I notice there are a lot of greedy people out there. They want to squeeze every last dime out of a deal when they wholesale it to a cash buyer. That is a huge mistake.
In my area there are a couple wholesalers who keep raising their prices because they know I am a serious buyer. I kept warning them that their greed was getting the best of them. But they didn't listen to me. They just expected me to keep paying their higher prices.
Well, many of you may know that I don't just sit around and let stuff like that happen to me.
So what did I do to lower my prices from them? I unleashed good ol' american capitalism on them! Many of you may not understand capitalism so I will give you a quick definition.
The whole idea behind capitalism is that prices should never go up. If someone comes up with a great product that everybody wants then eventually someone else starts producing the exact same product and charges less for it creating competition. That competition eventually brings prices down. Thats good ol' american capitalism at its finest.
SO when I got tired of my prices from these wholesalers going up I decided to introduce competition! I went out there and worked with several new wholesalers and taught them how to find houses dirt cheap to sell to me. (can you imagine getting free training from me and then me buying houses from you after I showed you how to do it)
Now instead of me buying houses from 1 or 2 wholesalers in my area, I am buying from 5. My prices immediately went down and my volume went up.
Hmmmm.....why do I need the greedy wholesalers now?? I don't! And for the record I sent out several warnings to them but, they did not listen and now they are scratching and fighting for every last deal. Life is much harder for them.
Let this be a lesson to you. When you find a great cash buyer in your area treat them right.
Don't get greedy! Or else!
Matt Larson
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
Economic at it's best; playing hard ball with the hard ball players. Matt I guest you sent them back to school for a refresher course. I really appreciated that bit of education/information. Thanks for sharing.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
good ole' American capitalism working at its best. And there's plenty for EVERYONE to go around...as should be!! Really! Come on people...leave a little meat on the bone!
Now your "newly" acquired wholesalers are doing it "your" way. Well done Matt!!
Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!
"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/88171/...
so true- it also applies to contractors doing work for you-
the 1st time is good,
2nd time price goes up quality goes down
3rd time is greed and nasty...they dont realize or appreciate a good thing and will take advantage of you...YOU'RE FIRED!!!!
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Great post and so true,it seems like every corner you turn , someone is trying to screw you.
Thanks for keep us all informed, its very much apprecisted .
Curtis Fillers
And they didn't even know what they had or if they did - well.... Matt, come to NC, we will treat you right!!!
Great post as always,
What % do you like to pay, for properties someone else is bring to you? I am wanting to do the Wholesale & Assignment Contract deals for now. Like you said, I don't want to be greedy but of course want to make what I can on a wholesale deal. I do understand the whole "price yourself out of business", thing; which is why I am asking since you do so many. Look forward to your answer.
Have a good day
Just treat people how you want to be treated. That's how you should live your life. Great post Matt.
A good way to measure you assignment fee is this:
Your buyer should be able to make 3-4 times more profit than your fee.
example--if you assign a property for a $5000 fee, the buyer should be able to make $20,000 profit after all expenses.
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
Great rule to do business by, Remember the old saying " You never know what you have until you loose it"...Jan
that'll teach'em.
So you dont do wholesaling yourself anymore? You holding/renting or fix/flipping?
Don't Wish the Past, Create the Future! - DH
This is great stuff, so what do you typically pay for a fee?
... Verses: 35 "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; They will run and not grow weary, They will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 ...
Nothing good ever comes from greed. Sounds like some greedy wholesalers tried to hold your feet to the fire and they were the ones who got burnt. What goes around comes around. Outstanding post, Matt!
Would a cash buyer, like yourself, even bother with a property purchased off the mls? I only ask because there are a lot of properties in my area that are REOs and the prices keep dropping but not many are being bought. I scooped one up for $40K and after maybe a $15K rehab cost, should be able to sell it for $100K. I was going to rent it, but I'm not sure which direction to go. I'm a newbie, and am looking for advice from the veterans. Thanks for reading...
great info matt!....and its nice to see a "supposed tv student" actually "acting!"...keep it up matt!....
