My yellow letter for expired listings and vacant properties

My yellow letter for expired listings and vacant properties

Here is the yellow letter I use to market to vacant houses and expired listings.

1- get yourself a yellow legal pad, use a red pen to to write with. Must be red.

2- Find out owners name by going to tax site and their mailing address. Below is the letter word for word.

Dear (owners first name),

Hi, my name is (your name). My

cousin Scott and I would like to

$ Buy $

your house at

123 N Main st.

Please call us at


Please Call.


(sign your name)

3- Make sure you skip lines like I have it written so its easy for them to read. Remember red ink!!
You do not have to put your cousins name, it can be brother, wife or whom ever. It just makes it more personal using a family members name.

4-fold letter into fours and mail in a wedding invitation envelope. On the front of the envelope just put owners first name and address. It makes them curious that you only put there first name.

5-On the flap of the envelope put your return mailing address label. Just your address on it, not your name. Once your letter is inside and envelope is addressed, just tuck the flap inside, DO NOT SEAL!! This way its easy for them to open.

*Remember yellow legal pad, red ink on letter and envelope except your return label, and tuck flap of envelope in. This letter has an insane response rate, due to the curiousity factor and simplicity.

Everybody enjoy!! Let me know how it works out for those of you that use it. It works great for me so I expect the same for everyone else.

All the best,

Jason B


You Can Have and Be Anything you Want!!
Jason Bly (The RE_Situation)

Visit Me at
Push Button Yellow Letter Software-
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Janice... Get a coast-2-coast POF

When a realtor asks if you're qualified, get a pof from coast to coast funding and give it to them. Hopefully you'll find a realtor that won't ask that. Smiling


Janice734 wrote:
Where do I get expired listings without someone asking me if I'm pre qualified?

Solved my problem

Was trying to think of a way to get in contact with a vacant property owner. Have all the owner's info just diddn't know how to approach in a letter. Thanks for the tip. Will try.



"The best is yet to come."

"Never let someones opinion become your reality"


Has anyone had any success calling the registered owner of the Expired listing instead of these Yellow Letters? I have sent out quite a few letters to expired listings, and get most of them back (as they had no forwarding address and must not be receiving mail there anymore).
I wonder if it's worth it to try to cold call on the property, instead of wasting the stamp?
Any suggestions/toughts?



The Browley Team
Working Towards Success!!

I can't understand why a Realtor would give out expired listing

info...everyone I know wants to sign them up for another 6 mos. They want to keep the listing so if it does sell they make their commission. Also if I have been paying for advertising for 6 months for this listing and it hasn't sold as of yet...more incentive to get them to re-list and maybe drop the price. That's just from a Realtors point of view. I just started locating vacant properties this I definitely think there is an angle there with the yellow letters.

You can locate them though the tax records in the county or town

If you have the vacant house would put that info in and the owners name and other address will come up so you can mail it to them...Oops this was for the Browley Team


thishousebuyer wrote:
When a realtor asks if you're qualified, get a pof from coast to coast funding and give it to them. Hopefully you'll find a realtor that won't ask that. Smiling


Janice734 wrote:
Where do I get expired listings without someone asking me if I'm pre qualified?

If you have found an agent that is investor friendly, they wont even ask you if you are pre qualified. They know how creative investing works and they know you can do the deal with no money out of pocket. You just have to find the ROCKSTAR agent.


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They just want to know if you are pre-qualified so they are not

wasting time and money...if you put someone's property under contract through a Realtor not a private seller, basically that home is off the market and people will usually not put more offers in on that property. The Seller thinks they have a Buyer when in reality you don't know if you can perform (whether you want it for yourself or you were going to try and find someone else to buy it). If you are buying it for yourself you should get pre-qualified so you know how much house you can afford...if you are going to wholesale it make sure you have a Buyers list to market it to....OR you are wasting every ones time & money! POF letters work if you are just wholesaling...

expired listing

Hello could you tell me where you get the expired listings from. Do you use and agent or is there somewhere I can find them for myself.Thanks


ive been told to use realtors...dont know if there is another method.


Esmirna Maloon


the coach at the Insider's Edge actually showed us a YL he received at a property he had already purchased... needless to say... the YL was a bit late...

wishiing everyone success,




“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal:

I love this...

this is such an old and wonderful technique I completely forgot about it!
Yes, this works and I'm headed out to find those invitation envelopes... Smiling
thank you ALL


Jill Holden | San Diego
Investor Services
Team Development

Expired listings questions

Should I contact the owners of all the expired listings within one month ago or can be up to 3-6 months ago?

Updated link to video

The original video isn't available any more on flipcrushers but you can see it on youtube now at **************

Updated: Video was taken down by youtube Sad

Search for: yellow letter
on youtube and you'll see a few real estate related videos you can use.


Mark K. Cool

Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.

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yellow letter

Absolutely brilliant idea. standing out, keeping it simple, direct and to the point, personal. winning combination everytime


Hey Erik,

What happened with the duplex? Smiling

just plan-e wrote:
I've been hunting down owners of vacant properties for the past 2-3 weeks and had some luck. I just get the owners name and mailing address from the Tax Assessor then search them on and a few other sites for a phone #. If I can't reach them by phone they get a yellow letter. I followed your example to a T and used crooked dog and cat stamps:) It takes a total of about 5 minutes to get the ph# and if that doesn't work the letters cost me about 60 cents each. I've only sent out 4 so far and got 1 call today. Tired landlord seller with a duplex that looks like it could be a really good deal.

I know it's only 4 letters, but 1 call-back = 25% response rate! hahaha

I think I REALLY like these Yellow Letters.

thx for this

Yellow Letter

A letter came in the mail today with my name on it. I looked at the return address and noticed it was from a city next to mine, and in a wedding invitation or thank you card envelope. On yellow paper with a red marker read, "Hi Gina, my name is Debbie, and I want to buy your house located at 123 Main St. Please call me at 123-1234." I thought I would write about it on this site, because I was so curious, I called. I left a message, but couldn't take the call when she called back. I will try tomorrow. I was so excited, not because I want to sell my newly rehabbed property to her, but maybe she has some properties she wants to sell to me. She might be a DGer in my area that I can network with, Yee Haw!

bumping up

more tools to use


Mike Free tools


good works

see links below


Mike Free tools

How to Create Yellow letters Really FAST!!

For all of you out there still handwriting yellow letters or paying for a service to do it for you, I found a better way!! There is a website I found that has software for really cheap.

You just put in your name and contact #, the homeowners name and street address, and it automatically inputs it into the letter for you. Then just hit the print tab and it prints the letters for you really fast!! Has 3 different yellow letters to choose from and has the option to print to all of your contacts at once.

It already has the font and red font color picked out for you. I even tried printing it on yellow lined legal paper and works well!! It's still as effective as handwriting them but in a fraction of the time. I had a good response rate of people calling back from them. Out of the last 10 letters I sent out I had 4 call backs!! Pretty awesome!

Here is the link for those interested.


You Can Have and Be Anything you Want!!
Jason Bly (The RE_Situation)

Visit Me at
Push Button Yellow Letter Software-
My how to take Discount Vacations Blog-

Another direct marketing

Another direct marketing technique is to put something lumpy in your yellow letter.

Since curiosity is a tool that you can use to your advantage when sending yellow letters or in any type of marketing, putting something small & lumpy in with the letter gets people curious as to what treat or gift is in the envelope.

This will get them to open your letter, have you standing out from the rest and you'll be remembered.



Thanks for sharing all the helpful tips! I love this site!


Stephan Roberts
"In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia!"

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Jason B.

(A couple of YEARS later..proves how helpful this site is even for Posts done some time ago. Don't know how I missed this before now!!} Jason! I'D OPEN YOUR LETTER..for sure! Will definitely try this and thanks for being upfront about where you got this idea! Will report back on results. Just have to get my Expired and Vacant Property Lists together.This idea helps to make a major task FUN to do, as well. I will do Exactly as you said to do it..I'm not about to waste my time trying to reinvent a wheel that is working smoothly. Semper Fi D-LO


The whole idea was to get her to call!! She did! It worked! Nuff said. Congratulations! Did you make an offer? That's also the whole idea behind contacting owners. Hope it all worked out for you. Semper Fi. D-LO


You "got it"! She called! It worked! Nuff said! Did you make an offer? Contacts are not complete until you've made a creative offer based on Seller's situation..that's what we do. And Assignments are How we do it to make a Profit when we haven't any money, & terrible credit rating. Congratulations. Hope it all worked out for you. Semper Fi. D-LO

When you send this letter

When you send this letter can you also send it if the owner shows as an LLC which most likely they are investors. Please advice. Thanks!!!!

Thanks Jason!

I'm not to going lie this is a good tip and I'm going to copy this letter so please don't sue me. LOL!

It Works

I use a similar version to this letter and it works great. Thank you for the great advertising technique Jason....

Yellow Letters

We have been sending out Yellow Letters for many years. We use Red Ink and a handwriting font for the best ROI.

We can stuff them into an envelope or self-mail them.

Red ink Works!

You can see more here:

Yellow Letters

I'd love to help you with your Yellow Letters... Do you still use them?

We have been sending out Yellow Letters for many years. We use Red Ink and a handwriting font for the best ROI.

We can stuff them into an envelope or self-mail them.

Red ink Works!

You can see more here:

Nice Job

As Roberta stated (she is my partner) this works and if you place something inside the letter as well it is like kids at xmas. I sent five letters out the first time I tried this two years ago. Got two calls and one of them landed me a 10,950 check....Wholesaled a short sale (I made it a short sale first)..You can do anything in this business if you just do it...NOW GO GET SOME

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