We have a big FREE training call coming up on Tuesday that you don't want to miss. Be sure to register now if you haven't already!
In this Blog Dean reveals some of what he is going to cover on that call. He also shares a story of what a visitor to his home said to him that really bugged him. It has to do with beliefs about "luck" and this is priceless. Watch now.
More Info - How Great Is That!?!
Thank you again for your consistent help. I will be there Tuesday at 9PM
Thanks for doing another weekly video blog for us. We can't wait to listen to the Tuesday night conference call. I am sure it will be packed with great information. You are an inspiration that shows if you are determined and work hard you can achieve success. The American Dream is alive and well! When you work hard and achieve success, try to be as proud of yourself as your true friends are as proud of you. We wish you continued success in all you do! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
"The harder I work, the luckier I get." - Samuel Goldwyn
"Diligence is the mother of good luck." - Benjamin Franklin
Thank you Dean! looking forward to the call! thank you for the small bank locator-it is awesome, already found 4 in my area! ...working hard so that I'll be lucky too
looking forward
Hey this sight is fantasic been a dg family member going on a year and just starting to get involed and wishing this was dropped on my head sooner thankyou for everything and hope to see you in the funnies one day up and personal
Thanks Dean
For taking the time to give us another blog. We will be on the call Tuesday.
Steve and Veronica.
Cant wait for the call, I'm
Cant wait for the call, I'm registered and ready to learn!
Ever since taking action, I have changed my mindset. I don't look at those who have closed their first deals and multiple deals after as "lucky" They may be ahead of me, but in the long run, I will be there too!
I haven't closed anything yet, but I feel it. I feel it right around the corner. Thank you for all that you do for us.
Thanks for another great video blog
Hi Dean,
Looking forward to Tues. night. Just want to keep filling my mind with real estate investing, I know it is going to happen for us too. I just can't say enough for the DG site. It is giving me everything back that I need to get going again with my life. There is so much here to get. I never realized how much I needed networking. I can't say enough. Diligence and hard work is the only way. You won't have that great feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment without it.
That is a good lesson Dean. Thanks for preparing us for our own success.
See ya Tues noc. Big blessings to you and your family.
Fantastic Blog
Dean your blog was first, educational as well as inspirational. Luck as you so rightly mentioned will not get us the success we seek. As you did and we have to realize that it takes goal, planning and execution to acquire outcome. Of course this is always durable, if we remain steadfast and focus on the tasks ahead. Thanks Dean for your weekly encouragement through you blog. Looking forward to the conference call on Tuesday.
Dean, Thanks for putting my questions at the top of your list. Can't wait to hear the call.
Great Start to a Brand New Week
Thanks Dean for some great motivation to begin this week. Looking forward to Tuesday's call.
I am reminded of the pot of crabs that needs no cover, as anytime one crab starts to climb up and reach it's way to freedom, another crab pulls it back down into the pot. It's not easy, thanks Dean for the encouragement, stay strong, I believe in you.
Thanks Dean
And I thought I worked more than anyone. I still find time to watch your Blogs and it keeps me looking forward. Now all I have to do is work in the time to work more on investing in real estate. I'll be listening in on the call.
Thanks Dean!
Appreciate that you spend so much of your time helping us. What you offer for training and your weekly motivation has helped so many get a new start in life.
Being totally alone doing this is so hard, and you make everyone feel part of the family.
Thanks for all the work you put in this for us.
Wow !! Just Getting Started
I have just finished Dean's book Become A Real Estate Millionaire. I have been studying the SFL program. Drove the neighborhood and have a few addresses of properties for sale both by Realators and FSBO. The possitive feed back from Dean and all the DG Family is AWESOME !!! I work 60 Hrs. a week so trying to figure out what I need to change to start building my Team. No available time during the work day to contact Realators, Bankers ect. I work straight through lunch. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Looking forward to the call!!!!
