure I can get back to this thread on my "My Account" page later on.
Also - if you are a DG'er in the Nashville area and are looking to team up with someone? PM me and we can see if there is a mutual interest.
Thanks to all the contributors,
Steve Hunter
Steve Hunter
Property Match of America, LLC
"True success is found outside of your comfort zone. True success requires change." - Carol Stinson
You can also bookmark by clicking on the 'bookmark this' button on the first post and then when you want to come back to the thread you click on 'my bookmarks' on the left.
Mark K.
Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.
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Hey Johnny:
Here are some things to think about:
1: it is often reported (here and in my reia clubs) that mailings work best when you send one out to the same list about every 2 weeks for a total of about 6 mailings. If you are not carefully filtering your list, you may be sending to private individuals who have just taken advantage of the great prices in your area of interest and have no need for another home. Try searching the property appraiser's site by name and see if people on your list have more than one property within the county.
2: Since mailings can run you into some hefty expense, try doing some mailings and using the phone for anyone on your list who is a business. They are probably going to be your "heavy hitters." Be prepared to ask them your questions (You can find a "qualifying a buyer" list of questions on a number of threads in the site.)
3: The wording in your mailing may need to be tweaked. Without knowing what you sent I can't be more specific. Remember tho, you need to give the first run the multiple opportunities to see if that is the problem. (That's why I prefer the phone.)
4: You may want to consider bandit signs if you are local to the area you are investing in. This way buyers who want to buy are contacting you.
Hope this helps you sort things out a bit better.
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni