In this final blog before Christmas, Dean reveals the three things you need to absolutely make money, right now - and well into the new year.
So crank up your speakers and get ready for a whiteboard lesson in real estate profits!
And from ALL of us, we wish you much joy and many blessings as we go into this holiday week!
Thanks for taking the time to share another weekly video blog with us. I enjoy hearing your words of wisdom each week. Each week I believe I learn something new from the video blogs that better prepares me and motivates me for an even better tomorrow. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge, insight and motivation with all of us as we head into 2010. We hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
- Joe and Stacey
Happy Holidays to you, your family and your staff.
I really liked this blog. I liked that you reminded people to just forget about yesterday and concentrate on today. I know this is always a hard task to do, but it is something that all of us need to work on. Sometimes in life we can't change things in our past, but we sure can make the future so much better. To often then not we sit and struggle with what we should of done and not realize that what has happened is just that, it happened and we can make it better. I always say, everything is a learning experience, it is what you learn from the experience that matters the most.
There is always so much knowledge that you share with all of your students. I hope that everyone goes out and tries to overcome their obstacles and listens to your live confrence call, this tuesday, to hear about how to build a buyers list.
Hello DG Family....2010 is going to be an awesome year. Just Believe you can get through anything and know that Dean will help you along the way. Isn't it also great to know that everyone here on the DG site is here to help each other along the journey too. You are never alone. I think they said it the best in the movie Lilo and Stitch...OHANA...means one gets left behind.
Happy Holidays!
2010 is going to rock!!!!!!!
Carpe Diem
Ho Ho Ho and a Very Merry Builders List To You!
I just added my first name to my very own buyers list in my town! He was one of my very first contacts from a bandit sign and we both saw eye to eye it was sooo cool! I may not make any assignments or lease options right now but thanks to your knowledge and the DG family on the site with all the positive feedback, 2010 will be an outstanding year! I will be be making deals to get my family out of the welfare trap and I don't care about the threat from the state about being on the streets if I buy real estate. That's because by the time they figure it all out, I'll have enough to place my family into a REAL Home! Thank you Dean and keep those Vids coming because they mean so much.
Merry Christmas To All, and To All A Good REI Year!
Bill G.
P.S. The more we are around negativity, the more we begin to believe it and allow it to become part of who we are...that is just the opposite of what God wants us to do with our life.
2010 is Our Year
Dean you have outlined the essentials of real estate success that are vital to getting the deals done. Your enthusiasm and encouragement makes it possible to look to a brighter future in 2010. We are survivors and could do anything we put our minds to. 2010 here we come. Happy Holidays.
Happy Holidays
Thanks for another great blog Dean. Can't wait for the new book. You and your family and your team enjoy the holidays and here is to a very success filled 2010 for everyone!
Blog 56
Great motivation and steps to take to keep pressing forward. Merry Christmas to all.
Thanks Dean
Another great blog and another bit of great information.I love these blogs because of the info you keep handing out. It has sure helped Jeremy and I get to where we are now and way beyond in 2010. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family.....Jan
Thank you, Dean.
Great words of wisdom and advice. Now, to carry them out. Tuning out the negativity means tuning out part of my own brain, or perhaps it means stopping the negative and then replacing it with the positive. Without adding the positive, I've discovered, the negative comes right back (the old "nature abhors a vacuum" idea
) and that's where I have stumbled in the past--renewing my mind, as the Bible describes it. When I can do that, faith grows, and turning obstacles into challenges becomes easier. Thank you for reminding me of this today.
Merry Christmas to you, Dean, and to your family and staff and all the DG family! And may 2010 be a year of fruitfulness and giving back as so many on this site have already shown by their example.
Thank you!!
Thanks Dean for another great blog. 2010 will be a great year and it will be ampted up now that I am a member of the DG family. I said this before and I would like to re-itterate that I speak about this site and all the members and Dean on a daily basis. People look at me a little weirdbut that is OK I am use to it LOL. A couple friends are now asking me questions on the side. I have even had one friend join. I hope that by spending a couple dollars and some time reading books and blogs I will change my life and if I halped change a friends life in the process it's a win-win situation for me, my friend(s) and the DG family. I hope everyone enjoys the holiday season and I also hope that 2010 will be a rockin' year.
from Earl in MI and family
more reasons to get motivated
Thanks Dean
Merry christmas everyone and a prosperous New Year
Later Fred E
Good morning Dean!
Thank you for another great blog!!, the reminders, and the tips on how to get prepared to make money! I tend to forget how scared I was when I first started (cripplingly so!). It has become so easy and second nature to make these deals happen. I really need to remember where I came from (scared to death, with negative all around!!) so I can appreciate even more where I am today (I count my blessings every day!).
I like how Sandy put it, "stopping the negative and then replacing it with the positive. Without adding the positive, I've discovered, the negative comes right back".
That is very true, if a person works very hard to get the negative out, they HAVE to fill it with the positive and move AHEAD, or they begin to doubt themselves and slip back into the "old. When you fill the void with something great, there's no room for the old crap to sneak back in. (sorry, couldn't think of a nice word for it).
I hope and pray that as we move into the new year, all of us can "clean house", so to speak, and use the knowledge and encouragement you give us, Dean, (and that we give each other) to really make a permanent change in attitude and in our circumstances.
Blessings to all and a Very Merry Christmas and an AWESOME NEW YEAR!!!
P.S. Looking forward to the call tomorrow night! I feel like it's the first Christmas present I get to open this year!!
Thank you in advance Dean and Jeff!
Hope everybody gets the chance (makes the opportunity) to listen in. It will give a jumpstart on a 2010 full of REI blessings!!!