QUESTION...How do you feel like being a private lender?
Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve. FFA MOTTO
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I don't do private lending.
I can make a lot more money by investing it into my own projects.
You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!
good rei ethics go a long way!
thanks for posting and sharing this info with us...
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
Get your deals at 65%, minus repairs and your fee. Cash buyers want great deals, not just good deals.
Matt, you're right about greedy wholesalers. Not a lot of 'em know how to be DIFFERENT, or how to evaluate a deal right, so they can get repeat business.
Your buyer should be able to make 3-4 times more profit than your fee.
example--if you assign a property for a $5000 fee, the buyer should be able to make $20,000 profit after all expenses.
Very good advice and points to staying on top!
Bless and be blessed!
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There are way too many deals out there to be charging high assignment fees for them. You can make way more money on your volume of deals at a low price than one deal for $10k
You want your buyer to keep coming back for more.
Trust me, I started out trying to make $10k per deal and it got me nowhere.
I dropped my fee to $3k-$5k and now the buyers are happy.
Also, do most of the work for them.
I take pictures, I put the lock box on, I schedule inspections, I renegotiate with sellers for them etc.
All the buyer should have to do is buy the property and start his rehab on it.
Be full service like walmart, provide more than your buyer is expecting and do it for a low price.
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"In order for me to think outside the box, that would require me to acknowledge that the box actually exists. In my world, there is no box."
~Matt Larson~
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy And Safe New Year!!! Party on...
"Action and Mistakes" always-outweigh "Analysis Paralysis"
...Just do It"
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Thank you for the post and sharing. That is awsome that you take time to post here Matt. Thank you very much!
In my entire working life I have worked to have repeat customers over 1 big sale. I knew that I would make more from my repeaters in the long run than what I would get hustling the 1 time customer. I've proved it time and time again.
Make your customers want to do business with you and it will all work out for the best. You do that by being fair.
Happy new year everybody!!!
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 EDGE Alumni
It just like I always said. LEAVE ALITTLE MEAT ON THE BONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like Greg Murphy says "You have to leave a little meat on the bone" (that still cracks me up). However, I sometimes wonder what is an appropriate fee to charge. This info clears that up for me.
Matt, you're right about greedy wholesalers. Not a lot of 'em know how to be DIFFERENT, or how to evaluate a deal right, so they can get repeat business.
Your buyer should be able to make 3-4 times more profit than your fee.
example--if you assign a property for a $5000 fee, the buyer should be able to make $20,000 profit after all expenses.
Think less, Do more, Get results. - Dean Graziosi
The KING of making it happen ... and keeping it real.
Thanks Matt.
Wake Up In Your Dream, Because In Your Dream You Can Do ANYTHING!
Being Scared Is Not An Option.
drats ..oh well matt..do you know anyone that could be a private lender?...in in southeast ohio....if not dont worry about it...im still looking for one...
Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve. FFA MOTTO
Ben Franklin's Autobiography free audiobook download-
Excellent post! That additude gives us a bad name. I always say, "hogs get slaughtered and pigs get fed......I'd rather be a pig
"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."
Your buyer should be able to make 3-4 times more profit than your fee.
example--if you assign a property for a $5000 fee, the buyer should be able to make $20,000 profit after all expenses.
Here is what I think to be a good question. With all that comes into the rehabing, holding/carrying costs etc...How do newbie wholesalers like myself find out how much profit after all expenses the investor is going to make to predetermine our fee to keep everyone happy?
ARV 100,000 house, (use ARV*.65) so 65,000 less the repairs lets say 15,000 so we are selling the property to the investor for 50,000. How much profit are they really getting if this deal is accepted? I realize there is 35% left in that ARV but not all of it will go towards profit so that isn't a very accurate number to judge it or is that the number your talking about?
"I have my mountain in sight. I am climbing to the top and I will kick anyone off that stands in my way or tries to hold me back!" --quot by me.
