Its just amazing what a couple of deals can do, isn't it? As many of you know, my husband has been critical of my entire journey, and has not stood behind me at all. This slowly started to change after taking my first property subject to.
But, with this most recent deal has him ready to take action with me! This was a big hurdle to overcome! Its hard to fight the current all the time! God is great! Thanks Dean for all the advice on ignoring naysayers in our lives! And, now look, he's onboard when the deals start rolling!
I'm STOKED! (Ok, giving away my age using that word!) But, this is a GREAT feeling! Just wanted to share!
Hi Tammy, I left a message on your website for Zion Properties. I hope you will be able to help. I have been blessed with a husband that is not a naysayer but is supporting me and hoping that I am successful. At first he was leary about me talking to men that neither of us knew but realized that these guys are talking to me about business and not interested in anything personal. I am happy that your husband is backing you up now, it is hard enough in this business but to have someone that is not believing in what your doing is hard. Hope you are successful in what you are doing.
You might not know but I read alot of post here. I have read quite a few of your post. Keep it up. I was in a similiar situation when I stated out. I shut my mother up and bought her a car...LOL
. God is great!
To get something you've NEVER HAD
DO something you've NEVER DONE.
Great job Tammy by sticking with this REI. Keep up the good work.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
Tammy that is so great!!! It must be such a weight lifted off your shoulders. Mine still hasn't come around and I feel like I am swimming against the tide all the time. It's exhausting! LOL I could be so much more productive if he were with me instead of against me. I am so-so-so happy for you!!!! ((((((Tammy)))))))
great to hear this news tammy !! now you head straight up the ladder with your hubby pushing you all the is an amazing feeling when your spouse supports you and the weight is lifted off .
now go getum ......HAPPY FOR YOU !!!!!!!
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When I saw the title of this on the home page, I KNEW it was you. that is great news and will make your life so much easier having a partner in realestate as well as in life.
Cathy B
Follow my progress at:
GOD is good all the time! He said just wait on me, I may not get there when "you" want me to, but I'll come right on time! It may have taken awhile, but praise GOD your husband is now a believer!
Thanks for sharing.
Peace and Blessings,
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.”
- Nelson Mandela
I relied on so many people here at this site and Dean's weekly blogs to get me through the times when I had so much negativity and criticism in my home life.
This really is a family here at I've had so many people help me and there are so many uplifting people from this site to bring me up when I was really in the dumps when I didn't have a support system at home. I come here ANY time I had negativity pushing on me. This won't mean a total end to negativity, however, it is a HUGE step, and will make a big difference in my life!
Love you guys and Dean, you always give me such a boost in being able to accomplish what so many people and 'professionals' in the industry told me I couldn't do. God works through people and places them in our lives. I believe its no coincidence!
I'm glad to hear it -- now he'll be helping you push in the SAME direction, instead of him pulling in an opposite direction. The synergy will be great!
My hubby's comment was "you're dragging me along one way or the other, huh?"
Keep smiling! Continued blessings to you.
Thanks, Nadine
** Realtor/Investor in Lancaster County, PA
His Hope Enterprises LLC
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The difference in momentum that positive group energy brings to a project is unreal. It is so much simpler to attain something with this energy then the reverse. I look forward to hearing more successes and to sharing my first deal with everyone on here.
Don't Count the Days, Make the Days Count!!
SO VERY HAPPY to hea rthat this has happened for you. My wife is at least supportive, though nervous. Who isn't, right? Keep on trucking!!! Maybe he'll even make additional efforts to watch the kids when it's possible so you can head to meetings and showing without them for a change!!
Kevin A Goldman
Goldman's Gardens Real Estate, LLC
Wholesale Real Estate Investing
Great Success to Us All!
My Journal:
Why do I deserve this? Because everyone should be able to enjoy their life, not struggle through an existence.
but remember what I said;
your husband might like NASCAR, that doesn't mean you have to.
If your mate doesn't support you,......SO WHAT???
The thing is you can't make them get interested in something whether or not it might benefit them in a positive way; if it interests you, and you enjoy it, why does your mate have to be involved or supportive???