God Bless You Dean
Sincerely, ElroyH
great blog
Very motivational and incuraging(Thinh and Grow Rich).All you need is a P.M.A.every morning to get started,remember everyone smiles in the same language,oh yeah a P.M.A,is free and very rewarding,Dean I love your blogs ,a great way to start of the week, many thanks from hyattwood007.Looking forward to the call on tuesday.
"DG", What A Friend & More We Have In You !
What a True Friend, Leader, & Overall Asset we have in you ! Thank You, "DG", for Living & Loving, for Caring & Sharing . May GOD continue to Abundantly Bless, Protect, Prosper, & Favor you & yours! ** With Heartfelt Gratitude, "blessings4u2" (Stephen McLeod, North Carolina, Sept 13, 2010 AM) ... " On tomorrow night, ' I'll see you on the radio ' ... I mean on the PC !! (SMILE) **
Blog 94
I signed up last week and I will be in on the call. My process has been slow and steady. I continue to work at this. This is a process. I do know one thing. I will not give up, because I have the passion and energy to make this happen. Your blogs and motivation are a great way to start the week.
John - Liveadream
Hi Dean,
You are always an inspiration. Can wait to close the first deal and share the news. Will be there on Tuesday.
You touch home with your
You touch home with your blogs and give hope to those trying to succeed.
God Bless You and Your Family!
Thank You!!
I really love this site and I also wanted to thank you how you have inspired me to move forward in this great adventure. I am new to this and hope that I can succeed in fact I know that I can. I just need to take my first step. There so many great stories and I have to say I enjoy receiving emails from you Dean. I feel that I am starting to get my life back. I have read your books and ready to read them again and get all the knowledge that possibly can from the books as well as your site.
Thank you again for giving me hope and inspiration to move forward in this great adventure. I am proud to be a part of this great family of investors. I am looking forward to the conference call and can't wait!
Thanks Dean...
for your unwavering commitment to the success of your students. I can't wait 'til the call on Tuesday, I'm sure it will be informative as always. I also can't wait to learn who the "mystery guest" is on the call
Thanks again Dean, Best Regards. Steve Cannon, Lakewood, New Jersey
I agree!
I totally agree with your philosophy of generously sharing knowledge & wisdom with everyone who will listen. It is unfortunate when the losers tell you what you're doing wrong when in reality they haven't done much that is right.
Blow past them & hang out with the winners! Winners deserve what they have. That's why they're winners!
NY & AZ.
Dean, You Are The Man !
Thankyou Dean for all the information you give us to become successful in this venture. Minot Estese
Can't Wait
Looking forward for the call tomorrow. I am new and have a few questions on my own that i know will be address because its so common, but i also know that there are alot of questions i did not think about which will be a great learnig tool to get that information.
Looking forward in hearing the great questions from the DG family.
Take care and God Bless...........
The difference between you and your friend is. Your not afraid to work and put the time and energy into what ever you do. Can your friend say the same. People who work get what they want. People who dream,have exactely what they put into it, dreams.
I follow you and take your advise because you do what you say. Thanks for your support and advise
thank you for your blogs.
you're an inspiration to us,but there are those who choose to believe in luck.no such thing.
desire and action will win out everytime.
keep moving forward,rob
Thanks for all your support!!
The more I watch your videos, the more I can see that you speak from your heart... and that you really mean the things you say to us (your students)
Thanks a lot Dean for beleive in us sometimes more than ourselves....
I wont miss the call for anything....
Take care and God bless you!!
tues call
thanks dean for your NON STOP mentoring !! i heard one time that luck is nothing more than
and the correct knowledge comes from you,this site,success academy,other successful students,and the hard work and action we put forth to follow the paTH that you set for us day in and day out !!
how can anyone not succeed ??
Weekly blog
Thanks for the encouragement. We are still trying to get started. We know this can work, we just have to get working. It is hard to find the time when you both work full-time, but we will get there.