The blog is much appreciated
Dean, I've not been able to be on the site in quite a while and just now jumping on when I literally have 1-3 minutes to when I can. This blog was a good way for me to return to the site. Sometimes breaking things down simply into those tiny bite-sized chunks is all it takes to remind someone that it isn't as hard as we can make it out to be. I'm sure others have an "ah ha" moment. For me, it's simply a terrific reminder & re-enforcement.
Thank you for this site, the motivation and all of the education you provide.
Happy Holidays to you and yours and the entire DG staff and DG family!
great blog
thank you dean for ANOTHER valuable lesson from you on these subjects.i cant wait to get your new book and learn MORE!!. THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO FOR US!!have an awesome holiday dean YOU DESERVE IT!!
Hey Dean....
You're our energizer bunny... You keep going and going. lol. Thanks for all the great blogs, I'm looking forward to the call on Tuesday with Jeff before I head to Tucson to see my grandson.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!!
Thank you, Dean - Blog #56
Thank you Dean for another great, encouraging and informative blog. I'm looking forward to 2010 and I can't wait till the new book is ready. Your last blog before Christmas gives me a good feeling. I predict that 2010 will end up being your biggest growth year ever! I feel an energy and enthusiam along with a warmth on the site that is different than I, personally, have ever felt before. I believe that this will translate into a force that will be unstoppable for you and your companies as well as for your students. Thanks again to you, Dean and all your staff that work tirelessly to keep this motor running. 2010 is going to be a great year. I know that I intend to do all I can to make my prediction come true since it means that countless members of the DG family will have found their own new comfort level, their new "normal". No more struggling, no more headaches and stomach aches caused by the stress of not having enough money. Imagine what 2011 will be like after an unprecedented 2010!
Terry Smith
Blog 56
Hi Dean and Dean family,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! Go get that buyer's list - it is one of the most important parts of this business. This afternoon, we closed on our first deal - HOORAY! - We did NOT let the negativity out there stop us and continued to pursue our dream. It has now just begun and each deal will become sweeter as we go through 2010.
Bless all of you in your endeavors in 2010. Pursue your dreams. Do not give up!
Thanks Dean
Dean I would just like to say that you have helped and inspired me more than anyone in my whole life has. Also, I want you to know that if I did not see your commercial this year I probably would be stuck in a rut for the rest of my life. Thanks Dean for helping me to see that their is more to life than just being under someones thumb.To you and all of your coaches and staff have yourself a merry little Christmas and let's rock 2010.
Damion Davidson
once again i am thankfull for the time you have taken dean to share your experience and skill with us. very usefull information especially for me as i am just getting started. all i can say is ok ok ill get goin on the buyers list! thanks again
and MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. I have a little girl that melts my heart too
Another very informative blog!!! Los of great info in a short period of time. Happy Holidays and looking forward to a great 2010!
Buyer's List
Happy holidays to you and yours Dean!I have 2 people on buyer's list so far and counting. Cant wait for the call tomorrow with you and Jeff!
Hey Dean, thanks so much for another powerful, and inspirational blog. It just amazes me how much you care, and how hard you work for everyone on this site. Have a very Merry Christmas, and a happy & healthy 2010, Mike in ct..
Thank you Dean for this video blog. I needed this more than ever with eviction in 2 days. This simple strategy is the motivating boost I needed. Thank you again. I feel that I can find a way.
Happy Holidays and Thank You
To all on the DG site - Happy and Safe Holidays.
To Dean - yet again THANK YOU...
happy holidays to you and your family and staff
thank you
Happy Holidays
Thank you so much, Dean, for another great blog. I know I all who overcomes the negativity and turn obstacles into challenges, gonna make a lot of money in 2010, not only that. They will become better people by helping others and going toward achievement of their goals.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody,
Thanks Dean
This is one of the most amazing group of people I have ever had the opportunity to work with, and it keeps getting better. I havent made not 1 sale yet, but I am very informed and I know what I must do. Thanks to you all, 2010 is going to be a very good year for me, because I can feel it. Happy Holidays to everyone. Look out for me in 2010.
x-mas blog
Hi Dean
I really look forward to your weekly blogs they are allways full of great info. I need to work on my buyers list because right now its empty. Not completely empty I'm letting everyone know what I'm doing and I have a few people wanting a house (friends). But just starting out I dont want to learn with friends and maybe mess things up with our friendships. I'm giving them info and strating out slow with them. What I want to do is purchase for myself and rent them out.
Well thanks for the blog.
How to Profit in your Town Right Now.
This video was right on time for me. My fear is making deal without having the money to follow through on the sale. I lost my job in April and has exhausted my savings maintaining my mortgage, personal expenses and establishing the business to become the successful investor that you want us all to be. I am doing everything to get the business going to establish the credibilty for capital to that I can get lenders, other investors, etc. Sometimes when I read the blogs, everyone seems to be doing so well. But, I feel that I am going in the wrong directions because others seems to be progressing so much faster than I am. Am I wrong in trying the get the business, business plans, tax, etc in order first?
Hi, I read your comments and
I read your comments and have felt just like you. But I have also realized that there will always be people that do things at a differant pace than you. As long as you keep trying to attain your goals you are doing everything you can. At any given time in your life you can stop and think of people that are better off than you but at the same time there are people way worse off. I guess what I'm trying to say is, try not to have self doubt you need to be your biggest supporter, motivator, driving force! You will get there at your pace. Keep on trying.
Good luck
Thank you Dean!
Thank you for another great weekly blog!
Happy Holidays and looking forward to a great 2010