School's still in session this week as Dean continues with the rest of the lesson on getting your low offer accepted.
Last week you saw how to arrive at the best, fair but exceptionally profitable number to offer for a property.
This week you'll see how to help people understand why your offer is realistic without getting yelled at or hung up on.
Arm yourself with this lesson and get a deal under your belt this week. Enjoy!
another great lesson
Thanks again Dean,
You've laid out the basics here very well. Remember fam - it's just people taking to people. We have the training, we research the market and we respond to the cues given us. Bandit signs do work. I've got to get more up pronto! I am not, however, getting 3 phones calls a day - better rethink my locations and timing.
Hey - can't wait to see many of you at the Edge (especially you Dean:)) I've had the great pleasure of meeting a lot of you in earlier training and it will be so fun to see you again and to meet many more members. I'm ready to get fired up anew!
And Happy Mother's Day ladies,
great job
learning a lot from the blogs and the Dg family thanks everyone
Excellent Dean
Excellent ! That is exactly what I need. You are a great teacher. Thanks
Low Offers
Nice Blog Dean.I have actually used that technique before with the foreclosure comparison,the Lady wasnt insulted but she understood what I meant.I didnt get the deal,but was great practice. It does work,she never seemed insulted at all.Always enjoy your videos.
Take care
Curtis Fillers
Extremely Helpful
Thanx Dean that was great. I'm hanging in there. Its coming, with all this new info. it's working.
Have a great day
Karen in Norfolk, Va
Happy Mom's Day to the ladies
Great Advice
Another great blog with great information.Sounds like a good way to generate qualified leads with minimal investment.I always love watching your blogs each week.Your a great teacher Dean from many different angles.Wish I were going to The Edge this year.2012 I will be there-GOD Willing.
GOD Bless you & your family,
(Corpus Christi,TX)
Thanks for doing another weekly video blog for all of us. Thanks for sharing the tips on negotiating deals with potential motivated sellers. It is so true that we want to find people that "need" to sell not those that just "want" to sell.
Sometimes if we choose how we phrase our thoughts that can make all the difference in the world. It's true that people will do business with people they like and part of that is determined by what and how we say it. We must choose our words wisely which may lead to more and more deals.
We wish you continued success in all you do! We are looking forward to the Gain the EDGE 2011 Event this week! I know it will be amazing! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
P.S. Happy Mother's Day to all Moms
great information. As an investor, we always have to be thinking of the big picture if we want to make it in real estate.
Thanks for the tips on dealing with sellers. The more we can relate to a seller the better we have a chance at closing the deal at our price. Sometimes being a good listener is the most important part of the negotiation. What we say and how we say it may determine if we have a "dud" or a "deal" on our hands. We look forward to the Gain the EDGE 2011 Event this week! Carpe Diem! :0) - Stacey * * * HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! * * *
Thanks for the K-I-S-S strategy. As I will be making new bandit signs this week, I have been a little nervous about how to handle the "first call negotiations". This will keep me from wasting a lot of time with unmotivated tire-kickers and let me use the small amount of valuable time I have looking at the houses that could be potential deals.
Best wishes,
Thank You Dean
For some more great information. Dean I just have to let you know that you run a class act. Veronica and I went to another 3 day real estate tranining class by another guru that is on TV a lot also. We went to network with other like minded investors. I have to say Dean you are the best. Your information your staff and the cost of your academy is by far the best fee for advanced training. Don't ever change Dean. We will see you at the Edge this weekend.
Steve and Veronica.
Thank you Prof. DG
awesome blog!
learned more in this 6 minute blog than I have learned in an entire day seminar...
these are great mini reviews; keep them coming! we are paying attention in your class!
Powerful and True Dean..
It is so simple but very powerful. When your dealing with somebody, listen and understand what their needs are. You'll learn quickly what those are. People want to be understood and when they are that gets them liking and trusting you; which for me being in the car biz has helped close the deal more often when their comfortable with you. The old saying, "Treat others as you'd like to be treated".
Thanks for the reminder
Treating people with respect and you will receive the same!! I don't think you can make it any more simple than these last two video blogs!
Thanks for the GREAT TRAINING
Thanks Dean, you really are a great trainer. This is exactly what I needed. It is not only a great topic, but so clearly presented. I was a trainer for AT&T, actually a TRAINING DELIVERY ANALYSIST. You did a super job with this training.
I know you didn't do this for the praise, it is a wonderful thing you are doing for us. I need more confidence. This lesson brought my confidence level up from 50% to 75%. THANKS, THANKS, THANKS...
I don't know how you do it. A special week-end for a family man like you, and you are right on target bright and early Monday morning.
Very simple, yet effective x 100!
This is it in a nutshell, isn't it? We (I) tend to make this harder than it should be and really is. Thanks Dean!!!! Happy Mother's Day, moms
You read my mind
Dean your blogs are always so helpful,thank you.Also tell your wife i said Happy mothers day and god bless you.
Refreshing What Has Already Been Taught
Reiterating the proper methods of successful REI is always helpful. When we hear the proper methods to use to accomplish our goals again and again, it helps to get them instilled into our minds and our own performance. Thank you again for this wonderful lesson and reminder about how to price a property and secure the deal honestly and at the same time being helpful for those that NEED to sell. I intend to reach my goals using these proven methods.
Another great formula
Thanks Dean,
Another great formula to solve a problem - that's what great about your approach. Approach potential obstacle with a formula to build confidence.
Keep it coming!
When the Student is Ready...
...the Teacher will appear.
I've never seen this to be truer than right now.
These past 2 lessons have been invaluable for me especially as I'm not adept at social engineering as most people are.
Thanks Dean! I appreciate your hard work and effort in all that you do!
Hey Dean
Makes perfect sense...but...most of foreclosures are in some sort of bad condition. They need repairs. SO, saying to the home owner, it retails at 100k and you said it needs 20k in repairs, and you are competing with foreclosures at 65k....they are not going to be OK with 45k, cause people are going know that most of the time a foreclosure needs repairs, and at 65k it is already factoring in the repair cost.
I would LOVE to see someone actually do this..Really, I would..it would be very helpful to see it work.
Thank you for another
Thank you for another lesson. It helps us overcome fear of giving low offers. Best wishes teaching at EDGE!
lesson, Thanks Dean for a great lesson and for having an extra weekend for the credit repair with Philip Tirone.
Always enjoy you weekly blog video.
great lesson
Thanks Dean
Hope u and your wife had a great mother's day.
Dean like always another great lesson.
Keep on sending all that good news to us.
To all in the DG. fam. that R mothers. I wish u all had a great mother day. Better late then never.
Keep up the good work.
Hit the nail on the head
Reading all the other comments expressed exactly my response to this video blog. That was a GREAT approach to negotiating with a perspective seller. Very simply, honest and up front. Just my style.
Awesome blog dean!
Thanks dean,"Thats what i needed to hear now i know what has to be done and like always another great blog."Keep them coming.
The importance of Education
Hi Dean:
The last two blogs have proved to me that you beleive in educating your students. (really good details on making a low offer) I was hoping that Lee was schedulled to speak at The Edge Event this week to educate your students on Private Money. At least consider having a Webinar with Lee so we can educate your students on the criteria we require to fund their deals. Hope that your Edge Event is a sucess.
Added to myToolbox
Another great blog that I will add to my toolbox. Thanks.
Exactly what I am in need of
Exactly what I am in need of hearing. I have been overwhelmed with so much information, but as of last week's blog I got back on track. This week's blog has started the engine and has given me the wisdom and strength I need to take it to the next level TODAY without fear! I thank God for you, Dean. Here goes.
~Have a Great Day~