Just keep doing it yourself. Thats your 'ME' time.
I was doing it without him but in constant battles of disapproval (to put it nicely). Not having to deal with battles constantly is a BIG step towards focusing time and energy on more positive things; and with 2 people working on things instead of 1, more productive outcomes. The daily battle took a MAJOR toll on me. I came on here many times to just get away from him and focus on the more positive atmosphere here. Maybe you've been lucky to not be in this situation, but its very trying to deal with on a daily basis, and to always do things wrong in someone's eyes is very dampening and disheartening. Just as Dean tells us, put yourself in a positive atmosphere and stay away from the negative. It WILL be much more productive being in a more positive atmosphere!
I am excited for you and wish both of you a big boost in investing!
Though many of us our totally alone and trying to do this, it makes it harder when friends or relatives keep "doubting this works."
I am staying with a friend who is a contractor/builder, and he watches some of Deans training with me, then walks away, and even when I got excited about my first contract last week, he just acted like so what, hope it works! Just brings you down when there is no one to be even happy for you it really takes the wind out my sails!
I keep thinking of quitting because it is so hard to do it all alone.
So it wasn't just getting your husband on board, it also means the weight of not sharing it with him, is over.
So, happy investing!!
Congrats Tammy! That's a huge roadblock that has been cleared. Now just put your head down and run straight ahead. You've got so much opportunity ahead of you!
Sandi, I relate with you on so many levels. There was a lot of belittling and being told how I was wasting my time with all this because we've been told we could not invest in real estate anymore, so it was a constant battle. I proved that I CAN do it on my own, but he's all hyped up about it now, Like I've been since November of last year. That extra positive energy and outlook from him is changed from night to day. Its going to be a lot easier from here on! Keep with it Sandi, DON'T give up or quit! Its not an option!
It is CERTAIN we will SUCCEED!
On the conversion of your deal, and congrats on the conversion of your husband!!
Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors
I think that's Fantastic that you have made it through that test and are on to the next RE phase with your husband backing you up! And I know what you were going through!! I am in the same spot. Two weeks ago I got "The Talk" from my wife how I needed to let Real Estate Investment thing go... that I could not devote so much time to it because I have kids to think about! And of course, she tells me everyone is on her side! My in-laws, her brothers and sisters, her friends they all agree that this is something that I should only do on the side.
I instead see this as an opportunity that I just cannot let pass me by. I am doing everything I know how to do to stay in this game. I think as long as I stay in this game I will be successful and the success will surpass what I could ever do in the 9 to 5.
It is so satisfying to hear someone thank you for a job like a subcontractor did the day before yesterday. Someone is happy to be working for me!
Congratulations to you and I congratulate your husband too in "seeing the light"~!
Roger Schafer
Jaguar Investment Group
URL for Journal :
All things are possible to him who believes! ----- Mark 9:23
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity ------ Albert Einstein
I am so happy for you! Many of us have and can relate to your situation, unfortunately. However, at the end of the day it boils down to that good ol' saying "TWO HEADS ARE BETTER THAN ONE"! May God continue to keep you and your husband on successful paths!
~Act successful! And you'll draw it to you.~
~Every achievement, big or small, begins in your mind. It starts as a thought.~
I know you probably feel as though you could jump through hoops now!
I have read most of your journal and MANY of your posts here on site. Can't help but have the utmost admiration for you and your "won't quit" attitude. I feel this is the quality we all must possess in order to be successful!
I too, am in a similar situation. Although not negative on a daily basis; my wife is giving me more of a "show me the money" attitude. I'm currently blessed with her having patience, but know that it won't last forever. I feel that I'm doing things right this time and results are just around the corner.
It's great to see this positive change take place for you. Believe me; there are many of us that can relate. Keep up the good work. The sky's the limit!!!
Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!
"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal:
Well, I guess I'm lucky. My fiance is really supportive. I just want to get some deals going so I can have someone to help me do the work! haha...
Jason Gill
and thank you for sharing your joy with the rest of us!