--quot by me.
"My glass isn't half empty, its overflowing!" --quot by unknown modified by me.
"The sky isn't my limit I can keep going!" --quot by unknown modified by me.
"There are too many square people and I think a little differently if that makes me round hey its better than being flat"
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Hey Matt & DG Members,
I have to respond to Matt's post here, because I am doing a fair amount of wholesale deals in my area, and I can't completely agree with this analysis:
Your buyer should be able to make 3-4 times more profit than your fee.
example--if you assign a property for a $5000 fee, the buyer should be able to make $20,000 profit after all expenses.
And here is why I disagree with this..
Let's say for instance I have a property with an ARV of $150k and it needs a $30k rehab for resale. The formula I would use to determine the sale price in my area would be:
ARV x .65 - repairs = price
If I sent this property out to my buyer's list for $65k, and my buyer's agree to pay this price... should it matter what I make? Let's say I got this property under contract for $45k. If I were to use Matt's formula, I technically should only wholesale this property for a $7-10k fee, even though my buyer's are agreeing to a price that would give me a $20k fee.
I don't feel I should be giving away the extra equity I created in the deal to a buyer simply because he doesn't want to pay me a higher assignment fee. The fact is if I close on the property and then market it out, they would never know what I paid for it (property records take about 6 weeks to update). I could also close on it then put it on the MLS where there is tons of competition for really good deals right now and get even more for it.
I just wanted to throw that out there, but I do agree with Matt that wholesalers need to do things correctly when dealing with their buyers. They have to stick to the numbers and never give out false expectations on rehab or ARV estimates. Bottom line is if you are a wholesaler and don't want your buyers taking advantage of you, make sure you have a lot of buyers! Everything I am saying is for more advanced wholesalers and not for beginners, but it's just another point of view I had to mention, because I can't stand buyers who tell me they don't want to pay me a $20k fee or more even though they already agreed the price was right. If a buyer does this then they will only be contacted when I have a marginal deal where I know my assignment fee will be small.
Matt's formula is definitely recommended for all wholesalers who are just starting out, but don't sell yourself short if you are able to get a price accepted that you can make a life changing amount of money on! I did a deal in August where our assignment fee was $43,000, and the buyer was perfectly fine paying it, because he made a 35% ROI when he sold the property. He bought it from us for $85k (our contract price was $42k), put about $60k into it and sold it for $230k. This buyer is always coming back to me for more properties and I will continue giving him the properties first since he doesn't mind paying me a high assignment fee as long as the numbers work for him.
This is just another view from a wholesaler's perspective, but I know some Cash buyers will probably disagree with me. =)
To Our Success in 2012!!!
Larry F
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Larry F.
The Flip Kid
If you look at the context of the post, the example was given of wholesalers in HIS AREA. I am a wholesaler in the same area and he is right about keeping the fees low. You see, our average ARV is anywhere from $50k-$150k and most of the properties here are over 100 years old and they need a lot of rehab. A $10,000 fee in our market is really tough to get unless you can get a $150k property for $50k and it needs minimal rehab.
Its all in the numbers, your buyer should be able to make $20k-$40k when they sell or refinance the property.
Bottom line is this
I agree with Matt and I agree with Larry on this one.
You have to know your market and what kind of prices you need to be at.
You have to know your buyers and know what they want.
You have to keep your buyers happy, if your buyer will pay you a higher fee then great.
Just make sure you leave enough profit in the deal that they come back begging for another one.
You can make more money on volume than on price per deal.
If you want more price per deal then your going to have to negotiate harder with your seller, not your buyer.
Remember, your buyer is in controll, the seller is at the mercy of a buyers market right now and they will be for a long time to come.
Bottom line is...
Buy Cheap, Sell Cheap, Sell Often!
Earn repeat business!
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"In order for me to think outside the box, that would require me to acknowledge that the box actually exists. In my world, there is no box."
~Matt Larson~