Thankfully, my wife is behind me all the way - I can't imagine how tough this would be if she wasn't. Like you said, just the constant negativity taking a toll on you each and every day.
"The proof is in the pudding" -- wow, much truth in that, isn't there?
Keep up the great work!
"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman
"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman
Tammy, maybe he was not negative, but skeptical about you being taken advantage off. Remember it happens all the time. Now that he understands the process, supporting you will increase your earning potential. Unlike those naysayer who despite your success, they still believe that it is all a scam. Congrats on your triumph. I am so happy for you, all the best in future deals. God Bless.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Thanks for the encouraging words. I wish it was just skepticism, but it was definitely not only the skepticism, but very negative and critical. But, the atmosphere is definitely different now, its hard to describe, but its like being in a different house. The verbal criticism has been toned downed 100fold, and the negative vibe has swindled down tremendously. He is absolutely baffled at the profit spread of this current deal, and can't believe the amazing numbers on just this one deal. It took him talking to 2 other brokers and the listing real estate agent telling him how incredible this deal is for it to hit him on the head, despite me showing him all the comps, calculations with the holding costs, and looking at another properties open house that needs $35-40K of work and they are asking $50K more than we got ours for.
So, yes he is skeptical, but he is also generally a very NEGATIVE person towards me.
PS. I have another all cash buyer thanks to listing on craigslist to wholesale it to who is super interested in it, but I'm going to go for the all out full investor profit and do a fix and flip. Making it happen! Loan could close in as little as 5 days. Yipppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Getting the key tomorrow, having a few things inspected that like the AC and the electric panel.
God Bless you!
It is certain we will succeed!
Tammy in a phone Conversation. I told you, Congratulations on winning This Race. That is one of the Biggest Burden lifted off your shoulders. God is Good All The Time, to ALL of Us. He may not come when you want him but Believe Me He is Always on time. Now Take him and Run. I will see you at the top.I Know now you are happy.
My husband and I work together in a family business. I have been saying for years we need to start investing in real estate so we can get out of our business and just do real estate and have more fun! He keeps saying that we will someday but every time I try to get him to sit down and watch one of the EDGE DVD's or listen to one of Deans CD's he just wants relax right now and do it later. We do own a rental property and a commercial property that we just sold "lease/purchase" so it's not like we haven't done any investing. I have a real estate license too, so he thinks anything real estate related is something I am working on with my Broker. However I been on this DG site learning and meeting other people I am very close to doing a couple of deals on here... When that happens he will be the 1st to know and I am sure this will be the turning point for him! He's not Negative just not as interested as me. But I think once he see the $$$ that will definitely change his mind.
Best of Luck with your new partner!
Your story is very inspirational to say that least. Even though the person whose supposed to be their with you thick and thin, wasn't sure how to handle this, you stuck in there. You have prospered in several property ventures. I pray continued blessings upon you and your husband.
Michelle W
"Great Expectations"
Michelle W
Great Expectations
Great Job, Keep it up.Your an inspiration.
Take care
Curtis Fillers
God really is good. The whole thing is coming full circle and all the many months of hard work is starting to pay off. If all things go as planned, I'm looking to make $88K on this deal. How could he NOT see that this is well worth the effort?
He has been helping me make phone calls and setting things up and getting insurance quotes; it is really accelerating EVERYTHING.
Because for me to make calls with 4 kids it was no easy task! He was on the phone today while I showered and kept getting interrupted as I have since I started this journey and he gave me a lot of credit because he started going crazy and getting very frustrated with the constant interruptions! He said he doesn't know how I've done it all this time.
That is the biggest compliment I've gotten from him in a very long time! 
Your persistence and hard work are paying off BIG! My husband was skeptical until I got my tuition refund, even though I had made about $70K prior to that on my first deals. Your profit is fantasic! You will continue to do great with your eye on the Lord and your husband's support. Mine still gets nervous now and then, but its OK. Reaching for the mark of the high calling.......
Blessings & Favor,
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I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13
Psalm 1:1-3